
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

WHITE HOUSE FINDS ISRAEL THE FOURTH MOST "UNACCEPTABLE" COUNTRY IN THE WORLD (mostly for building apartments in Jerusalem), ranking between N. Korea and Pakistan - While the US president refuses to recognize Jerusalem as belonging to Israel, he favors opening embassies in Cuba and Iran

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The State Department, speaking for the White House, described Israeli actions  as "unacceptable" 87 times in 2014

Different moral priorities


While the Middle East burns and Christians are massacred, and while Palestinians murder rabbis and babies, the White House considers Jews building homes in Jerusalem "UNACCEPTABLE".


"Unacceptable" because the White House wants to give ancient Jewish Jerusalem to Islam, as the capital of another Arab terror state.  

Jen Psaki, spokesperson for the US State Department. (Archive Photo: AFP)
State Dept Jen Psaki
Foreign Policy magazine used the State Department's search engine to find that the top 10 countries for whom “unacceptable” was most often used by the Obama administration were: Syria (147), Iran (118), North Korea (115), Israel (87), Pakistan (83), Russia (78), Egypt (77), China (74), Afghanistan (66), and Iraq (63).
Most of the condemnations relating to Israel involved building in settlements or the announcement of plans to construct additional housing behind the Green Line.
US government spokespeople also castigated Israel for civilian casualties during the Protective Edge operation against Hamas terrorists in Gaza, although Israel made extraordinary efforts to avoid collateral damage, even going to the extent of warning  of upcoming destruction of Hamas arsenals.  Hamas admitted more than once that it used human shields, and that it launched rockets from UN facilities and private homes.   


Image result for TOM COTTON REP
According to Sen-elect Tom Cotton (R-AR), Obama’s priorities regarding Cuba, Iran and Israel were out of whack.
“I think it’s appalling that President Obama would consider putting an embassy in Teheran, or for that matter Havana, before he puts one in Jerusalem,” Cotton said. “I think it’s just a continued example of how he’s weak and soft on our adversaries to whom he grants concessions, and yet harsh on our allies to countries like Israel." 
Read more
President Obama apologizes to Castro.  Relations headed for normalization.
President Obama says that it is possible that the US will open an embassy in Iran too.

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The White House wants to give Jerusalem to Islam
The State Department refuses to register Jerusalem, Israel, as the birthplace of an American citizen.
The issue is now before the US Supreme Court.

White House and the world condemn Israel for Gaza civilian casualties, but Hamas admits using human shields

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