
Sunday, December 21, 2014


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Astonishing: Daisy somehow climbed out of the boat and swam more than a mile in the dark to shore. She headed to the church because she and Alioto sometimes had free meals there, officials believeMiraculous survival of Daisy, the dog who swam a 1.5 mile to shore from boat that sank in storm - then turned up at her owner's church after being presumed dead
  • Stephen Alioto was ashore in Sausalito, California last week when a massive storm struck the area
  • He returned to the boat where he lived with his pit bull, Daisy, but all he could see was the boat's mast - and he assumed she had drowned
  • Instead, she had swam to shore and made her way to a church where she often had free meals with Alioto
  • The church pastor found her and managed to track her owner down by going to another church handing out free meals
  • Alioto, who is now homeless, sobbed when they were reunited and good Samaritans have donated food and money for Daisy

  • Together again: Alioto hugs and kisses Daisy, who was identified by a microchip, after they are reunited
    Alioto reunited with Daisy
    A Sausalito man whose home on the water sank during last week’s brutal storm was reunited with his dog that somehow survived the sinking, and swam to shore, walked to a church, and waited for her owner.
    Steve Alioto had everything he loved on the boat in Sausalito, anchored in the bay because he couldn’t afford dock fees. 
    He returned to the boat after helping a friend during Thursday’s storm to find his home had sunk.  “All I saw was the mast sticking out of the water,” Alioto said.
    Also on board was Steve’s constant companion, Babe, who he had renamed Daisy.   “I’m big daddy Kibbles and Bits.  I’m the guy who provides the dog food, the walks, the baths, and everything that she tells me she needs.”
    Steve thought she had gone down with the ship, but the big brown and white pit bull had escaped and found her way to shore.
    After swimming a mile and a half in the dark and stormy waters Daisy found a church where she and Steve sometimes get a free meal.  Steve happened to be there Friday after the storm, and Reverend Paul Mowry of the Sausalito Presbyterian Church recognized the two peas separated from their pod.
    Back together: Stephen Alioto (left) has been reunited with his dog Daisy after a storm destroyed their boat last week. Rev. Paul Mowry (right), found the dog shivering outside his church in Sausalito, California
    Alioto (left) with Daisy
    “Paul came up to me and said, ‘Is your dog’s name Babe?’ I said it was [before she was renamed]. He said, ‘On the chip for her, is that still her name?’ I said yeah.  He goes, ‘She’s alive.’ And I cried so hard,” Alioto told KPIX 5.
    Daisy and Steve are now homeless, staying on a friend’s boat for the time being.

    With reports from CBS and Daily Mail.  The first one says Daisy swam 1.5 miles, the second that it was one mile.  Whichever.  It was during a major storm and it was quite a feat for a dog.


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