
Sunday, January 18, 2015

PALESTINIANS HURL EGGS AND SHOES AT VISITING CANADIAN FOREIGN MINISTER JOHN BAIRD for supporting Israel - A year ago Arab MK heckled speech by Canadian PM Harper at the Israeli Knesset

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Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird stated:
We take a strong position supporting the only liberal and democratic state in the region.  We take the view that in a peace process, progress is best made at the negotiating table and not through unilateral actions on the other side. We’re proud of that position, we believe it’s the best one and don’t apologize for it.”
Give them a state? 
Palestinian protesters threw shoes and eggs at Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird in Ramallah after he met with his Palestinian counterpart.   (Nothing of this sort happens in Ramallah without authorization by top Palestinian authorities.)
UPDATE:  Visiting Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird told Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu Monday,
Canada doesn’t stand behind Israel;
we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with it.”
Netanyahu told Baird Monday, “To fight Islamist terrorism, we need clarity and courage. Canada has both. You know who is the aggressor; you know who is the defender. You know that Israel legitimately defends itself against the war crimes of Hamas and other terrorist groups. You know that it’s a travesty of justice to haul Israel to the dock in The Hague, and you know that the entire system of international law could unravel because of this travesty.”
Baird declared, “The great struggle of our generation is terrorism and far too often the State of Israel and the Jewish people around the world are on the front lines of that struggle.”

Palestinians throw eggs and shoes to their Canadian visitor:
Baird was not hurt during Sunday’s demonstration, though an egg struck the top of his car as it left the Foreign Ministry compound in Ramallah in the West Bank following a meeting with Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malaki, Reuters reported.
The protest was organized by the youth department of the Fatah movement to express opposition to the Canadian government’s positive stance toward Israel, the Palestinian Maan news agency reported.

Baird's car splattered with eggs.
Protesters held signs reading: “Baird you are not welcome in Palestine.” Canada last month voted against the Palestinian statehood proposal introduced at the United Nations Security Council.

Baird and top Palestinian peace negotiator Saeb Erekat have been arguing in statements to the media over Israel and its conflict with the Palestinians.

On Sunday, Erekat called on Baird to apologize for meeting Israeli officials last year at an office in eastern Jerusalem, which the Palestinians claim as the capital of a future Palestinian state.

Mr. Baird is to meet with Mr. Netanyahu on Monday. A planned tour of Jerusalem’s disputed Jewish and Muslim holy sites, the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque, was cancelled with no explanation.

The visit comes a year after Prime Minister Stephen Harper visited Israel and signed a strategic deal, which Mr. Baird on Sunday vowed to strengthen in co-operation with Mr. Lieberman. They signed a “Declaration of Solidarity and Friendship” that commits to closer collaboration on diplomacy, trade and development.
On trade, for example, Canada and Israel committed to doubling the value of their commerce over the next five years. 

AP Photo/Nasser Nasser
A Palestinian protester carries a banner that reads in Arabic "we refuse to receive this criminal, get out you child killer," while another protester chants slogans and holds a photo of Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird during Baird's meeting with Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki, in front of the Palestinian foreign ministry in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Sunday. (AP photo)



2014 - Arab MK interrupts and shouts at Canadian Prime Minister Harper during his speech at the Knesset.

PM Harper's statements in Israel in 2014

2006 -  Muslim plot to storm Parliament and behead Prime Minister Stephen Harper
Suspected terrorists planned to storm Parliament Hill and take hostages, while at least one wanted to behead Prime Minister Stephen Harper, according to charges made public Tuesday by a lawyer for one of the accused.

2014 - Terror attack on the Canadian Parliament by an armed Muslim terrorist

Give them a state?
A fighter of the Islamic State (ISIS)

ISIS cell uncovered in Israeli land the Palestinians want for their terror state
The Israel Security Agency (ISA or Shin Bet) has arrested seven Israeli Arabs, residents of the Galilee, for setting up an official Islamic State (ISIS) affiliate branch in Israel.

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