
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

JERUSALEM POLICE GETTING TOUGH - REALLY TOUGH ON TERROR - They arrest Jewish kid for wearing a neck scarf.


Crackdown on terror takes a turn for the absurd, after police accuse a Jewish teen of conspiracy to commit a crime for staying warm.
A 17 year-old boy was arrested in Jerusalem on Tuesday night on conspiracy of committing a crime - all because he chose to wear the wrong outerwear. 
Police arrest a Jewish protester (file)
Police abuse arresting peaceful Jewish protestor
The teen was wearing a neck warmer, or ham tzavar on the chilly night, a common winter accessory for Israelis which is also typically given as part of the IDF standard issue uniform. 
However, police arrested the teen after he ran from police, who chased after him after he was spotted loitering with four friends near the Kiryat Moshe light rail station at roughly 11:00 pm. 

(The light rail station is a favorite area for Arabs to vandalize and to terrorize Jews. Blogger)
While Arab rioters run rampant with impunity
On Wednesday, police sought to extend the teen's detention for three days, while the main arguments are that the boy was wearing a "ham tzavar" and that he has a past history of being accused of alleged involvement in three attacks on Arabs in the past month.
Attorney David Halevi, who represented the boy on behalf of rights group Honenu, argued at the hearing that with all due respect to the police, wearing a neck warmer is not grounds for arrest - regardless of previous allegations.
Judge Joya Saqifa Shapiro accepted Halevi's objections rejected requests to extend the detention, but did ban the teen from Kiryat Moshe for 15 days.
"Once again we recommend the police to work against Arab terrorism rampant throughout Jerusalem instead of dealing repeatedly with the harassment and false arrests of youths with sidelocks and a skullcap," Honenu added after the trial. 



Many so-called Jewish acts against Arabs are staged - usually referred to as "Pallywood" - or unfairly blamed on Jews when they are the result of Arab-on-Arab conflicts.

Case in point:  Mosque arson in Israel?
On today's news journalists expose that a mosque fire was actually caused by an electrical  heater malfunction - not vandalism.  After that the evidence was quickly covered up.  
Read more

Israeli police are notorious for clamping down hard on Jews on imaginary crimes - a psychological tactic to break their spirit.
At the same time they are also notorious for being extremely tolerant of Arabs committing acts of terror and violence.
This is part of a larger picture where policy in the country is enacted and implemented by left-wing, pro-Arab authorities.  These authorities are often appointed by the government with the deliberate intent to clamp down on dissent by a government micromanaged by the US State Department.
Here are a few samples of how police abuse human rights of Jews, in order to appease Arabs, or just to keep Jews in their place.

Jewish youth stands peacefully protesting Arab terror - police arrest him.

IDF openly discriminates against Jews
Jewish youths arrested for breaching order to stay away from their own homes.  The kids are considered guilty of thought-crime.

The outrageous military law of Administrative Detention or Expulsion that orders Jews out of their homes, for what they might be thinking.

Administrative Detention/Expulsion:
Selective Enforcement Against Jewish Nationalists
By:Adina Kutnicki

Administrative Detention orders, originating from the British Mandate era, empowers military commanders in Judea and Samaria to detain a person for a maximum of six months, under a “reasonable basis for believing that the security of the region or public security necessitates.” It may be extended for an additional six months, but does not specify a maximum cumulative period. There is no evidence, no trial and no judicial process.

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The pro-Arab, anti-Jewish Israeli left

Read more

Israeli police coverup of Arab terror happens with disturbing frequency
Read more

The left in Israel has wormed its way into all influential institutions - from universities, to the media, to the government itself.  Leftist activists are often on the payroll of anti-Israel governments and organizations in Europe and elsewhere.
The insidious influence of the Israeli left

The Left in Israel - Eroding the state from within

The Israeli left perverted and treasonous nature

European anti-Semites and Muslims funding pseudo-human rights organizations in Israel.
And the government allows them to operate.

Attorney Avigdor Feldman (photo credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)Leftist Israeli Jewish activist Avigdor Feldman admits it: 
We are all on the payroll
In a Hebrew language post at the "Eretz HaEmori" blog, Feldman says that in his life, he has witnessed how Israel's "human rights movement" became a source of income for its activists. He relates how his father's old Subaru "gradually turned" into a BMW, and how the family moved from a rented apartment in Yafo to a spacious Tel Aviv apartment.


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