
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

BY STUBBORNLY IGNORING THE PUBLIC OUTCRY AGAINST THE ISLAMIZATION OF THE WEST and the role of Islam in terror attacks, our leaders, media and elites will help empower the extreme right and unleash disaster

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European governments do not have any realistic plan to counterattack the  Islamic takeover of Europe by demography and by stealth, and the violent attacks on citizens and institutions. 
The European elite clings to the discredited concept of Multiculturalism while the seas rage around them. 
Back in the years after World War I German leaders were tone deaf to the calls for reform of the old political system.  They grudgingly agreed to changes but they were not enough to ensure the health of the democratic rights movement. 
The political center allied itself with the traditional right in order to keep law and order in and the Communists out, and in the process they weakened the democratic center left.  The result was the eventual empowerment of the Nazi Party. 
These days people are clamoring for an end to the Islamization of Europe, but German leader Angela Merkel does not want to hear anything. 
Demonstrators bear flags of several European countries during a rally of the group Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West, or PEGIDA, in Dr...
Merkel has been demanding an end to peaceful non-racist demonstrations by Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West or PEGIDA, which calls for upholding European values, the end to creeping Sharia law in Germany, and control over immigration from Muslim countries.  

She is also firmly against any limit to Muslim immigration into Europe. 
Merkel, raised in Communist Germany, is smearing PEGIDA as a racist movement, while ignoring the latent danger of the politically suppressed Nazi ideology that has been waiting for decades for the right moment to rise to power again. 
The present conditions are leading exactly where Neo-Nazis will be able to claim to being the ONLY option against the complete Islamization of Germany and Europe - because politicians from the traditional right, left, and center have failed them. 
But Angela Merkel and other European leaders are clinging stubbornly to multiculturalist policies that have proven - in their own words - to have been a complete failure.  Muslims don't want to integrate, they want to dominate.
France is finished
French officials have already acknowledged that their fight against Muslim terror is lost.  They can't keep up with the rising numbers of Islamist individuals in the country.  They would need tens of thousands of anti-terror intelligence officers just to keep track of all suspects. 
The enemy is already ensconced deep inside the heart of France.  All that the French government can do now is to mobilize the police and the army to guard tourist attractions, large department stores, major transportation centers,  Jewish institutions, and other vulnerable locations.  Most of the country is unguarded and at the mercy of the enemy.
But the socialist government of Francois Hollande, and for that matter all other politicians from the left and the traditional right, lie to the people and play down the fact that France is finished, while they pander to the Muslim vote by repeating the mantra that Muslim terror has nothing to do with Islam.
The mainstream media has also been a firm cheerleader of the Multicultural ideology, while denying Islam has anything to do with terror.

The following articles are a small selection highlighting Western leaders' pernicious denial of reality, motivated by political correctness, the need for Muslim votes, and other self-serving considerations.  And sometimes, as in the case of the UK Labour Party,  their deliberate effort to dilute Western culture. 

These articles are from a variety of sources, many of them from liberal websites that still support the multicultural agenda. 
I have also included some websites that cover this issue.  I'm not necessarily endorsing them, but they contain information you don't normally read on the mainstream media.
January 12 - Angela Merkel asks PEGIDA to cancel its march
German politicians previously called on Pegida to cancel their weekly march, saying the movement had no right to incite hatred against Muslims using the Paris attacks.
PEGIDA went ahead.
Images of  PEGIDA demonstrations in Germany
Marine Le Pen and her National Front on the rise
She and the far right are ripe to seize the moment
Slate Magazine, January 2015 - It is time for “frank and clear responses” against “inaction and denial,” she declared. In other words: The country’s two main political parties have failed to stem the Islamist tide, and you the voters now have all the evidence you need that France requires new leadership. “I intend to assume this vital responsibility so France can defend itself in the war that has been declared upon her,” she continued.
Mrs Merkel is understood to have indicated she is prepared to back proposals for strict limits on migrant access to benefits and public servicesUK PM Cameron would like to cap the number of immigrants into the UK, but Germany's chancellor Merkel opposes it.  Cameron is not trying too hard, anyway.
January 7 - Plans for a cap on the number of European migrants coming to Britain were dropped by David Cameron just 48 hours before they were due to be unveiled after protests by Angela Merkel, Government sources say.  She was vehemently opposed to the idea of an ‘emergency brake’ that could be applied if EU migrants exceeded forecasts.
Archbishop:  Fear of criticizing Islam has given Britain a self-imposed Sharia Law 
May 2014 - Neo-Nazis elected to the European Parliament
The “Alternative for Germany” with 6.5 percent of the Germany's vote 
In Greece the neo-Nazi ‘Golden Dawn’ party obtained nine percent of the vote.
The UN effort to flood the West with Muslims refugees instead of helping minorities persecuted by Islam
December 2014  -  The United Nations blocks Canada's effort to bring in refugees from minorities persecuted by Islam, such as Christians and Yazidis.  They insist that Canada bring in Muslim refugees from Syria.
UPDATE:  January 7, 2015:
Canada will resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees, but giving priority to minorities persecuted by Islam.
The government has also come under fire for saying that it will "prioritize" refugees by ethnic and religious minorities.  Today, a spokesman for Alexander told CBC News the government makes "no apologies" for that.
"Canada is focusing on vulnerable individuals and those facing persecution. We make no apologies for putting focus on people in need, some of whom are being persecuted based on their religious beliefs.  Our priority is and will continue to be on those who are at risk because they are a religious minority, a sexual minority, or victims of rape," Kevin Ménard told CBC News in an email.
European leaders KNOW that multiculturalism has failed  - They have said so. 
February 2011:  Nicolas Sarkozy joins David Cameron and Angela Merkel view that multiculturalism has failed.
Walter E. Williams
Multiculturalism is a failure - By Walter E. Williams
German Chancellor Angela Merkel declared that in Germany, multiculturalism has "utterly failed." Both Australia's ex-prime minister John Howard and Spain's ex-prime minister Jose Maria Aznar reached the same conclusion about multiculturalism in their countries.
British Prime Minister David Cameron has warned that multiculturalism is fostering extremist ideology and directly contributing to homegrown Islamic terrorism.
UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage said the United Kingdom's push for multiculturalism has not united Britons but pushed them apart. It has allowed for Islam to emerge despite Britain's Judeo-Christian culture.
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair said the roots of violent Islamism are not "superficial but deep" and can be found "in the extremist minority that now, in every European city, preach hatred of the West and our way of life."
The bottom line is that much of the Muslim world is at war with Western civilization. There's no question that the West has the military might to thwart radical Islam's agenda. The question up for grabs is whether we have the intelligence to recognize the attack and the will to defend ourselves from annihilation.
Read more
UK Labour Party immigration policies have been characterized as outright treason
By using unfettered Muslim immigration, the UK Labour Party transformed Britain by stealth turning it into a country where whites will become a minority in only a few decades, and where Sharia law is already a fact. 
The UK Labour Party lied to the voters about their hidden immigration agenda, which was to rub the nose of traditional society and to increase their voting base by bringing in an unlimited number of migrants from Asia and Africa and thus change British society forever.  A Labour Party whistleblower tells the truth.
"9/11 was tough on Muslims"
Typically Democrat - January 13, 2015 - Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi announced in a closed-door meeting Tuesday she would name the first Muslim lawmaker to the House’s Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. The announcement comes in the wake of a terrorist attack in Paris by Islamic extremists that left 12 people dead.
Six times when the current US administration said its job is to promote Islam
Continue reading

Islamization of the West
and facts about Islam
Jihad Watch
Palestinian Media Watch
The Religion of Peace
Creeping Sharia
The Muslim Issue
Militant Islam Monitor
Barenaked Islam
Gates of Vienna
Money Jihad
Andrew Bostom
Prof. Bill Warner
His YouTube channel (recommended)
Political Islam - Prof Bill Warner
Soeren Kern

The Islamization of Europe and European Anti-Semitism
Columns by Dr Manfred Gerstenfeld
Geert Wilders
Tundra Tabloids
The greatest genocide
At least 250 million non-Muslims slaughtered by Islam through the centuries


Why we are afraidFor a brief and fascinating look at Islam and why we are afraid, watch Professor Bill Warner's chat on the history of Islam.  He'll tell you facts that are being deliberately obscured by the media and other politically correct institutions.

Interview with Bill Warner

Bill Warner on Islam

Mark Humphrys' in-depth article on Islam's violence with numerous links to different subjects exposing Islam's true nature.

ISIS is selling women as slaves.  Nothing new, as you can see.  Slavery is part of Islam

Myths of Islam -

The four stages of Islamic conquest (when not by outright invasion, as in the case of ISIS) -

What the Koran says about violence -

Islam and human rights


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