
Thursday, January 1, 2015

THE ZOO IN OUTER SPACE - Experiment has placed 46 species outside the Space Station to observe radiation effects on life forms such as microbes and fungi

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  • 46 species of bacteria, fungi and arthropods were delivered by a Progress supply ship to the Station in July
  • Could help solve the mystery of possible life on Mars.
  • Cosmonauts Alexander Skvortsov and Oleg Artemyev attached the package to the outside of the Zvezda module on 18 August
  • Some compartments recreate the Martian atmosphere by filtering some sunlight and retaining some pressure
  • Will remain for 18 months to study how they deal with space radiation
  • Expose has special compartments that recreate the martian atmosphere by filtering some sunlight and retaining some pressure.
    The Expose-2 experiment has special compartments that recreate the Martian atmosphere by filtering some sunlight and retaining some pressure.

    Earth is protected from the Sun's full radiation by our atmosphere filtering out the hard-hitting short wavelengths that are damaging to life. 
    It is difficult to recreate on the ground the full spectrum of the Sun's light so these experiments in space are the only way to test how biological and material samples behave in conditions beyond Earth.
    The view of Earth when cosmonauts were installing the mini-zoo
    ESA has a long history of testing organisms and organic chemicals in the harsh environment of space.   Previous experiments revealed that lichens and water bears (tardigrades)  can survive spaceflight unprotected, hinting at the possibility of species colonising planets via meteoroids.
    Not every sample is suffering the same level of discomfort on its epic ride in space.   Expose has special compartments that recreate the Martian atmosphere by filtering some sunlight and retaining some pressure.
    René Demets, ESA's project scientist for Expose, said: 'The Martian sections allow us to investigate to what extent terrestrial life can cope with the extreme conditions on the Red Planet.  We hope they will contribute to the discussion about the possibility of life on Mars.'
    All the samples are stored in duplicate or even triplicate to strengthen the scientific results when the three trays are returned to Earth in early 2016 for analysis. 
    The experiment contains numerous chambers that are filled with biomolecules and organisms that include bacteria, archaea, algae, fungi, lichens and mosses.   Some samples of each biomolecule or organism are embedded in a simulant Mars soil (ranging from just a single layer of soil to multiple layers), and other samples are left on their own to face the space environment without protection.
    Various filters are also being used on the sample chambers to test exposure to different levels of radiation.  By doing this, scientists are able to simulate the solar radiation present at the Martian surface.

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