
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

THE MUSLIM FESTIVAL OF ASHURA - How can the West ever expect to reason with those who slash themselves and their babies in the name of their faith? - While the US and EU governments demand that Israel hand over Jerusalem to Islam, or else.

muslim_ashura_12Before forming an opinion, perhaps we should wait for our liberal western politicians to tell us, in all their wisdom, whether this is or is not "the real Islam".

 A Shi'ite boy is held still as a gash is cut into his head as part of an Ashura ceremony in Mumbai, IndiaAnd in spite of clear evidence of what Islam represents, the White House and Europe are loudly demanding that Israel give Jerusalem to Islam, while subjecting Israel to all kinds of pressure and demonization in order to bully the government to comply with their demands. 
DAILY MAIL - The moment a small boy has a gash cut into his head as part of Muslim ceremony commemorating the death of the Prophet's grandson. 
  • Child has gash cut into his head as part of a Muslim Ashura ceremony 
  • Rituals include people whipping and cutting themselves with chains in public
  • Children were seen carrying large knives and bleeding from their heads
  • Ceremony commemorates the death of the Prophet Mohammad's grandson

  • The Day of Ashura is a national holiday in some Muslim countries, with thousands taking part in annual rituals which include people whipping and cutting themselves with chains and knives. 
    Read more, with links to other related articles.
    Disturbing images of Muslim self-flagellation and the slashing of young children.

    One of the images shows a Shi'ite Muslim child who had his head ritually gashed during a procession ahead of Ashura in Mumbai, India. 
    The tradition, which commemorates the death of the Prophet Mohammad's grandson, is seen by some Shi'ite Muslims as away of washing away their sins. 

    Muslims took part in the event to commemorate Imam Hussein, the grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, who died in battle 1,300 years ago.  Other Shi'ites were seen drenched in blood during the processions in India, Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan.
    Young children carried large knives through the street and were seen with blood pouring from head wounds.   There were similar scenes in Lahore, Pakistan, where men were seen with open wounds and scars as they lashed each other.  
    ISIS claimed responsibility for two bombings on Shi'ite pilgrims that left 23 people dead in Baghdad on Sunday, calling it the 'biggest infidel event'. 
    A "great religion," as US Secretary Kerry called Islam at a ceremony honoring a Canadian soldier murdered by a Muslim in Ottawa recently, while the soldier's mother sobbed.

     A Shi'ite boy is held still as a gash is cut into his head as part of an Ashura ceremony in Mumbai, India
    The small child cries as an adult cuts his forehead as part of the Day of Ashura, a major Shi'ite holiday 
    Shi'ite Muslims perform the ritual to commemorate the death in battle of the Prophet Mohammad's grandson
    The Shi'ite Muslim festival commemorates the grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, Imam Hussein in Mumbai
    Source for above images and text - Daily Mail
    Last four images from
    The Muslim festival of EID,
    when billions of animals are tortured and bled to death, in the name of Islam
    The Religion of Peace
    US Secretary of State calls Islam a great religion,
    at a ceremony where a Canadian mother sobs at the loss of her son to a Muslim terrorist.
    US Secretary of State John Kerry enforcer for Islamic supremacism
    The US and EU governments to Israel: 
    Give Jerusalem to the Muslims.
    Daniel Greenfield - The Islamization of Jerusalem
    US government not an ally of Israel, but its enemy
    The Muslim, the world, the war against Jerusalem
    White House insults are vulgar, but policies towards Israel are far worse

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