
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

HOW THE WHITE HOUSE EMBOLDENS AND STRENGTHENS IRAN - The White House appears to engage in talks to limit Iran's nuclear program, but at the same time it facilitates it.

  • White House escalates verbal attacks against Israel's PM, thus discrediting Israel's strong anti-nuclear-Iran position.
  • White House anonymous statement portrayed the PM as "chickenshit," - too much of a "coward" to attack Iran, further adding that by now it is too late to do it anyway, thus emboldening Iran.
  • The US cards are limited to economic sanctions, not enough to deter Iran from achieving its goal of developing nuclear weapons.
  • The White House targeting Israel instead of real threats to peace serves to further isolate and weaken Israel, showing its enemies that the US is no longer on its side.
  • It is believed that the White House has increased the centrifuge ceiling for Iran from 4,000 to 6,000.
  • The Democrats have already everything in place to sell the upcoming deal with Iran to the American public, says secret e-mail.
 Picking a Fight 
By Alan M. Dershowitz 
Netanyahu wants more room on the table for the military option to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.
PM Netanyahu on the table
A senior Obama administration official recently went on the record with journalist Jeffrey Goldberg in calling Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a “chickenshit.”
A second senior official also went on the record calling Netanyahu a “coward” on the issue of Iran’s nuclear threat.

If these reports are accurate, the following question must be asked: did the Obama administration – indeed perhaps President Barack Obama himself – authorize two senior officials to issue these highly provocative and challenging statements?

The White House has now tried to distance itself from the views expressed by these individuals, but it seems unlikely that two senior administration officials would go on the record using such explosive words without White House approval.

The author of the report, Jeffrey Goldberg, tells us that this is the way American and Israeli officials now talk about each other “behind closed doors.” But these statements were not made behind closed doors. They were made to a prominent journalist, with the intention of having them published and read not only by American and Israeli officials, but also by Iranian officials.

That question becomes particularly important in light of another quotation attributed to one of the senior officials: 
 It’s too late for him to do anything [regarding a military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities]. Two three years ago, this was a possibility. But ultimately he couldn’t bring himself to pull the trigger. It was a combination of our pressure and his own unwillingness to do anything dramatic. Now it’s too late.
That official added: “The feeling now is that Bibi’s [Netanyahu] bluffing… he’s not Begin at Osirak.”  (PM Begin bombed Iraq's nuclear facilities at Osirak.)
This disclosure of such classified administration assessments – whether true or false – will certainly be welcomed in Tehran.
It strengthens the Iranian bargaining position, and weakens the power of the United States to demand more of Iran in the ongoing nuclear negotiations, and to demand more of our allies in the event these negotiations break down and additional sanctions are needed.

Goldberg acknowledges that “the Obama administration used the threat of an Israeli strike in a calculated way to convince its allies (and some of its adversaries) to line up behind what turned out to be an effective sanctions regime.”
By now revealing its belief that there is no longer a real threat of an Israeli strike – again, whether their assessment is correct or incorrect – these senior officials have done considerable damage to security of the United States and to the possibility of striking an effective deal with Iran.

The bottom line result of these disclosures by two senior Obama officials is to make it more likely that Iran will develop nuclear weapons. Revealing intelligence assessments that suggest Netanyahu is bluffing can only encourage the Iranians to move forward more quickly with their nuclear weapons program.

It also encourages them to believe that the United States will no longer be able to use the threat of an Israeli military strike to shore up support among reluctant allies to increase or even maintain sanctions.

Why then were these officials sent out to talk to Jeffrey Goldberg? By whom were they sent? And why now? If they were not authorized to make these statements and took it upon themselves to do so, they should be fired. That is the only way to send a powerful message to friend and foe alike that the views they expressed do not represent those of the president.
If they are not fired, then Congress should ask why two senior Obama administration officials have endangered American national security by increasing the likelihood that Iran will develop nuclear weapons. President Obama has himself acknowledged that a nuclear-armed Iran would be a “game changer” that would directly endanger our national security.
 Cartoon - Asher Schwarts -
Obama raises centrifuge ceiling in Iran dealNovember 5, 2014 -  Number of centrifuges allegedly raised from 4,000 to 6,000 - as Obama is rumored to be desperate to strike a deal.
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Secret e-mail - Democrats preparing to sell Iranian deal to the American publicThe Truman National Security Project, a nonprofit think tank with ties to the administration, is assembling a “crack team of writers” to flood national and local media outlets with articles supporting the White House’s efforts before the details of a final nuclear deal have even emerged, according to internal emails sent by the organization to its listserv.
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November 2014 - Iran uranium stockpile has grown by 8% in only two months
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Russia to build two more nuclear reactors for Iran
Senator Ted Cruz blasts White House insulting comments about the Israeli PM
White House calls Israeli PM "chickenshit" -  The reasons behind the hostility
When Israel bombed Osirak nuclear facility in Iraq
The US condemned Israel's bombing of Osirak -  Unwise US government then, unwise now.
The story of Operation Opera

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