
Thursday, November 13, 2014

TENDER GESTURE OF MOTHER SEAL FOR HER THREE-DAY OLD PUP - Beautiful images show the profound love between mother and baby

Mother's touch for three-day old pup: Seal gives her baby a kiss and a reassuring pat on a windswept Scottish beach.

  • Two seals were pictured together on a beach on the east coast of Scotland
  • Young grey seal is seen nurturing her newborn in its first few days 
  • Gives the baby a reassuring pat on the head and a kiss on the lips 
  • Images were captured by wildlife photographer Anna Henly 
  • Seal were on a 50-strong colony where they had come ashore to bear young

  • The young grey seal gives her baby a reassuring pat on the head as they contend with the elements on a windswept Scottish beach 

    Around 40 per cent of the world's grey seals breed around Britain, with numbers increasing by seven per cent 

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    The seals nuzzle up together, with the mother never being more than a few inches away during this critical time 

    The pair lean in close as the newborn, who is just days old, looks to his mother for reassurance  

    The young seal is so young that it still has a yellow tinge to its coat due to the fluid of its mother's womb 



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