
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

BRITAIN INVITED THEM IN - NOW IT IS UNDER ATTACK - How police need to equip themselves in the age of Muslim terror

Armed to the teeth with firepower, this is the face of policing in London in the age of Islamic terrorism.

  • Two armed officers pictured patrolling Horse Guards Parade earlier today 
  • Both were armed with Heckler and Kocch powerful semi-automatic rifles
  • Were also carring Glock 17 9mm pistols as well as a taser guns 
  • Security at tourist hotspots across the city has been boosted recently
  • Comes after unarmed guard was shot dead at Canada's War Memorial 
  • Westminster is also on high alert in case of a terrorist attack on Parliament  
  • See enlarged photo of British police detailing all their weapons and accoutrements, and read Labour Party whistleblower's account on how Labour encouraged and enabled a flood of Muslim migrants into the country in order to deliberately destroy its traditional social fabric.

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    READ MORE on the Labour Party agenda to destroy Britain

    The terror attacks on soldiers in Canada that left two dead in two separate incidents a few days ago.

    Muslims killing soldiers in Canada
    Read more

    To the White House what is terror in Canada, it is simply resistance in Jerusalem.
    The moral double standard
    Read more
    How the UK Labour party destroyed Britain forever through migration policies
    A whistleblower exposes the Labour Party hidden agenda 
    How the UK Labour Party deceived the population and deliberately brought in a massive immigration from Muslim countries - A Labour Party whistleblower exposes what was tantamount to treason.  It was done to expand the voting base for the party and "to rub the nose" of the British public in "diversity".
    Read more on this and on how the Conservatives have failed to stop the influx of Muslim migrants.

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