
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

ISLAM MESSES WITH TEXAS - SHARIA COURT now operating in Texas - Also Texas police enforced illegal denial of access to right wing and and Jewish reporters to a Muslim-organized event at a public site

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Don't mess with Texas?  Or bow to Islam?  Which one is it?   
An Islamic Tribunal using Sharia law in Texas has been confirmed by Breitbart Texas. The tribunal is operating as a non-profit organization in Dallas. One of the attorneys for the tribunal said participation and acceptance of the tribunal’s decisions are “voluntary.”


Islamic Tribunal - Dallas

Breitbart Texas spoke with one of the “judges,” Dr. Taher El-badawi. He said the tribunal operates under Sharia law as a form of “non-binding dispute resolution.” El-badawi said their organization is “a tribunal, not arbitration.”
A tribunal is defined by Meriam-Webster’s Dictionary as “a court or forum of justice.” The four Islamic attorneys call themselves “judges” not “arbitrators.”
El-badawi said the tribunal follows Sharia law to resolve civil disputes in family and business matters. He said they also resolve workplace disputes.
CONTINUE READING, including the Muslim-organized public event that banned entry to Jewish and right wing media, illegal acts enforced by Texas police.

In matters of divorce, El-badawi said that “while participation in the tribunal is voluntary, a married couple cannot be considered divorced by the Islamic community unless it is granted by the tribunal.” He compared their divorce, known as “Talaq,” as something similar to the Catholic practice of annulment in that the church does not recognize civil divorce proceedings as ending a marriage.
He also said there is a difference between how a man and a woman can request a divorce under their system. “The husband can request the divorce directly from the tribunal,” El-badawi stated. “The wife must go to an Imam who will request the divorce for her.” He called it “two paths to the same result.”
The practice of Khula is the process where a wife can initiate a divorce proceeding and where the husband can agree to the divorce in exchange for a financial compensation.
It appears the wife must agree to give up any claim to the “dower” that was not already paid or to return it if it has already been paid. Once the financial issues are resolved the husband can then proclaim the Talaq (divorce).
El-badawi said they follow Texas family law when it comes to child support, visitation, and custody. He said that in most cases, custody of children is awarded to the mother.
Breitbart Texas asked what happens when there is a conflict between Sharia law and Texas law. El-badawi said most of the time, the laws are in agreement. When pushed further he admitted that, “we follow Sharia law.”
However, he explained, “If the parties are not satisfied with the tribunal’s decision, they do not have to accept it and they can take the matter to Texas civil courts.” He did not say what the social ramifications of rejecting the “judge’s” decision would be.
The website for the Islamic Tribunal states, “The courts of the United States of America are costly and consist of ineffective lawyers.  Discontent with the legal system leads many Muslims in America to postpone justice in this world and opt for an audience on the Day of Judgment.”
It goes on to state, “It is with this issue that Muslims here in America are obligated to find a way to solve conflicts and disputes according to the principles of Islamic Law and its legal heritage of fairness and justice in a manner that is reasonable and cost effective.”
In explaining Sharia law, the website states, “Stoning adulterers, cutting of the hands, polyandry and the like (all can be traced in the relevant literature and can be explained in their Islamic legal mentality and rational context in fairness and justice), are mainly a part of Islamic Criminal Law. 
"In fact criminal law within Islam only makes up a fraction of the Shari’ah.  It is unscholarly and unfair to generalize that type of understanding, that is Criminal Law, to compromise the whole of Islamic law if we stick to speaking in technical terms.”
The website lists four “judges:” Imam Yusuf Z.Kavakci, Imam Moujahed Bakhach, Imam Zia ul Haque Sheikh and Dr. El-badawi. It states the Islamic Tribunal resolves business disputes, divorce (Talaq) cases, community problems, serious family problems, and Khula.
El-badawi restated several times that participation in the tribunal is voluntary. However, he would not discuss what happens to someone who did not follow their rulings.

Bob Price is a senior political news contributor for Breitbart Texas and a member of the original Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX.
Texas police enforcing Muslim laws at a public event held in a building funded by taxpayers.
Muslim advocate group CAIR (with terrorist links) barred Jewish ticket holders and right-wing media from attending the ‘Stand with the Prophet’ conference in Texas.

It was a public event and it is against the law to discriminate against any orderly person with a valid ticket on the basis of religion.
FOX News and Free Beacon were also banned even after they showed press credentials.
Alan Kornman and Damon Rosen, both reporters with the United West, said they were ticketed for the event but then barred from entering because they were Jewish.

“Why can’t I come in?” Rosen shouted at attendees attempting to make their way into the event center. “Is it because I’m a Jew? … I’m a Jew with a ticket who can’t come in.”

Police threatened to arrest them for criminal trespassing. The venue was held at the Culwell Center, a taxpayer funded building.  As such, CAIR was in clear violation of the Culwell Centers Regulation 1.04 articulating the public cannot be denied access to this or any other event held there.

An event organizer claimed that while some media outlets had been permitted to cover the event, the Free Beacon was not approved to attend and would not be permitted into the event, which was billed by organizers as a “movement to defend Prophet Muhammad, his person, and his message.”

Keynote speakers at the event were scheduled to include Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombings trial, and Georgetown University professor John Esposito, founding director of the school’s Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, which has come under fire for, among other things, hosting 9/11 Truthers and a member of Egypt’s Nazi Party.

Citing space constraints and a potential “fire hazard,” one unnamed event representative declined to provide specific information about why the Free Beacon would not be permitted to enter the Curtis Culwell Center, a taxpayer-funded event center owned by the Garland Independent School District.

When pressed to explain this decision, the organizer said his comments were off the record and then told a nearby police officer that he was “done” speaking to a reporter. 

The officer then herded the Free Beacon back into a media holding area that had been established in the parking lot.

The reporters actually granted access to the event were only permitted to cover the first 20 minutes before being asked to leave.

Two reporters from Alex Jones’s Infowars website were able to attend the event, and told the Free Beacon as they left that they were made to sign a consent form ensuring they would not record anything they saw at the conference.
John Robertson
Christian protestor
John Robertson
Reporters from The Blaze and some local television channels also were permitted to cover the first 20 minutes of the event before being forced to leave.
Protestors held rally outside the conference site.
United West - whose reporters were banned access to Muslim event, because they were Jewish
Other news:
Creeping Sharia - Texas News

 Sharia Law explained:

About Islam
Click on tab on top of the page on this website for explanation of Islamic or Sharia Law

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