
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

RUSSIA TO BUILD TWO MORE NUCLEAR REACTORS FOR IRAN, while the White House enables Iran to build centrifuges and sells $11 BILLION in weapons to Qatar, a country said to be arming and financing ISIS and Hamas - But the US and the world demand Israel's partition "to bring peace" to the region.

A particularly sensitive is Iran’s ability to enrich uranium, which Tehran argues is needed to power Bushehr but Israel and Western powers fear will be used to make an atomic bomb.
Moscow nuclear agency confirms deal to construct 1,000 megawatt plants, driving number of facilities to eight.  Russia signed a deal with Iran to build two new nuclear reactors and agreed to expand the total number of Russian reactors in the country to eight, the state nuclear agency Rosatom said.  

A series of agreements, signed during a visit to Moscow by Iran’s nuclear program chief Ali Akbar Salehi, includes a contract for two new reactors at the existing Russia-built Bushehr plant.

Iran's Bushehr nuclear plant.  (screen capture: YouTube/Nuclear Threat Initiative)
 Iran's Bushehr nuclear plant.- YouTube
The so-called Bushehr Phase II consists of two reactors at the same Persian Gulf coast site as the existing 1,000 megawatt reactor Russia launched last year.
The countries also agreed to expand the total number of reactors in Bushehr to four, and construct “four similar power units on another site in Iran,” the location of which is yet to be provided by Tehran, Rosatom said in a statement.
The project “will be under the IAEA safeguards and fully meet the nuclear nonproliferation regime,” Rosatom said. Nuclear fuel will be produced in Russia and spent fuel returned to Russia.
However, the countries “plan to go into the issue of economic expediency and feasibility of fabricating fuel rod components in Iran, which will be used at these power units,” it said.
Iran plans to build 20 more nuclear plants in the future, including four in Bushehr, to decrease its dependence on oil and gas.
Tehran has been locked in thorny nuclear talks with six world powers, including the United States and Russia, with pressure mounting ahead of a November 24 deadline for a lasting deal to be clinched.
On Sunday, US Secretary of State John Kerry met Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in Oman to try to narrow differences ahead of the deadline.
White House arms terrorists
by selling $11 billion in weapons to Qatar, which funds and arms terrorists such as Hamas and ISIS.
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Qatar financing terror in Israel
According to an investigative report published Friday in Yisrael Hayom, Qatar is financing the violence in Jerusalem. Veteran Jerusalem affairs reporter Nadav Shragai wrote that the Islamic rioters who daily attack Jewish visitors and police forces on the Temple Mount are paid by Qatar through the Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement.
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Obama raises centrifuge ceiling in Iran deal
November 5, 2014 -  Number of centrifuges allegedly raised from 4,000 to 6,000 - as Obama is rumored to be desperate to strike a deal.
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November 2014 -
Iran uranium stockpile has grown by 8% in only two months
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Think tank:  Iran subverting nuclear deal
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Secret e-mail - Democrats preparing to sell Iranian deal to the American public
The Truman National Security Project, a nonprofit think tank with ties to the administration, is assembling a “crack team of writers” to flood national and local media outlets with articles supporting the White House’s efforts before the details of a final nuclear deal have even emerged, according to internal emails sent by the organization to its listserv.
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Officials Reveal US is Cozying Up to Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas 
US and Arab officials reveal Obama administration's about-face, including backdoor communication and intelligence cooperation. 
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Kerry:  Israel to blame for ISIS - not Islam
Kerry insisted that the failure of peace talks between Israel and the PA - not Western apathy to Islamism nor the US's failures to resolve tensions in Iraq - was the culprit for the rise of the Islamic State (ISIS) group, sparking outrage from Israeli officials. 
"There wasn't a leader I met... who didn't raise with me spontaneously the need to try to get peace between Israel and the Palestinians, because it was a cause of recruitment and of street anger and agitation," Kerry claimed, blaming Israel for "humiliating" - in his words - Palestinian Arabs. 

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