
Monday, November 24, 2014

BEFORE YOU BUY THAT TURKEY - Turkeys and chickens are dropped in boiling water while still alive due to speed of slaughterhouse processing - We consumers are responsible for the lifetime of torture inflicted on food animals.

At this time celebration it is important to remind ourselves that the animals we consume come to us after a short life of extreme abuse and inhumane methods of slaughter.
Please, let's give God thanks by being kind to His animal creatures and abstaining from being indirect participants in the cruelty perpetrated by farms and slaughterhouses.

Nearly 1 million chickens and turkeys are unintentionally boiled alive each year  in U.S. slaughterhouses,
often because fast-moving lines fail to kill the birds before they are dropped into scalding water, Agriculture Department records show.

USDA inspectors assigned to the plants say much of the cruel treatment they witness is tied to the rapid pace at which employees work, flipping live birds upside down and shackling their legs.   If the birds are not properly secured, they might elude the automated blade and remain alive when they enter the scalder.

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 Disturbing video showing employees of one of the world's leading turkey producers clubbing, kicking and otherwise abusing the hapless birds is evidence of a culture of cruelty and neglect at the factory farm, an animal-rights group said.
Footage also shows workers apparently crushing the spines of birds while others are left to die from festering and bloody wounds.   

How a turkey looks in the wild
Farm-raised for our tables

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Warning: Graphic content:

CTV - Videos of abuse at Hybrid Turkeys Farm.

Watch 2.5 minute video of the mistreatment of turkeys
from Mercy for Animals

The Hybrid Turkeys Farm case is not  is not an isolated case
Animal abuse is widespread and "normal". 

Here are other abuses uncovered by Mercy for Animals.
Butterball - North Carolina, 2014
A Mercy For Animals investigator exposed rampant animal cruelty at Butterball again. This time the abuse occurred at a turkey hatchery in North Carolina.

Hidden-camera video reveals baby turkeys having their sensitive toes and beaks cut and burned off without any painkillers, workers callously throwing and dropping these fragile animals, and sick or injured birds being thrown into a pit to be ground up alive.

News of this shocking investigation broke first on Univision's top-rated news program, Primer Impacto, reaching millions of Spanish-speaking Americans.
From there, the story was picked up by Mother Jones, The Fayetteville Observer, and other media outlets, inspiring hundreds of thousands of people, including many well-known celebrities, to speak out against Butterball's continued abuse of turkeys.

Watch the undercover video here:
Mercy for Animals - Investigations

Video From Farm to Fridge
This is what we consumers are responsible for

We have absolutely no right
to enslave, torture and murder other animal creatures. 

Humans can subsist on non-animal products very well. 

In fact, a vegetarian diet has been found

 to be much healthier for us.

Wild turkeys, the way they were meant to live

Vegetarian diet can cure diabetes, say scientists
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