
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

JESUS WOULD BE RUN OVER BY PALESTINIANS - Billboard in Palestinian-Authority controlled NAZARETH calls for car terror attacks against Jews

CarattackbillboardAnd yet, Christian churches (with a few honorable Evangelical exceptions) continue to denigrate Israel, calling for boycotts and advocating for the empowerment of Muslim Palestinians and the partition of Jewish Israel and Jerusalem for the creation of a Palestinian Muslim state.
Jihad Watch reports:

A few days ago I posted about how “moderate” Fatah had called for Muslims to use their cars to murder Jews in jihad attacks. Now comes this billboard — and with recent attacks of this kind in Canada as well as Israel, clearly this is a currently popular means of jihad. We will be seeing more of it.

“Nazareth billboard supports car terror attacks while alluding to ISIS,” by Dov Lieber, Jerusalem Post, November 9, 2014:
A billboard just below the police station in Israel’s largest Arab town reads: “Running over organization of Nazareth.” Also, Fatah supports a Facebook page calling for car attacks with 35,000 likes. 
A billboard reading “Running over organization of Nazareth” was put up recently just below the police station in Nazareth, Israel’s largest Arab town. 
The billboard uses the word “da’es” in Arabic, meaning running over, which is a play on words for the Islamic State’s name in Arabic, “Da’ash.” 
The “Nazareth group for running over” is ostensibly connected to a wider Palestinian movement, which has been calling for the running over of Jews following a spate of recent terror attacks in which Israelis have been run over by Palestinians in vehicles. 
Among those calling for car attacks against Jews is Fatah, who posted on their official Facebook page a picture supporting the “running over organization.”
The post’s text reads in Arabic: “Running over with the gas at 199 for the sake of al-Aksa.” The post alludes to a song sung by Palestinian school children about the bus driver.
The cartoon has the word “Da’es,” “running over,” with a Jewish star on the black street and a crossed-out traffic sign with the word al-Aksa, ostensibly saying that Jews are not allowed to go to the Temple Mount. 
The same image was posted first on a Palestinian Facebook page calling for the running over of Israelis that had garnered over 35,500 likes as of Sunday afternoon.
Another image on the Facebook page showed a Palestinian man running over Israeli soldiers, “for Jerusalem.”…

There have been several car-terror attacks in Israel, some of them fatal.  In one of them the terrorist murdered baby girl Chaya Zisel Baron

Chaya Zisel BraunRun over the two-month-old baby
That is how we get them
For Al-Aqsa we will run over settlers
Run over settlers
Make the road become a trap
God will help you
The whole Arab nation calls you
Bless you Akari Ibrahim
Run over

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Christians hate Israel and the Jews more than they fear Islam  
While Muslim persecution and massacre of Christians goes on.

SENATOR TED CRUZ BOOED OFF THE STAGE BY CHRISTIANS FOR DEFENDING ISRAEL at the "In Defense of Christians" event - He called the reaction a shameful display of bigotry and hatred

Cruz, the keynote speaker at the new "In Defense Of Christians" organization's dinner in Washington DC, had offered the crowd--a number of whom were Christians from the Middle East, including Palestinian Christians--public support for Israel.
After doing so, some members of the crowd booed at Cruz, and they persisted until he left the stage, noting their hatred and saying he can't stand with them if they don't stand with Israel.
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