
Saturday, October 4, 2014

US PRESIDENT REFUSES TO SUPPORT HONG KONG DEMOCRACY MOVEMENT - BUT STRONGLY CONDEMNS ISRAEL - UK joins the US in dismissing Hong Kong demonstrators pleading for democracy

BREITBART - Hong Kong's pro-democracy demonstrators protesting China’s attempts to quash their rights to self government appear to be only the latest pro-Western group forsaken by the Obama administration. Meanwhile, its high volume criticism of Israel continues unabated.   First, Hong Kong.  Protest in that former British colony have grown massively.
President Obama

The demonstrators oppose the communist government in Beijing's  refusal to stand by the provisions of the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration regarding conditions for Hong Kong government after its return to China from Britain. 
Protestors claim that China reneged on that agreement in June when it announced that Beijing would decide which candidates would be permitted to run in the 2017 elections to pick the self governing city’s next Chief Executive thereby insuring it would have full control over all the candidates that seek that office.
Read more on the Hong Kong crisis, and Israel's response to the White House attack

(Photo of injured Hong Kong protestor.  China triads gangs try to drive protestors away. - See link to Daily Mail news story below on this page)

As up to a quarter million protestors peaceably took to Hong Kong streets demanding freedom last weekend, neither President Obama nor any other senior administration official said anything at all.

It wasn’t until Tuesday that the US consulate in Hong Kong got around to issuing its first statement and it sided not with the protestors or their freedom cause:


White House
We do not take sides in the discussion of Hong Kong's political development, nor do we support any particular individuals or groups involved in it...
We encourage all sides to refrain from actions that would further escalate tensions, to exercise restraint and to express views on (Hong Kong's) political development in a peaceful manner. 

Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was again forced to downplay harsh criticism against the Jewish state leveled by President Obama and other members of the administration during their White House visit Wednesday.

Media reports claim that Obama harshly condemned the recent issuance of building permits for 2,610 apartment units inside the Israeli capital city, without seeming to understand that those decisions are made at the local, not the national level.

A Jerusalem real estate developer recently purchased seven apartment buildings in the predominantly Arab neighborhood of Silwan and purchased advertising to encourage Jewish families to buy them

Netanyahu pushed back hard against the President’s condemnation. He told Spanish language Univisión TV that “Jews buy apartments in Arab neighborhoods. Arabs buy apartments in Jewish neighborhoods. I wouldn’t dream of interfering with that, and couldn’t even if I wanted to." "It is a municipal issue,” he said.
Pointing out President Obama’s hypocrisy of siding with those who seeking to prevent Jews from certain neighborhoods in Israel’s capital city, Netanyahu pointed out “there would be an uproar” if neighborhoods in the US, Mexico, or anywhere but Israel tried barring Jews from moving in.
In comments that also appeared aimed at the Obama Administration, Netanyahu seemed to chide the White House and State Department for thinking they were empowered to micromanage the Jewish state down its most granular bureaucratic level: “It would be worth at least learning the correct information before jumping to take a position like that.”
Both the White House and State Department issued harsh condemnations of the new Jewish housing units, going to so far as to threaten the Jewish state with abandonment if it continued allowing Jews to move into neighborhoods that are predominantly Arab.

Former Israeli Deputy Prime Minister and Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky writes and speaks regularly about how vital it is for freedom movements to know their struggles are neither desperate nor lonely.   That they fight for values espoused by and embodied in the United States of America. When that support is not forthcoming, as in so many recent cases where President Obama has refused to offer even strong verbal support for freedom demonstrators in Iran and Venezuela, the effect can be devastating.
Telling this author of the moment he heard of President Reagan’s denunciation of the Soviet Union as the ‘evil empire’ destined to fail while himself suffering a tortuous prison sentence in the Soviet Gulag abuses, Sharansky said: “It was one of the most important, freedom-affirming declarations, and we all instantly knew it. For us, that was the moment that really marked the end for them, and the beginning for us. The lie had been exposed and could never, ever be untold."
Netanyahu:  I can't tell a Jew where not to live in Jerusalem.  

Binyamin NetanyahuI cannot tell a Jew that he is not allowed to purchase a home in Jerusalem,” Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told reporters on Wednesday night, hours after his meeting at the White House with U.S. President Barack Obama.

In response to the move, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the construction would send a “troubling message” and would “poison the atmosphere not only with the Palestinians but also with the very Arab governments with which Prime Minister Netanyahu said he wanted to build relations.”
“As Prime Minister of Israel, I do not understand the criticism - Arabs in Jerusalem buy apartments and no one bothers them or rules them out. By the same token, I'm not going to say to Jews not to buy in Jerusalem, including in Silwan - we cannot have discrimination - this approach is unacceptable to me,” he declared.
"It is the right of Jews to buy an apartment in Jerusalem - I stand firm by my decision, there will not be a situation where Jews will not be able to buy an apartment in Jerusalem," the prime minister reiterated.
Read more

UK government also dismisses Hong Kong demonstrators
Max Hastings:  Whitehall will shrug as China crushes Hong Kong's freedoms. The rest of us should choke with rage
Mobs attack Hong Kong demonstrators


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