
Thursday, December 18, 2014

PAKISTAN RELEASES ON BAIL THE MASTERMIND OF THE MUMBAI MASSACRE - This in the aftermath of their children's massacre by the Taliban - Elements in the Pakistani government have been accused of helping terror groups for years

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  • Pakistani court grants bail to mastermind of 2008 terror attacks in Mumbai, India
  • The attacks struck luxury hotels, cafe', and more and lasted for 3 days.
  • At a Chabad Jewish center they disemboweled the rabbi's pregnant wife
  • They tortured, sexually mutilated, and murdered everyone at the Jewish center except for Moshe, the rabbi's toddler, saved by his nanny.
  • The siege left 166 people dead and was blamed on a 'banned' Pakistani militant group
  • A charitable arm of the group still operates freely in Pakistan. 
  • India has evidence that "official agencies" (intelligence) in Pakistan were involved in plotting the attack.
  • The terrorist's release happens just days after the Taliban murdered more than a hundred school children at a school in Pakistan.
  • A 2012 NATO report concluded that Pakistani intelligence was collaborating with the Taliban.
Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi
A court in Pakistan on Thursday granted bail to Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, the man accused of masterminding the 2008 terror attacks in Mumbai, lawyers told AFP. 

The attacks targeted hotels, and a Jewish center.  At the Jewish center they tortured and disemboweled the rabbi's pregnant wife and murdered everyone except the rabbi's toddler saved by his nanny. 

The 60-hour siege on India's economic capital left 166 people dead and was blamed on the banned Pakistani militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT).

Relations between the two nuclear-armed rivals worsened dramatically after the carnage in Mumbai, in which 10 gunmen and bombers attacked luxury hotels, a popular cafe, a train station and a Jewish Chabad house. 
The Holtzbergs on their wedding day in 2002
Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his wife Rivka
The horror of the Mumbai carnage played out on live television around the world, as commandos battled the heavily-armed gunmen, who arrived by sea on the evening of November 26. 

It took the authorities three days to regain full control of the city and New Delhi has long said there is evidence that "official agencies" in Pakistan were involved in plotting the attack.

Moshe Holtzberg, the couple's two-year-old son, cried repeatedly for his mother during a memorial service in Mumbai yesterdayIslamabad denies the charge but LeT's charitable arm Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD), seen as a front for the militant group, operates openly in the country.

Pakistan has had five Mumbai suspects in custody for more than five years and the failure to advance their trials has been a particular source of irritation in perennially-frosty ties with India.

Photo shows Moshe Holtzberg in the arms of a friend at his parents' funeral, disconsolately calling out for his mother

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2011 Pro Publica news report on Pakistan's double game 
Pakistan's powerful intelligence service has been accused for years of playing a "double game": acting as a front-line U.S. ally in the fight against terror while supporting selected terrorist groups which serve Pakistani interests.
The U.S. investigation of the 2008 Mumbai attacks has built a strong case that officers in Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI) collaborated with the Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist group in the plot that killed 166 people, six of them Americans.
U.S. and Indian investigators say their understanding of the ISI-Lashkar alliance is drawn from the confessions of David Coleman Headley, an American convicted of participating in the Mumbai plot, as well as documents, phone records and electronic eavesdropping.


Pakistani court grants bail to mastermind of Mumbai terror attack

Pakistan's double game

Ties between Pakistani intelligence and Mumbai terrorists

Leaked 2012 NATO Report -  Pakistan intelligence helping the Taliban

The 2008 terror attack in Mumbai, India

Rampage: The terrorist is joined by another machine gun-wielding fanatic as they hunt down victims
Terrorists at Mumbai
9 reported dead at Jewish center

Mumbai jihadists sexually mutilated their victims, including the rabbi and his pregnant wife

Daily Mail - Massacre in Mumbai

Daily Mail - The funeral for the Jewish victims

YouTube video of the rabbi's toddler Moshe at his parents' funeral

 The December 2014 massacre in Pakistan by the Taliban 

Daily Mail - Photos of the Taliban massacre of school children, December 2014

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