
Saturday, November 22, 2014

PALESTINIAN CULTURE OF HATRED IS THE MAIN OBSTACLE TO PEACE, Palestinians can't murder their way into statehood - says Wall Street Journal editorial, a newspaper known for its pro-Palestinian views - It also criticizes anti-Israel White House policies

By Wall Street Journal
 editorial staff

Jihad in Jerusalem
Palestinians can't murder their way to a self-governing state

 Main points:

  • The main obstacle to peace isn’t Jewish settlements in the multireligious city of Jerusalem.
  • The barrier is the culture of hatred against Jews that is nurtured by Palestinian leaders.
  • Important to note that it is only under Israeli rule that all religions have been respected in Jerusalem.
  • On the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the world should not be dividing cities.
  • President Obama condemned the attack, but his government has also done harm by denouncing Israeli construction in municipal Jerusalem.
  • What Israel needs now is confidence that the U.S. will not reward these acts of jihad by browbeating Mr. Netanyahu back into negotiations with Mr. Abbas. 
  • The best way to prevent another intifada is to reassure Israel that the U.S. supports its self-defense.
  • While at the same time warning Palestinians that they will never have a homeland as long as they cultivate a society that celebrates murdering the innocent.
The full editorial: 
To understand why peace in Palestine is years if not decades away, consider the Palestinian celebrations after Tuesday’s murder in a Jerusalem synagogue of five Israelis, including three with joint U.S. citizenship.

Two Palestinian cousins armed with meat cleavers and a gun attacked worshipers during morning prayers, and the response was jubilation in the streets.
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility, while Hamas praised the murders as a “response to continued Israeli crimes.”
The main obstacle to peace isn’t Jewish settlements in the multireligious city of Jerusalem. The barrier is the culture of hatred against Jews that is nurtured by Palestinian leaders.
Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas condemned the killings, but not without calling for Israel to halt what he called “invasions” of the holy Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.
Mr. Abbas has previously said the Temple Mount was being “contaminated” by Jews, despite assurances by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque are for Muslim worship only.
The Memri news service reports that the Oct. 29 issue of the Palestinian daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida was full of false accusations that Israel is damaging Jerusalem’s holy sites.
Secretary of State John Kerry blamed Tuesday’s attack on general “incitement,” but Mr. Abbas was one of the inciters.
The murders are the worst in a recent spate of Palestinian attacks, which some are calling a third spontaneous “intifada,” or uprising, against Israel. But there are few spontaneous events in a society dominated by armed military factions.
The last intifada, after the failure of Bill Clinton ’s peace talks in 2000, was also said to be spontaneous until it became clear that Yasser Arafat was running it.
The goal of this new jihad is to frighten Israelis into agreeing to a divided Jerusalem, a chief Palestinian demand in the peace talks that recently collapsed.
Yet it is only under Israeli rule that all religions have been respected in Jerusalem. On the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the world should not be dividing cities.
President Obama condemned the attack, but his government has also done harm by denouncing Israeli construction in municipal Jerusalem.
The George W. Bush Administration guaranteed in a 2004 letter to former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon that a future peace deal would require some West Bank border adjustments depending on the reality on the ground.
In 2009 Hillary Clinton said the Bush letter had no standing, thus encouraging Palestinian hope for a divided Jerusalem.
What Israel needs now is confidence that the U.S. will not reward these acts of jihad by browbeating Mr. Netanyahu back into negotiations with Mr. Abbas. The Israeli Prime Minister is within his rights to refuse to meet with Mr. Abbas until the Palestinian Authority ends the incitement to violence.
The best way to prevent another intifada is to reassure Israel that the U.S. supports its self-defense, while warning Palestinians that they will never have a homeland as long as they cultivate a society that celebrates murdering the innocent.

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