
Sunday, December 28, 2014

THE BRITISH WARPED JUSTICE SYSTEM where the perpetrator, if foreign born, cannot be deported no matter how egregious his crimes, in consideration to his rights according to the Human Rights Act.

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If not to their home country, couldn't they be deported to an island somewhere?  Just think, any of them could be your next-door neighbor.

Some typical cases:  an arsonist, a murderer and a rapist are free to walk the streets.   An African mass murderer wins his case to stay in Britain. 

They have all been allowed to stay in consideration to their rights according to the Human Rights Act.  There are thousands of these cases in Britain.  Here are a few examples:

Zambian man jailed for two years for torching buildings during the London riots can't be kicked out of Britain because he 'would not be welcomed' in homeland.
Janbazian got involved in the 2011 riots and set fire to the offices near his home in Haringey, north London
  • Joseph Janbazian Zulu, 20, sentenced to four and a half years for arson
  • He set alight council buildings during the summer of 2011 London riots 
  • Was sent to his homeland of Zambia but tribunal overturned the decision
  • Said breached his family life as close to family and knew no one in Zambia
  • Tribunal also told he would 'not be welcome' in Zambia because of record
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    War criminal: The man was a fighter in the Janjaweed militia which killed an estimated 300,000 people during the war in Darfur, but he came to Britain after hearing it was 'a good place to claim asylum'Muslim war criminal that killed 300,000 in Darfur… wins right to stay in UK
    • Fighter in the Janjaweed militia which killed 300,000 during war in Darfur
    • Man said in interviews that he joined in burning and looting of 30 villages. 
    • But judge said his life would be at risk if he returned to his home country.
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    Jamaican killer we can't deport because he is GAY: Illegal migrant suddenly remembers he is homosexual to avoid being kicked out.
  • Jamaican man, 29, arrived in Britain in December 2000 when he was 15
  • Known as JR in court matters, he cannot be named for legal reasons
  • He was 'party to the murder of another teenage boy' in Britain in 2001
  • Sent to jail in 2002, he was released in 2012 and is now free to walk streets
  • Home Secretary Theresa May has been fighting for his deportation from UK
  • But JR, who only announced he was gay in 2012, can stay in Britain
  • Judge said sending a homosexual to Jamaica would violate human rights
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    'Mockery of justice': Rapist Mustafa Abdullahi will not be deported to Somalia after he has served his 10 year prison sentence for rape because it would breach his human rights
    Vicious rapist we can't deport – because of his right to family life... even though he has no wife or children 
  • Mustafa Abdullahi was jailed for ten years after threatening to kill his victim
  • The 31-year-old was set to be deported to Somalia on his release
  • But immigration judges have ruled he cannot be kicked out because his mother and other family members live in the UK
  • They claim deportation would breach his right to a private and family life

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    There are  thousands of cases such as these, where foreign-born psychopaths and mass murderers are allowed by the UK courts to lead normal lives, perhaps right next to you and your children. 
    4,000 foreign criminals including murderers and rapists we can't throw out. . . and, yes, you can blame human rights again
  • Government wants to deport them but admits many cannot be kicked out
  • Thousands cite Human Rights Act that guarantees the 'right to family life'
  • Parliamentary answer reveals scale of foreign criminals 'living in the community'

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