
Monday, December 29, 2014

PALESTINIAN MINISTER SAYS KILLING JEWISH BABIES IS A LEGITIMATE PART OF "RESISTANCE" - 'Moderate' Palestinian Authority honors every terrorist that kills Jews of any age as a hero

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 You won't see this news on the mainstream media.  You won't hear the UN or Amnesty International or any other humanitarian organization even mention this.  And governments will be silent. 
International media and governments' racism against Palestinians is evident as they apply lower humanitarian and ethical standards to the words and actions by Palestinians, while they hold Israel to the highest moral standards ever in the history of mankind. 
It is as if saying that Palestinians and other brown and black races are not capable of discerning good from evil, so they get a pass.
Palestinian Authority (PA) minister says 3.5 million shekel fine imposed by Israel upon murderer of one-year-old infant and his father is “delegitimizing the [Palestinian] national resistance"

PA Prisoner Affairs Minister Issa Karake claims murder of one year-old is 'resistance' and that punishment 'deligitimizes' 'struggle.'

A Palestinian Authority (PA) "minister" has justified the murder of a one year-old Israeli baby as legitimate "resistance" against IsraelPalestinian Media Watch reports Monday.
Israel fined Ali Sa'ada, a terrorist prisoner who murdered the child and his father, with 3.5 million shekel ($896,355) earlier this month.
Asher and Yonatan Palmer
Asher and Yonatan Palmer, murdered by Palestinians
According to PMW, Prisoners' Affairs Authority Director and PA Parliament Member Issa Karake protested the move, saying it is "delegitimizing the [Palestinian] national resistance" against Israel. 
"[Israeli] courts have been... passing sentences on prisoners that force them to pay large sums in financial compensation to Israelis who have been exposed to resistance by Palestinians," Karake  told the WAFA news agency two weeks ago.
Sa'ada was convicted last year of murdering 25 year-old Asher Palmer and his son Yonatan in a rock attack in September 2011. 
Karake's remarks follow the praise of both Hamas and the Palestinian Authority for the murder of three-month-old baby Chaya Zisel Braun hy"d in a "car rampage" attack by an Islamic Jihad terrorist in October.
In his capacity as Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs, Issa Karake has a long history of glorifying terrorist murderers, as documented by Palestinian Media Watch.
Hamas openly praised the baby's murder in the wake of that attack, whereas PA negotiator Saeb Erekat was slightly more subtle, claiming the PA "regrets" all loss of life while equating the murder with the "violence and instability" caused by the "occupation of Palestine." 

Israel National News
Palestinian Media Watch 


Chaya Sizel Baron, murdered by Palestinian
'Moderate' Palestinian leaders call the murder of this baby "resistance" and a heroic act.

 'Moderate' Fatah praises 'heroic' murderer of three-month-old Chaya Sizel Baron, celebrating his 'wedding' to 72 virgins in paradise.

She and other people were deliberately run over by a car driven by a Palestinian while waiting for transportation. 

Using vehicles to murder Jews has been used in Israel for a long time. 

Arab truck drivers that plowed into cars full of Jewish children used to claim that they fell asleep at the wheel or something like that.  Now terrorists are more brazen and don't hide their motives anymore.

Ayala Shapira, victim of the attack11 year old Jewish girl still fighting for her life with third degree burns after she and her father were attacked by Palestinians armed with firebombs

UPDATE:  The UN still refuses to condemn this crime
Students sign petition for Ban Ki-moon, usually very quick to criticize Israel for even minor issues, to say something.
Response is complete silence.

"Moderate" Palestinian Authority glorifying terror -
News archive

Video on how to stab a Jew goes viral on Palestinian media


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