
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

AUSCHWITZ WAS ONLY YESTERDAY - So spare us your speeches, your empty gestures, your fake sympathy - while you undermine ISRAEL, the ancestral land of the Jews, and the ONLY TRUE REFUGE for survivors and descendants

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This note is not  for Europe, that has persecuted, tortured, and massacred Jews through the centuries, and that today paves the way for a second Holocaust by demanding Israel's partition for the creation of a genocidal Arab terror state.
French president Francois Hollande lays a wreath at the Shoah memorial in Paris as part of Holocaust Memorial Day. Later he was at Auschwitz to pay his respects
Hypocrisy:  French president at Auschwitz.
Just weeks ago  his government recognized
 the State of Palestine while
demanding another partition of Israel
and new borders leading to a second Holocaust

It is not for the nations that directly collaborated with the Nazis, or indirectly as the United States, Britain and Canada did by refusing asylum to Jews desperate to leave Nazi Europe, and also by refusing to bomb and destroy German railways leading to death camps  and crematoria. 

Or to Britain in particular, for betraying the League of Nations for Palestine by illegally partitioning Jewish land for the creation of a brand-new Arab state, Transjordan (today's Jordan), while they blocked access to Jews who wanted to return to their Jewish homeland during and after the Holocaust. 

Nobody denounces the British government disgraceful behavior then, or their shameless demands today for yet another partition of Israel.

It is not for Islam that ever since its rise in the 7th century has subjected the world to their violent conquest, forced conversions, slavery, and a genocide conservatively estimated at 250 million non-Muslims deaths. 

Their prophet Mohammad ordered the decapitation of 1,000 Jews in one single day.  Many massacres followed through the centuries.
Mufti of Jerusalem & Hitler
This note is not for the Muslims from Palestine, whose leader, the Mufti of Jerusalem, lived in Berlin during the Nazi years planning, along with Hitler and other top Nazis, the extermination of all world Jews.  

The Mufti of Jerusalem formed a Muslim Nazi SS Division operating in Eastern Europe that was even more brutal than the German SS, and was guilty of crimes against humanity.   
This note is not for Muslims who today engage in the greatest demonization of Jews ever - even surpassing in viciousness the one perpetrated by Nazi propaganda itself. 

You, the average reader, never get to see the language expressed by Palestinians and other Arabs.    

The media make sure Muslim outrages get played down or - if reported at all - that they be balanced with some anti-Israel comment so as to imply that Jews are to blame for Muslim rage.  The media endeavors as well to contrive a moral equivalence between Israeli defense and Muslim terror.
Still, this note is not for the Western media, whose main concern appears to be that news about Muslim bad behaviour might result in "Islamophobia".   Phobia means fear, a normal human reaction to the violence, oppression, and dehumanization in Islam's actions since its inception in the 7th century, and in every single day of our lives. 
Nazi salute - A Palestinian university rally
And this note is not for politicians, with their practical needs for Muslim votes and donations, and whose platforms and policies are based on convenience, not morals. 

Politicians too seem concerned with protecting their Muslim constituency from their victims' suspicion and fear.   

Our political leaders go as far as to dissociate terror from Islam - the religion in whose name violence is committed.   Just call them extremists, militants, gunmen, insurgents, fighters - or in the case of the Palestinians - the resistance.  But not terrorists, and definitely don't call them Muslims.  
And this note is not for international organizations, the European Union and the United Nations in particular.
European Union  minister Catherine Ashton omitted all mention of the word "Jew" during the January 2014 Holocaust commemoration.   That's quite a feat:  A commemoration of six million Jews murdered by Europeans, and she could not bring herself to say the word Jew.

And this note is not for humanitarian organizations that never see Jews as victims.  Only as perpetrators, if only for the fact that they exist.

No, this note is not for any of the above. 

This note is for the Jews, particularly the liberal Jews in the West and in Israel who have embraced a variety of causes - including Palestinian nationalism , while subjecting Israel to an unfair, unrealistic, and harsh kind of scrutiny that only inflames anti-Semitism.

This note is to denounce the American Jewish liberals that betrayed Holocaust victims during World War II,  and then betrayed the thousands of Israelis who have been injured or murdered at the hands of  Muslims since then. 

American Jews did little or nothing to save European Jews during the Holocaust.  They did not want to jeopardize their status and appear to be less American than their neighbors by taking up the cause of European Jews.

And while Israel has been fighting for its life, comfortable American Jews may send money to Israel but they fail miserably to support Israel in its war with Islam and international anti-Semitism. 

Jewish American journalists and entertainers have used their fame to propagandize in favor of the Palestinians, equating the suffering of 6 million Israeli Jews with the plight of the Muslim conqueror - 1.5 BILLION of them

Jewish Jon Stewart, with his WASP-sounding name, characterized terrorist Hamas as "freedom fighters".    He deserves mention because he is such a familiar presence in every American household, and because a large percentage of Americans say they get their news from his show!

Steven Spielberg has built his credentials and assuaged his conscience by working on a film data base of Holocaust survivor stories.  Very laudable.  All elderly or dead Jews. 

Mr Spielberg films with his smartphone inside a tent at Auschwitz, which has been erected for the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the death camp 
Spielberg taking pictures at Auschwitz memorial
But in his film career Spielberg has indirectly embraced the Palestinian cause by turning what was a clear cut act of Arab terror into a film about Jewish vengeance.  

The Religion of Peace website says this about Steven Spielberg's movie "Munich":

it is specifically intended to turn attention away from the cold-blooded murder of thirteen Israelis at the 1972 Olympics and squarely onto their own country's response. Not surprisingly, the movie is CAIR-approved.  

CAIR is a Muslim advocacy group in America that has been directly linked to terrorist groups.

American Jews have been solidly behind Obama - regardless of this president's consistent pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel stance and his relentless pressure on  Israel to make suicidal concessions. 

About 74% of American Jews cast their votes for Obama.  And would do it again.  Surveys find that Israel is not one of their top issues of concern.  Their loyalty is with the Democrats and their liberal causes.

American Jews are disappearing.  They are intermarrying and assimilating at great speed.  Their influence too is dwindling.   Perhaps in a couple of generations they will have achieved their goal of  becoming so Americanized as to be indistinguishable from the rest of the population.  Their Jewish ancestors only a footnote in their family history.

Their disappearance is sad but inevitable. 

But what is truly sad is the dishonorable way in which they are receding into the sunset:  by betraying Israel, their ancestral homeland, and by betraying Jewish victims. 

No humanitarian activity will be able to compensate for their act of collaboration with those who victimize Jews and with those advocating the conditions for a second Holocaust in Israel through the "land for peace" hoax. 

Continue reading, including references


The League of Nations Mandate for Palestine -
Britain's violation of the Mandate.  Maps
for the Massacre of Jews by Arabs in 1920   -
 And how the modern notion that Israel has no right to self-defense became ingrained

Palestinian collaboration with Nazi Germany and their ongoing identification with Nazi ideology

Palestinian Media Watch (recommended)
The almost unknown degree of racism and genocidal propaganda by the 'moderate' Palestinian Authority

This Ongoing War
Blog dedicated to expose relentless Arab terror against Israeli Jews 

View image on Twitter
Mahmoud Abbas & his hero
Terror is not terror when the victims are Jewish.
The I Am Charlie march that completely ignored the Jewish victims, and where terrorist Mahmoud Abbas was invited as a guest of honor.
And see link to the list of Israeli victims of Arab terror since the year 2,000.  The Holocaust continues, in slow motion.

And the whitewashing of Islam by Western liberals

The (ongoing) Arab Slave Trade


Only dead Jews are acceptable to Europeans. 
Sometimes not even those are worth of mention. 
-  To Ireland Holocaust memorial organizer:  "If you mention the word ISRAEL, you're fired."

-  And European Union minister Catherine Ashton does not mention the word JEW even once during her Holocaust commemoration speech.
Read more


Right after the massacre of Charlie Hebdo cartoonists
 and Jews at a Kosher market,
Europe invited arch terrorist Mahmoud Abbas as a guest of honor
to the March for Unity in Paris. 
Abbas was the financial mastermind of the Munich Olympics massacre of Israeli athletes, denies the Holocaust, and continues to openly support and finance Arab terror against Israeli Jews of all ages.

 France asked the Israeli PM not to show up at the March
 because he made them "uncomfortable"

Germany and the rest of Europe
 support terrorists who kill Jews
Germans contracting out the Syrians to gas Jews
The German government has been aware for decades that German companies were selling poison gas to Syria for use against Israelis.  The documents are secret and the government refuses to act.

Chairman of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, Aiman Mazyek (left) and  German Chancellor Angela Merkel (right) were among thousands at a Muslim community rally, less than 24 hours after a record 25,000 people attended a right-wing protestGerman Chancellor Angela Merkel attends Muslim rally organized by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Behind their spoken support for Israel, they fund its demonization through their NGOs

The 'moderate' Palestinian Authority pays up to $3,400 a month to terrorists who kill Jews - All funded by you, the US and EU taxpayer.

State Department allied with terrorists and killers of Jews

Muslim Brotherhood mainstreamed into the current US administration

How the CIA helped the Muslim Brotherhood infiltrate the West

Jon Stewart calls Hamas "freedom fighters"

Comments on Steven Spielberg's film Munich

Jewish liberals in Israel - The Israeli Left treasonous behavior

by agitating for further Land For Peace withdrawals - where Israel gets neither land nor peace.
The discredited Israeli Left and their disproportionate and fatal influence in government.

Europe refused to save the talented, patriotic and productive Jews. Today it submits to the invasion of people who hate Europe and its culture, and who use violence to impose their views.

The camp's huge fences offer a poignant reminder of the harrowing conditions under which those imprisoned in the camp were kept

Daily Mail photo-essay of the last survivors' gathering at Auschwitz, January 2015.

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