
Sunday, January 18, 2015


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Is the alleged threat a German government ruse
 to defuse and control the anti-Islamization movement?
Where can the limit on freedoms in the name of 
not offending Islam, or of fear of Muslim violence, end? 

Following the same logic, Merkel could ask Germans to refrain from drawing cartoons offensive to Islam, or speaking out against Islamization, or any normal activity in a healthy democracy, by citing unidentified threats.  Instead of going after the jihadists, Merkel is forcing a culture of submission.    The word Islam, by the way, means "submission".
The German people's pledge to democratic and peaceful means of protest is a tenuous one.  Only 70 years ago they were faithful devotees of the genocidal and tyrannical Nazi regime.  And only 25 years ago half of the country was submissive to a harsh Marxist dictatorship.
By alleging unidentified Muslim threats, Merkel has asked PEGIDA to cancel its regular rally.  Last time it asked them to do so it was under the false accusation that PEGIDA is a "racist" movement.  When PEGIDA refused, Merkel joined a Muslim rally organized by the Central Council of Muslims, a group linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.  Now Merkel is resorting to "threats" of Muslim violence to make PEGIDA cancel its rally.  It worked!

Or maybe PEGIDA organizers are being intimidated by police.  Government attempt to smother the peaceful anti-Islamization movement will only unleash a surge by the extreme right.
nazi brotherhood
Mufti of Jerusalem & Hitler

Merkel's attendance to a Muslim brotherhood rally brings us a disturbing reminder.
PHOTO Hitler himself worked closely with the Muslim Brotherhood.  The image on the right shows Hitler with the Mufti of Jerusalem, the Palestinian leader at the time, who moved to Berlin to work hand in hand with Hitler and other top Nazis in the implementation of the Final Solution - not only for European Jews, but for those living in Judea (renamed Palestine by the Romans).
After World War II Marxist Germany continued its collaboration with Nazi Arabs by supporting, arming and funding Arab terrorists engaged in killing Jews and threatening Israel.
Merkel, born and raised in Marxist Germany, is playing with fire.  It is not known what the real agenda behind her policy of  protecting-Islam-right-or-wrong is because, as she stated a few days ago, "Islam belongs in Germany".  (Unwittingly she is admitting that the Muslim ideology fits like a glove in a nation with a Nazi past and a semi-clandestine Neo-Nazi movement.)
Continue reading, including PEGIDA's declaration of principles and goals

Is she using unimpeded Muslim immigration, the empowerment of German Islam, and increased Islamization of Germany to dilute German culture, the way Labour destroyed British traditional culture through out-of-control Muslim immigration, thus ensuring a steady supply of Labour voters?
Recently British PM Cameron timidly asked Merkel permission to put a cap on immigration that is taking over his country, and she refused.  What she says goes in the European Union.
What is Merkel's end game?

Dresden (Germany) (AFP) – Germany’s anti-Islamic PEGIDA movement said it has cancelled a planned march on Monday, citing a death threat against organisers from the Islamic State jihadist group.

Breitbart - “Cancelled! Dear friends, unfortunately we must cancel our 13th meeting due to security concerns,” the group “Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident” said on its Facebook page on Sunday.
AP Photo/Jens Meyer
A PEGIDA rally
“What in police jargon is called an ‘abstract threat’ has changed to a ‘concrete death threat’ against a member of the organising team. IS terrorists have ordered his assassination.”
Germany’s Der Spiegel news weekly reported Friday that foreign intelligence services had picked up communications by some “known international jihadists”, without giving specific details.
shariah pegidaThe intelligence, which was passed to German authorities, indicated they had discussed possible attacks on PEGIDA rallies.  “We take these leads very seriously,” Spiegel quoted an unnamed high-ranking security official as saying.
PEGIDA said it had discussed the threat with state police and the internal security agency.  It had decided to scrap the event in the eastern city of Dresden as it could not guarantee the security of marchers and feared “collateral damage”.
Top-circulation daily Bild said in an online report that the threat targeted PEGIDA founder Lutz Bachmann.  Dresden police declined immediate comment.
41_487567611253249_345644602_n-viPEGIDA marches began in Dresden with several hundred supporters three months ago and have steadily grown, to number 25,000 last Monday, five days after the attacks in Paris by Islamists in which 17 people were killed.



January 20, 2015
In order to counteract Merkel's and the media's attempts to smear PEGIDA as a racist movement, its leaders summarized the organization's principles and goals:
At the press conference, PEGIDA leaders sought to reach out to what they have long dubbed the "lying press" and to moderate the group's image, saying it was not against foreigners or Islam but against "Islamization".
They distanced themselves from crude racist slurs, signs reading "Islam=cancer" and the presence of neo-Nazis at past rallies, insisting that most of their supporters are citizens fed up with contemporary politics.
In a list of six core demands, they called for immigration reform modelled on the Canadian system, to attract more skilled professionals and fewer refugees, and for more steps obliging foreigners to "integrate".
They said "Islamists and religious fanatics must be expelled and not allowed to return", while also calling for "direct democracy" through referendums and for tighter domestic security.
They vowed to continue their rallies and not be deprived of freedom of assembly and speech any more.

Read more


Jerusalem University Arab rally
Palestinian Arabs - Nazis then, Nazis now.
The history of collaboration between Nazis and Palestinians, and the Nazi racist and genocidal ideology behind Palestinian nationalism.  Palestinians revere Hitler, their militias make the Nazi salute, and they sometimes fly home-made Nazi flags.
Read article by Manfred Gesternfeld
See links for background information.

Islam means submission or surrender
Lissan al-Arab, one of the most authoritative lexicons of the Arabic language, mentions that the word 'Islam' is derived from the root verb istaslama (استسلاما); which means 'to submit' or 'give in' or 'surrender'.

Chairman of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, Aiman Mazyek (left) and  German Chancellor Angela Merkel (right) were among thousands at a Muslim community rally, less than 24 hours after a record 25,000 people attended a right-wing protest
Angela Merkel joins Muslim Brotherhood rally after asking Germans to cancel all anti-Islamization rallies
Photo:  Merkel and German Muslim leader at rally

BY STUBBORNLY IGNORING THE PUBLIC OUTCRY AGAINST THE ISLAMIZATION OF THE WEST and the role of Islam in terror attacks, our leaders, media and elites will help empower the extreme right and unleash disaster


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