
Monday, November 10, 2014

MOTHER LION TEACHES CUBS HOW TO JUMP OVER A STREAM - But it's not easy being a little lion

But mum, you said it was easy! Lion cubs try to copy their mother's leap across a stream… and end up getting a soaking.

  • The adorable scenes were captured by photographer Paul Goldstein in Kenya's Masai Mara last month
  • The mother leads five cubs to the edge of the river and shows them how to jump across ... to no avail 
  • She appears to try everything from cajoling to picking them up, but they still will not dare risk getting wet
  • Finally the two youngest give it a go and fall short by a matter of inches, getting soaked in the process 
  • The cats were being encouraged by the lioness to cross the water to where a freshly-killed topi was waiting for dinner.
  • The lioness then took her young to another part of the stream to try again where they drank some water in preparation
  • With the cubs soaked and everything, they family finally had dinner after all.
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    Scaredy cats: The cats were being encouraged by the lioness to cross the water to where a freshly-killed topi was waiting to be eaten

    Take a break: The lioness then took her young to another part of the stream to try again where they drank some water in preparation
    Tasty: Once they had had their fill, she gave them a bath to clean off the mud from the stream
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