
Sunday, November 16, 2014

SATIRE - US STATE DEPARTMENT TO REPLACE SPOKESPERSON WITH HITLER'S MEIN KAMPF - Cheaper and it conveys similar message regarding Jews

SATIRE by PreOccupied Territory
Washington, DC, November 14 – State Department officials informed reporters this morning that as of next week they will replace their current spokesperson with a copy of Adolph Hitler’s political manifesto, noting that the work would communicate antipathy to Jews and the Jewish nation just effectively as Jen Psaki, but at a fraction of the cost.
Psaki has served as spokeswoman for the Department of State since February of last year, after multiple stints as communications director or press secretary for various Democratic Party campaigns and government offices, including the White House.
Keeping on a person of such experience necessitates tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars a year in salary and benefits. While Psaki has exhibited skill at broadcasting moral confusion and a warped ethical calculus that places Israeli victims of terrorism and the perpetrators of that terrorism on an equal moral plane, Secretary of State John Kerry and his immediate advisers concluded that such equivocations were unacceptable half-measures.
Obama State Department: “Palestinians” who throw molotov cocktails at Israelis are not terrorists
Psaki: "Arabs who throw firebombs at Jews are NOT terrorists"
Conseqently, Psaki will be replaced next week with a new, annotated edition of Hitler’s Mein Kampf - “My Struggle” in German – that Hitler wrote while imprisoned after a failed 1925 coup attempt in Munich.
Part memoir, part political philosophy, Mein Kampf lays out the future German Fuhrer’s poisonous attitude toward Jews that would form a foundation of Nazi ideology and the basis for the Holocaust fifteen years later.
Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,isis, isil, is, terror, terrorism, islamic state, islam, islamism, islamist, Palestine, Palestinian, U.S. Administration, America,  
The appointment of Hitler’s screed removes one of the major shortcomings of the State Department spokeswoman, namely that she strove, often awkwardly, to project the Obama administration’s pursuit of even-handedness in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, even at the expense of credibility and moral clarity.
Psaki’s efforts resulted in the bizarre and disturbing equation of Israeli civilians murdered with the deaths of their murderers at the hands of security forces at the scene as “equally tragic.” 

Mein Kampf suffers from none of that mealy-mouthed rhetoric, unambiguously siding with the enemies of the Jews.
The shift toward open antagonism to Israel and Jews in the Obama administration has long been palpable, but this is the first instance of its extent.

An earlier inquiry investigated the possibility of replacing Vice President Joe Biden with seventeenth-century Cossack leader Bohdan Chmielnicki, but foundered on basic constitutional issues.

Psaki is expected to accept a position as spokeswoman for the lobbying organization J Street. (J Street is a pseudo pro-Jewish' organization that advocates for policies detrimental to Israel.)


The facts behind the satire
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The White House relentless bullying of Israel
Jan Psaki voices the White House stand on terrorism. 
If it is perpetrated against Israeli Jews, then it's not terrorism.
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TO THE WHITE HOUSE WHAT IS TERROR IN CANADA, IT IS SIMPLY RESISTANCE IN JERUSALEM. - After the murder of a soldier by a Muslim terrorist, and the murder of a Jewish baby with American citizenship in Jerusalem, by a Palestinian terrorist, the US pledges support to Canada, but tells Israel to "stay calm" and not escalate situation - in other words, just take it.
Read more on how the US government protects those who kill Jews

US State Department protected Nazi criminals.
At least 1,000 Nazis worked for US as spies, author says 
US has been paying social security to expelled German Nazis
US is paying Palestinians who kill JewsWhite House gave $200 to every Gazan.  Job well done.
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America's Nazi Secret - with author John J. Loftus

Interview published on Jul 7, 2012
Fully revised and expanded, America's Nazi Secret by John J. Loftus reveals how the U.S. government permitted the illegal entry of Nazis into North America in the years following World War II.
This extraordinary investigation exposes the secret section of the State Department that began, starting in 1948 and unbeknownst to Congress and the public until recently, to hire members of the puppet wartime government of Byelorussia—a region of the Soviet Union occupied by Nazi Germany.
The author, a former Justice Department investigator, uncovered this stunning story in the files of several government agencies. The revised and expanded version includes a chapter previously banned from release by authorities and a foreword and afterword with recently declassified materials.

America's Nazi Secret is an insider's history of how the United States Department of Justice obstructed Congress by:

Blocking congressional investigations into famous American families who funded Hitler, Stalin and Arab terrorists.

Lying to Congress, the GAO, and the CIA about the postwar immigration of Eastern European Nazi war criminals to the US.

Concealing from the 9/11 investigators the role of the Arab Nazi war criminals in recruiting modern Middle Eastern terrorist groups.

Author John Loftus is a former U.S. government prosecutor, a former Army intelligence officer, and the author of numerous books. He has appeared regularly as a media commentator on ABC National Radio and Fox News. He lives in St. Petersburg, Florida.

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The US State Department actually said it:
The United States expresses its deepest condolences to the family of a US citizen minor (Orwah Hammad) who was killed by the Israeli Defence Forces during clashes in Silwad on October 24. We demand a speedy and transparent investigation into his killing.

Edgar Davidson writes:
In New York yesterday police shot and killed Zale Thompson a Jihadist convert to Islam who attacked a number of policemen with an axe.

Just imagine if, in response to this event, the Government of Israel issued the following statement:
Israel expresses its deepest condolences to the family of a US citizen (Zale Thompson) who was killed by the US Police Forces during clashes in New York on October 24. We demand a speedy and transparent investigation into his killing.
Well Israel did NOT issue such a statement, but on the same day as the Zale Thompson killing, Israeli security forces killed a Palestinian who was throwing Molotov cocktails at them.

And the US Government really did issue the following statement:
The United States expresses its deepest condolences to the family of a US citizen minor (Orwah Hammad) who was killed by the Israeli Defence Forces during clashes in Silwad on October 24. We demand a speedy and transparent investigation into his killing.

This came just two days after the US government initially refused to condemn the Palestinian terror attack that killed 3-month old American-Israeli baby girl Chaya Zisel Baron, and injured many others - an attack that had not only been incited by the rhetoric of PA President Abbas but was wildly celebrated by both Hamas and the PA.

The US government - which insists Israel must make concessions to Hamas and the PA - did eventually issue a half-hearted condemnation but in the same statement demanded that Israel "show restraint".

The US Government has also desperately tried to cover up the fact that Chaya (and several of the other injured victims) were US citizens. This is especially strange since we are now seeing a trend whereby the US Government is very keen to announce that Palestinian terrorists 'victims' are 'US citizens'.

 So now it seems that any Palestinian terrorist can not only be a hero martyr to Hamas and the PA, but can also be considered an American citizen, thereby gaining the protection of the US government in addition to the UN.

On the same day that this all happened
Obama's new best friends in Iran hanged 26-year-old rape victim Reyhaneh Jabbari and the US government issued no condemnation but instead offered to allow Iran to run three times as many nuclear centrifuges - for the sole purposes of producing a  nuclear bomb to destroy Israel.

See also: How the US first agreed and then refused to help locate a missing IDF soldier

Link to the above Edgar Davidson's column

PALESTINIAN NEW SONG CALLS FOR RUNNING OVER AND KILLING JEWISH BABIES - Widely popular in the Arab world.   These are the people the US thinks deserve a state.
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