
Thursday, November 13, 2014

THE NEWS IN CARTOONS - November 12, 2014

King of the Nile - or is it denial?
Everything is going great - and the people are still behind me
Michael Ramirez Cartoon

What's Net Neutrality?
The debate


cartoon of the day

See more cartoons and Late Night jokes

Democrats still in denial
What democracy?
Search for Common Ground

Michael Ramirez Cartoon
Michael Ramirez Cartoon
Jonathan Gruber
Obamacare architect says the American public too "stupid" to understand it. 

Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,UN, holy land, Middle East, Naddaf,Israel,isis, Jewish State, Santa Claus, Christmas,islamists, Islamism, terror, terrorism, Christians,
Priest from Nazareth speaks out at the United Nations against that institution's relentless condemnation of Israel.  Israel the only country in the Mideast where Christians feel safe.
Michael Ramirez Cartoon
Iran confirms they received secret letters from Obama
Netanyahu wants more room on the table for the military option to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

How the White House emboldens and strengthens Iran and the Palestinians,
 while weakening Israel

Cartoon - Asher Schwartz -

The State Department mean-spirited war against Israel
Even when Israel is right, they won't admit it.
Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,Hamas, IDF, civilian casualties, Gaza, war, Protective Edge,
The highest-ranking U.S. military officer, General Martin Dempsey, said that Israel went to “extraordinary lengths” to limit civilian casualties in the recent war in Gaza and that the Pentagon had sent a team to see what lessons could be learned from the operation.
The State Department contradicts him and says that Israel should have done even more.

'Moderate' Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas eulogizes terrorists and calls for more violence against Jews.  Any wonder why some countries are still reluctant to vote to recognize an Islamic Palestinian terror state on Jewish land?
In the news:  Palestinians are the biggest ISIS fans in the Middle East, says recent survey
Rosetta Mission - Spacecraft lands on comet.


IN THE UK - Good news, PM Cameron. The tests are positive.
There's room for approximately 250 British bankers up there.'

Priorities in government funding  - He'd rather have a steak
This cartoon is not new, but it still reflects
 this US administration uncanny ability to make things worse:

A crazy Knesset (Israeli Parliament)

Israel's economy is in trouble, inflation is getting higher and immigrants are flooding in from all over the world. Problems, problems, problems, but what should they do? So the Knesset holds a special session to come up with a solution.
After several hours of talk without progress one member, Yitzhak, stands up and says "Quiet everyone, I've got it, I've got the solution to all our problems. We'll declare war on the United States."
Everyone starts shouting at once. "You're nuts! That's crazy!"
"Hear me out!" says Yitzhak. "We declare war. We lose. The United States does what she always does when she defeats a country. She rebuilds everything; our highways, airports, shipping ports, schools, hospitals, factories, and loans us money, and sends us food aid. Our problems would be over.
"Sure," says Benny, another minister, "And what if we win?"

Today is Veterans Day. Thank you to all our men and women who have served the United States armed forces. In honor of Veterans Day we are marching out a few jokes that have already served.
Here in New York City you can now walk around smoking weed and all they will do if they see you is write you a ticket. Unfortunately, the ticket will be to a Jets game.
You've got to be careful smoking weed. It causes memory loss. And also, it causes memory loss.
President Obama is in China. Also in China is evil Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. They're both in China at the same time. It's like running into your ex-girlfriend on vacation.
It is Veterans Day, when we honor everyone who served in all of the campaigns. We honor them with dignity and respect, and of course mattress sales and tire discounts.
It's cold in a lot of the country. How cold is it? It's a cold-pocalypse. A snow-mageddon. An ice-a-palooza. It's so cold the Chicago Bears went into hibernation.
Happy birthday to Leonardo DiCaprio. He turns 40 today. It's time for a Titanic prostate exam.
It's also Demi Moore's birthday. Leonardo DiCaprio and Demi Moore are very different, of course. One was in love with Bruce Willis for many years. And the other is Demi Moore.
Today is Veterans Day. It's a day we honor those who serve and have served in our armed forces. So thank you for your service to our country and the sacrifices that you made. I'm talking about actual veterans. Playing "Call of Duty" does not count. I don't care how many missions you've completed.
Sesame Street turned 45 years old. If you are not familiar with it, Sesame Street is how we entertained our children before we could just hand them an iPhone.
Things have changed on Sesame Street since 1969 when it first went on. The street itself is totally gentrified. It's all Muppet hipsters now. And Oscar's garbage can is a fair-trade coffee shop. Mr. Hooper's store is a Lululemon. Cookie Monster is gluten free.
The long wait is finally over. The McRib is back at McDonald's. The McRib is the Punxsutawney Phil of sandwiches. It comes out of its hole for a little while and then it disappears. And it's actually made out of groundhogs, right?
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