
Thursday, December 4, 2014

THE DEEP AND MAGICAL BOND BETWEEN CHILDREN AND THEIR PETS captured by heartwarming images by Russian photographer

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When these children become senior citizens, they will once again turn to pets for company and selfless affection. 
We need to reflect more carefully on how little we appreciate animals, while sometimes overrating our fellow human beings. 
During these holidays please be generous to reputable organizations that rescue and give shelter to homeless animals. 
Our friends and relatives already own enough stuff - while animals expect nothing except a little love and food to stay alive. 
Here is looking at you kid - Touching images of the powerful bond between children and animals

For many people, a pet can be their most loyal companion - a trusted soul-mate with whom they experience the highs and lows of life.   Pictures were taken by mother-of-two Elena Shumilova of children and their pets in Moscow and Andreapol, Russia.  They capture children and their pets at various moments in every-day life in Moscow and Andreapol, Russia.  
A young boy rests his head against his loyal companion as they snuggle up together on a cosy rug 
 The photographer shows the moving moment a girl cuddles her cat - the pictures were taken in Moscow and Andreapol, in Russia
Se additional images by Elena Shumilova

A boy and his cat collect leaves in one of the pictures taken by Ms Shumilova to demonstrate the unique bond between pets and owners
A boy and his cat create drawings on a misty window in the selection of pictures that show the powerful bond owners have with their pets
Photographer Elena Shumilova captures a young boy gazing out on to a lake with his arm wrapped around his pet dog 
A young girl is chased by her dog as she charges through a woodland - the photographer said 'pets are members of our family' 
A girl shelters under the lashing rain on a rock with her spaniel and cat also jostling for a dry spot under her umbrella 
A child drifts off to sleep while cuddling her puppy - the photographer said she felt 'inspired' while capturing the moving moments 
Photos of little kids and their really BIG dogs
More stories of animal friendships with children, adults, and with other animals, on this blog

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