
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

THE CONNECTING POINTS LINKING STREET VIOLENCE IN FERGUSON, EUROPE AND ISRAEL - How anti-Israel agitators have tried to co-opt the Ferguson protests - And Al Sharpton's inciting against police in Ferguson and against Jews in NY

The well-organized movement for the demonization of Israel is piggybacking onto unrelated sources of unrest,
thus blatantly manipulating issues and emotions.

How anti-Semitism found a receptive audience among Afro-Americans.  The long history of black anti-Semitism in the USA.
This scene with anti-Israel protestors in Ferguson
Looters in Ferguson wore masks to avoid being identified -- but the kafiyehs worn by some provided a clue to possible identities.
Rioters and looters in Ferguson wore masks to avoid being identified
but the kafiyehs worn by some provided a clue to possible identities.
Rev. Sharpton at the podium 
And Reverend Al Sharpton inciting Ferguson blacks
and a much heavier and bearded Sharpton (in blue) instigating a pogrom against Jews in Crown Heights back in 1991.

 And Paris riots against Israel degenerating into a pogrom against a synagogue full of people
 and constant riots and attacks on Jews in Israel
The international radical movement, and the black nationalist and pro-Palestinian movements are connected,
and what they have in common is hatred for America
 and hatred for Israel and the Jews.
Coincidentally, too
The US president blames America for black violence, 
and blames Israel for Palestinian terror 
President Barack Obama spoke on Tuesday about civil unrest in Ferguson, Mo.  at the Copernicus Community Center in Chicago

The State Department recently said that rioters throwing firebombs at Israeli soldiers was NOT terror. 
The State Department and some Democrat politicians refer to Palestinian violence as "resistance".

A sign at a rally in Manhattan: 
Resistance is justified, from Ferguson to Gaza
Crowded: 'As long as they remain nonviolent, and as long as they don't engage in issues that cause fear or create vandalism, we will work with them to allow them to demonstrate,' said Police Commissioner William Bratton. Above, protesters in Times Square on Tuesday night
 Times square rally connecting events in the US and "justified" terror in Israel 
They hate America
A fiery conflict: A demonstrator burns an American flag in New York following the jury's decision not to indict 28-year-old Wilson
A demonstrator burns an American flag in New York following the jury's decision not to indict Officer Wilson

Failure: Protesters try unsuccessfully to burn an upside down U.S. flag during a protest outside the White House in Washington D.C.
Protesters tried unsuccessfully to burn an upside down U.S. flag outside the White House in Washington D.C.

And they hate Israel and the Jews

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Jews inside besieged synagogue in Paris, waiting for police to rescue them
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While anti-Israel, anti-Semitic rioters raged outside their door.


Photos of demonstrations and riots across America  protesting the Ferguson killing Grand Jury decision

Although he did not endorse violence, the US president blamed racism for the explosion of violence in Ferguson

Former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani on November 18 warned:
Al Sharpton's 'Un-American' Protests Could 'Incite Violence' In Ferguson

Reverend Al Sharpton riling up the crowd in the aftermath of the Grand Jury decision

Fox News:  Sharpton ‘Stoked the Fires,’ Gave ‘Misinformation’ to Ferguson Protestors


Pogrom in Paris in the summer of 2014

led by Reverend Al Sharpton
The pogrom in Brooklyn Heights in 1991 led by Reverend Al Sharpton resulted in much violence against the Jewish community, with one Jew being murdered by a frenzied black assailant.

But the anti-Semitic hatred had already been whipped up for years by US and international black leadership, who targeted Jews - who had been so active in the pro-civil rights movement - as enemies.

On August 19, 1991 a station wagon driven by a Jew hit another car and bounced onto the sidewalk.

The station wagon was part of a 3-car motorcade carrying a Rabbi, who was in a different car.

The station wagon struck two black children who were on the sidewalk.

The driver immediately got out of his car and tried to help the children, but the gathering crowd started to attack him.

From then on the violence against Crown Heights Jews spiraled out of control, fueled by black leaders, particularly Al Sharpton..

When Sharpton was asked about the violence, he justified it:
We must not reprimand our children for outrage, when it is the outrage that was put in them by an oppressive system," he said.

Al Sharpton went on to lead a second pogrom, this time against a Jewish-owned business in Harlem.

He never apologized or even acknowledged his leadership of these two anti-Semitic pogroms, or any of his other incidents of racial agitation. Just as he did in 1991.

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The History of Black Anti-Semitism in America
Anti-Semitism has had a long history among African Americans. In the 1920s, for instance, the “buy-black” campaign of the black-nationalist leader Marcus Garvey was explicitly targeted against Jews, and Garvey later spoke admiringly of Adolf Hitler.

In February 1948 the black writer James Baldwin acknowledged how widespread anti-Semitism was in his community, writing: “Georgia has the Negro and Harlem has the Jew.”
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Fifty years ago two Jewish young men were murdered by the KKK while campaigning for black civil rights in the South. 
In spite of historic Jewish pro-black activism, blacks have turned viciously against Jews.
Even the NAACP has erased the name of its Jewish founder .
The 1991 black pogrom against Jews in Crown Heights NY
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The White House recurrent message
blaming Israel for Palestinian terror

President Obama's ambiguous condemnation of the recent Palestinian massacre of rabbis at a Jerusalem Synagogue:  "Too many Palestinians have died..."
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White House:  Terrorists who throw Molotov cocktails to Israelis are NOT TERRORISTS
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Pro-Palestinian activists co-opting the Ferguson crisis

Demonstrators from a nearby pro-Palestinian rally join a protest in New York on Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2014 against the police shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. Demonstrators conducted a running protest, moving through the streets of Manhattan's East Village neighborhood, before finally gathering in Union Square. (AP Photo/Jason DeCrow)

It is interesting to note that the only issue that obsessively preoccupies professional activists is Israel, completely ignoring the countless and quite urgent humanitarian crises afflicting populations in other parts of the world. 

There is not only hunger and oppression, but actual persecution and carnage being perpetrated on minorities, much of it in countries not far from Israel. 

None of that disturbs activists because the Palestinian cause is a means to an end: 

By demonizing Israel, they weaken the country hoping to eventually unleash its destruction.  All borne out of a pathological hatred against Jews.



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Anti-Israel activists exploit Ferguson tension as part of propaganda war.
Compilation of propaganda messages linking Israel and Ferguson oppression
This article is from October 25, but the material is very illustrative of how the anti-Israel movement piggybacks on not only onto Arab nationalism but any populist expression in the West.

How pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel are using Ferguson to bash Israel

Linking Israel and Ferguson in protests

Occupy Wall Street/Ferguson Thug Arrested for Beating Jewish Man at Anti-Israel Protest

Israel haters exploiting Ferguson unrest

The Ferguson incident as a metaphor for Israel
Across America noisy crowds came out in sympathy for Brown, the guy who had strong-armed a store owner and robbed him, the guy who had attacked a police officer and threatened him a second time when asked to submit.
Simply put, in places like Ferguson, they can’t be wrong even when they are wrong. They were in denial and rejected justice for the white officer. As such, this was racism. It was reverse racism.
It was black racism against a white police officer who was attacked while going about his duty, on his own, and under threat for his life. We witnessed the frenzy of hatred and the resultant violence it left in its wake.

Blaming Israel at Ferguson, while rioting and looting


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