
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

ISLAMIC IMPERIALISM - The lands and holy sites conquered by the sword - The genocide of at least 250 million non-Muslims through the centuries.

The current controversy over Jews praying at their thousands-of-years-old Temple Mount (under Muslim control in Jerusalem) obscures the fact that it is the holiest site in Judaism that was conquered by Islam - which, according to their imperialistic tradition, built a mosque on top.
Holy Sites stolen by Islamic Armies in the past continue to be occupied today.  Wherever Islam rules beyond the Saudi peninsula - that's a foreign conquered territory.  Muslims have raised colonization to new heights during their history.
Map of expansion of Caliphate.svg
Wikipedia map shows how Muslim imperialism between the years 622 to 750 only.  Such rapid expansion did not take place by simply proselytizing.  They conquered by the sword.  Convert or die.  Their empire extended all the way to Spain and other parts of Europe. Later on they expanded into Africa and other lands.

Africa today is mostly Islamic, after having been subjected to the Arab slave trade - a catastrophic event for their populations, although we almost never hear about it.

Muslims vow to rule over Europe once again.  Once land has been in Muslim hands, they consider it to belong to them forever.  That explains their stated intent to reconquer all of Israel - not just a part of it for a Palestinian state.
The Colonialist Crimes of Islam
By Ezequiel Doiny.
Islam is a colonizing power. While there is only one Jewish State smaller than New Jersey with a population of about 7million Jews, Islam has expanded from Saudi Arabia to the 57 countries member states of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation with an estimated population of an estimated 1.6 billion Muslims.
Lyn Julius comments about George Bensoussan' book Juifs en pays arabes: le grand deracinement 1850 - 1975:  
...Bensoussan, threatens to stand the notion of ''Jewish colonialism'' on its head: it is the Jews who lived under Muslim rule who were the true victims of colonialism...By the time the Arab conquerors had swept over the Middle East and North Africa, the Jews had been living in the region for 1,000 years... 
Under Islam, according to the eighth-century Pact of Omar, indigenous Jews and Christians were permitted to practise as long as they acquiesced to the ''dhimmi'' condition of inferiority and institutionalised humiliation..
...Bensoussan observes that the Islamic order was built on a ''colonial'' notion - submission. The Muslim submits to Allah, the Muslim woman submits to her husband, the non-Muslim dhimmi submits to the Muslim. At the very bottom of the pile is the slave... He produces incontrovertible evidence that, 100 years before Israel was established, most Jews in Arab and Muslim lands lived in misery and fear. 
....Jews were regularly mobbed, robbed, their possessions looted, beaten up on the slightest pretext, or false charge brought by a jealous neighbour. Jews were feminised in the Muslim imagination - cowardly, submissive, unable to stand up for themselves.
...Bensoussan''s great achievement is not just to blow out of the water the myth of Arab-Jewish coexistence predating the creation of Israel, but unfashionably to place the colonial boot on the Arab foot...A sovereign Jewish state in the land of Israel begins to look like the liberation of a colonised, indigenous people from 14 centuries of subjugation...
Through its history of conquest, Islamic armies invaded many nations. In their process of colonization, Islam  erased native cultures and converted holy places into Mosques. Holy Sites stolen by Islamic Armies in the past continue to be occupied today.

It is time for modern, moderate Muslim regimes to repent for Islam's violent past.

The same way that today Germany apologizes for the crimes of the Nazis, the same way that today Spain apologizes for the Inquisition, the Muslims today must apologize for the crimes of Islam and return stolen holy sites to whom they belong.

List of non-Muslim Holy Sites stolen by Islamic armies:

1. Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Holiest site for Judaism. Site of the two Jewish Temples. The Muslims built two mosques there, adding the legend that Mohammed tied his horse to a post there.

 2. Cave of the Patriarchs in Hevron. The Jewish Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are undeniably buried there. The Muslims built a mosque there.

 3. There are 2000 Hindu Temples in India that were converted to mosques. During the reign of Aurangzeb, tens of thousands of temples were desecrated: their facades and interiors were defaced and their divine images looted. In many cases, temples were destroyed entirely; in numerous instances mosques were built on their foundations, sometimes using the same stones. Among the temples Aurangzeb destroyed were two that are most sacred to Hindus, in Varanasi and Mathura. In both cases, he had large mosques built on the sites.
Continue reading, including references and a video

 4. The Babri Mosque in Ayodhya (North India) was built on the site of a Hindu Temple. In 1992 a mob of 150,000 Hindus razed the mosque. Nobel Laureate writer V. S. Naipaul has praised the act for "reclaiming India's Hindu heritage".

 5. The great temple of Keshava Rai at Mathura was one of the most magnificent hindu temples ever built in India. The Temple was demolished in 1670 and on its site a mosque was built.

 6. The Somnath Temple in India: destroyed by Muslim invaders and converted into a mosque. In AD 1025, Mahmud destroyed and looted the temple, killing over 50,000 people who tried to defend it.  After independence, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel pledged on November 13, 1947, that the temple would be reconstructed. The mosque was not destroyed but carefully relocated. In 1951 Dr. Rajendra Prasad performed the consecration ceremony. The temple construction was completed on December 1, 1995. The then President of India, Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma, dedicated it to the nation."

 7. Kashi or Varanasi is the most sacred site in Hinduism and the worship of Lord Shiva as Vishveshvara goes back to ancient times. The temple was demolished several times by Muslim invaders, and was reconstructed again and again by Hindu kings. A mosque was built which still stands.

 8. A surge in church-mosque conversion followed the 1974 Turkish Invasion of Cyprus. Many of the Orthodox churches in Northern Cyprus have been converted to mosques.

 9. Hundreds of Greek Orthodox churches in Turkey were converted into mosques. Hagia Sophia, the seat of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, was converted into a mosque, and then, in order not to return it to the Christians, into a museum where until today Christians are forbidden to pray.

10. The Assyrian International News Agency published a list of Christian Institutions converted into mosques or destroyed by ISIS in Mosul, Iraq in 2014.

"Since taking over Mosul on June 10, ISIS has destroyed, occupied, converted to mosques, converted to ISIS headquarters or shuttered all 45 Christian institutions in Mosul. The following is the complete list of the Christian institutions in Mosul, grouped by denomination.

Syriac Catholic Church:

1.Syrian Catholic Diocese - Maidan Neighborhood, Mosul

2.The Old Church of the Immaculate - Maidan Neighborhood, Mosul (The church goes back to the eighth century AD)

3.The New Church of the Immaculate - Maidan Neighborhood

4.Church of Mar (Saint) Toma - Khazraj Neighborhood

5.Museum of Mar (Saint) Toma - Khazraj Neighborhood

6.Church of Our Lady of the Annunciation - Muhandiseen Neighborhood

7.Church of the Virgin of Fatima - Faisaliah Neighborhood

8.Our Lady of Deliverance Chapel - Shifaa Neighborhood

9.The House of the Young Sisters of Jesus - Ras Al-Kour Neighborhood

10.Archbishop's Palace Chapel - Dawasa Neighborhood

Syriac Orthodox Church:

1.Syrian Orthodox Archdiocese - Shurta Neighborhood

2.The Antiquarian Church of Saint Ahodeeni - Bab AlJadeed Neighborhood

3.Mar (Saint) Toma Church and cemetery, (the old Bishopric) - Khazraj Neighborhood

4.Church of The Immaculate (Castle) - Maidan Neighborhood

5.Church of The Immaculate - Shifaa Neighborhood

6.Mar (Saint) Aprim Church - Shurta Neighborhood

7.St. Joseph Church - The New Mosul Neighborhood

Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East:

1.Diocese of the Assyrian Church of the East - Noor Neighborhood

2.Assyrian Church of the East, Dawasa Neighborhood

3.Church of the Virgin Mary (old rite) - Wihda Neighborhood

Chaldean Church of Babylon:

1.Chaldean Diocese - Shurta Neighborhood

2.Miskinta Church - Mayassa Neighborhood

3.The Antiquarian Church of Shimon alSafa - Mayassa Neighborhood

4.Church of Mar (Saint) Buthyoon - Shahar AlSouq Neighborhood

5.Church of St. Ephrem, Wady AlAin Neighborhood

6.Church of St. Paul - Majmooaa AlThaqafiya District

7.The Old Church of the Immaculate (with the bombed archdiocese)- Shifaa Neighborhood

8.Church of the Holy Spirit - Bakir Neighborhood

9.Church of the Virgin Mary - Drakziliya Neighborhood

10.Ancient Church of Saint Isaiah and Cemetery - Ras AlKour Neighborhood

11.Mother of Aid Church - Dawasa Neighborhood

12.The Antiquarian Church of St. George- Khazraj Neighborhood

13.St. George Monastery with Cemetery - Arab Neighborhood

14.Monastery of AlNasir (Victory) - Arab Neighborhood

15.Convent of the Chaldean Nuns - Mayassa Neighborhood

16.Monastery of St. Michael - Hawi Church Neighborhood

17.The Antiquarian Monastery of St. Elijah - Ghazlany Neighborhood

Armenian Orthodox Church:

1.Armenian Church - Maidan Neighborhood

2.The New Armenian Church - Wihda Neighborhood

Evangelical Presbyterian Church:

1.Evangelical Presbyterian Church - Mayassa Neighborhood

Latin Church:

1.Latin Church and Monastery of the Dominican Fathers and Convent of Katrina Siena Nuns - Sa'a Neighborhood

2.Convent of the Dominican Sisters, - Mosul AlJadeed Neighborhood

3.Convent of the Dominican Sisters (AlKilma Monastery) - Majmooaa AlThaqafiya District

4.House of Qasada AlRasouliya (Apostolic Aim) (Institute of St. John the Beloved)

And the world asks Israel to preserve the "status quo" on the Temple Mount? 


The Muslim Colonists
Forgotten facts about the Arab-Israeli Conflict
By Ezequiel Doiny
The Yazidi in Iraq and the Christian Copts in Egypt are not “occupiers” or “settlers;” neither are the Jews in Israel. They are both victims of a common enemy that seems to want a Middle East free of non-Muslims.

The current Palestinian narrative is that all Muslims in Palestine are natives and all Jews are settlers. This narrative is false.  

There has been a small but almost continuous Jewish presence in Palestine since the destruction of Jerusalem by Rome two thousand years ago, and, as we will see, most of the Muslims living in Palestine when the state of Israel was declared in 1948 were Muslim colonists from other parts of the Ottoman Empire who had been resettled and living in Palestine for fewer than 60 years.

There are two important historical events usually overlooked in the Arab-Israeli conflict.

One is the use that Muslim rulers made of the jizya (a discriminatory tax imposed only on non-Muslims, to “protect” them from being killed or having their property destroyed) to reduce the quantity of Jews living in Palestine before the British Mandate was instituted in 1922. The second were the incentives by the Ottoman government to relocate displaced Muslim populations from other parts of the Ottoman Empire in Palestine.

Until the late 1800s entire ancient Jewish communities had to flee Palestine to escape the brutality of Muslim authorities. 

As Egyptian historian Bat Ye’or writes in her book, The Dhimmi:

The Jizya was paid in a humiliating public ceremony in which the non-Muslim while paying was struck in the head. If these taxes were not paid women and children were reduced to slavery, men were imprisoned and tortured until a ransom was paid for them. The Jewish communities in many cities under Muslim Rule was ruined for such demands.  
This custom of legalized financial abuses and extortion shattered the indigenous pre-Arab populations almost totally eliminating what remained of its peasantry… In 1849 the Jews of Tiberias envisaged exile because of the brutality, exactions, and injustice of the Muslim authorities.  
In addition to ordinary taxes, an Arab Sheik that ruled Hebron demanded that Jews pay an extra five thousand piastres annually for the protections of their lives and property. The Sheik threatened to attack and expel them from Hebron if it was not paid.
The Muslim rulers not only kept the number of Jews low through discriminatory taxes, they also increased the Muslim population by providing incentives for Muslim colonists to settle in the area. Incentives included free land, 12 years exemption from taxes and exemption from military service.

Bat Ye’or continues: 
By the early 1800s the Arab population in Palestine was very little (just 246,000) it was in the late 1800s and early 1900s that most Muslim Colonists settled in Palestine because of incentives by the Ottoman Government to resettle displaced Muslim populations because of events such as the Austro-Hungarian Occupation of Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Crimean War and World War 1.  
Those events created a great quantity of Muslim Refugees that were resettled somewhere else in the Ottoman Empire… In 1878 an Ottoman law granted lands in Palestine to Muslim colonists. Muslim colonists from Crimea and the Balkans settled in Anatolia, Armenia, Lebanon, Syria and Palestine
Justin McCarthy, a professor of history at the University of Louisville, writing in his Annotated Map, “Forced Migration and Mortality in the Ottoman Empire,” also notes that there were about five million Muslims displaced due to the Austro-Hungarian occupation of Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Crimean War, Balkan wars, the Turkish war of independence and World War I.
Sergio DellaPergola, from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in his paper “Demography in Israel/Palestine: Trends, Prospects and Policy Implications,” provides estimates of the population of Palestine in different periods. As the demographic data below shows, most Muslims living in Palestine in 1948 when the State of Israel was created had been living there for fewer than 60 years: 
1890: Arab Population 432,000
1947: Arab Population 1,181,000
Growth in Arab population from 1890 to 1947: 800,000
The Yazidi in Iraq and the Christian Copts in Egypt are not "settlers" and "occupiers;" neither are the Jews in Israel. They are victims of a common enemy that seems to want a Middle East free of non-Muslims.
More articles by this author here
and here
The greatest genocide in history.
It is estimated that Islam has killed at least 250 million non-Muslims throughout history, and victimized many more - By Mike Konrad
Read more
Professor Bill Warner explains why we are afraid of Islam.  
Deep within we are aware of the carnage perpetrated by Islam during their centuries of conquest
Bill Warner's YouTube Channel 
Prof. Bill Warner on Islam

Prof. Bill Warner's website
Articles about Islam
Islam terror and genocide through the centuries
List of killings perpetrated or ordered by prophet Muhammad
Prophet Muhammad's massacre of Jews in the Saudi peninsula 
Hundreds were decapitated.
It is a myth that Islam has been tolerant of Jews
Wikipedia - Muslim conquests

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