
Thursday, November 20, 2014

PALESTINIAN CARTOONS - November 21, 2014 - Arabs celebrate and encourage more massacres of Jews

Palestinian cartoons and posters
No subtlety here.  No irony.  No humor. 
Just the true expression of their souls,
with hate and violence that know no bounds.
Arabs gearing up for more terror and murder of Jews.  

Article being updated with new cartoons  -  See more images

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Promoting children rock throwing
Text: “Purification before prayer is performed with stones.”

Set the land on fire
 Text: "The old man's [Yasser Arafat's] Shabiba [Fatah youth movement]
 - set the land on fire!"

Graphic guidelines for slaughtering Jews.
By using guns, vehicles, axes, any means possible

Palestinian cartoons and posters above via -

Lyrics of a Palestinian song that has gone viral on YouTube

after Palestinians used their cars to kill pedestrians, one of them a baby girl:


Run over the two-month-old baby
That is how we get them
For Al-Aqsa we will run over settlers
Run over settlers
Make the road become a trap
God will help you
The whole Arab nation calls you
Bless you Akari Ibrahim
Run over


Jews as mice (that must be exterminated)
Jews eating away at the foundation of Al Aqsa Mosque at Temple Mount

 Text: "Where is the Muslim nation!!!!"
 Source: Fatah's Information and Culture Commission website, Nov. 16, 2014
Rabbi Yehudah Glick, seriously wounded and left in a coma by Palestinian terrorist
is here portrayed as a snake 
 Source: The Capital City, bi-weekly distributed with official PA daily, Nov. 13, 2014

UPDATE January 21, 2015

Cartoons appeared within two hours of a vicious terror attack with a knife against Jews on a bus.  Trapped, where they could not escape.  (And with the government complicity, since it not allows Israelis to carry weapons.  It would rather see Jews killed than have any Arab injured.)

Sickening: cartoons revel in bloody attacks

Caption reads "Good morning, Palestine"


See evidence of widespread vicious demonization of Jews by Palestinian media, and religious and political speeches, all compiled by the excellent website Palestinian Media Watch.
The Israeli government is fully aware, of course, of what is going on, but has done NOTHING about it, continuing to unconditionally provide them with benefits and concessions, while keeping SILENT about Palestinian genocidal indoctrination and incitement.

Palestinian Media Watch

Educating youth in the Palestinian Authority
Demonization of Jews and Israelis

See cartoons and satire on this blog

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