
Monday, October 27, 2014

US GOV'T PROTECTION OF NAZI CRIMINALS AND MUSLIM TERRORISTS IN THE US - Today's news stories point to policies separated by time, but reflecting the same government tolerance for barbarity - The US gov't also pays the Palestinians who terrorize and kill Jews.

First item:   Leaked DHS Report Reveals 13 Foreign Suspected Terrorists Illegally Entered Canada from US.

BREITBART Exclusive:   LUBBOCK, Texas — At least 13 men from Africa with terrorist-related records illegally entered Canada from the U.S. since 2010, according to a leaked Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Intelligence Information Report exclusively obtained by Breitbart Texas. (Read more further down the page.)

Second item:  At least 1,000′ Nazis worked for US as spies, author says 
American agencies not only employed them, but also sometimes covered up their war crimes for decades, according to new book
Putting perceived security concerns before conscience, US intelligence and law enforcement agencies likely employed over 1,000 Nazis as spies during the Cold War, sometimes ignoring or concealing their war crimes and helping them immigrate to the United States, the author of a soon-to be released book wrote in an article published Monday. 
(Read more further down the page.)
As you may recall, a few months ago the White House lowered the standards for admission of KNOWN MUSLIM TERRORISTS into the country.  While many of them slip across the open border with Mexico, a good number of them have been welcomed by immigration at US airports thanks to a so-called "Hands-Off List".  Muslim terror background?  No problem. Welcome to the USA.
Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,isis, isil, is, terror, terrorism, islamic state, islam, islamism, islamist, Palestine, Palestinian, U.S. Administration, America,  
The US government currently holds a shocking double standard:  While it  denounces US citizens taking up arms to fight with ISIS, it allows them with complete impunity to go to Israel to engage in jihadi activities that kill Jews.  
The State Department even raised extreme concern and demanded an investigation when one of those US Arabs terrorizing Jews was shot by police, but dismissed the recent murder of an American baby and called on Israel to keep calm (do nothing) so as not to escalate the situation.  

The US Consulate called the terror attack a "traffic accident". 

The so-called accident was clear to all to have been a deliberate act when the Palestinian driver veered his car onto the sidewalk plowing into 9 pedestrians waiting for Light Rail.

Jerusalem is now under rising Arab terror attacks.   The count has gone from the usual 200 a month, to 5000. 
The US government has also been paying social security to Nazi criminals who had been living in the US but who had to be expelled once they were exposed.  Nothing is too good for those who kill Jews.
These days the US government pays millions of dollars to Palestinians who kill Jews.  It just gave $200 of US taxpayers money to EVERY GAZAN, perhaps in recognition of a job well done.

More on the Breitbart's exclusive:

The data pertains only to one small region of the vast U.S.-Canadian border. The report reveals that as of September 9, 2014, there have been 155 encounters in the area “involving 344 ethnic Somalis, 21 ethnic Ethiopians, five ethnic Kenyans, two ethnic Djiboutians, two ethnic Nigerians, and one ethnic Sudanese and Congolese subjects who have attempted or succeeded in entering Canada illegally near the Pembina, ND Port of Entry (POE) since June 2010.
These encounters INCLUDE 13 SUBJECTS WITH TERRORIST-RELATED RECORDS [Emphasis Added] who have utilized this method of circumventing designated POEs.” (Points of Entry)
The report lists several ethnic Somalis who have U.S. addresses and official Alien Registration Numbers issued by the U.S. government, who the report indicates are either included, or should be included, into the Terrorist Screening Database. The subjects’ addresses span from Southern California to Ohio.
Though much of the report is based upon human intelligence and a source, the data pertaining to the apprehensions and crossings is verifiable and taken directly from the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) database, according to the document and to the source of the leaked report. That source, a federal agent in the CBP, provided the document and spoke with Breitbart Texas on the condition of anonymity.
The information in the report that is not based upon official records was deemed credible enough for a plethora of agencies in the U.S. Intelligence Community to be alerted. 
The document is marked law enforcement sensitive, but unclassified. Breitbart Texas redacted certain identifying information pertaining to individual persons and addresses. 

Follow Breitbart Texas Managing Director Brandon Darby on Twitter @brandondarby.

Source -


More on the secret US program that allowed at least 1000 Nazi criminals to live comfortable lives in the US. 

“At the height of the Cold War in the 1950s, law enforcement and intelligence leaders like J. Edgar Hoover at the FBI and Allen Dulles at the CIA aggressively recruited onetime Nazis of all ranks as secret, anti-Soviet ‘assets,’ declassified records show,” Eric Lichtblau wrote in The New York Times, ahead of the Tuesday release of his book “The Nazis Next Door: How America Became a Safe Haven for Hitler’s Men.” 
For “The Nazis Next Door,” Lichtblau pored through newly disclosed records and interviewed witnesses to uncover the extent of the US employment of Nazis.
The report comes just a week after an Associated Press investigation revealed that millions of dollars in social security benefits have been paid to war-crimes suspects and former SS guards who left the US for Europe.

Read more



Secret DHS list allows known Muslim terrorists LEGAL entry into the USA
Iowa Senator questions DHS secret "HANDS-OFF" LIST that allows known terrorists to enter the USA
Read more

The US administration has unilaterally eased restrictions on asylum seekers with loose or incidental ties to terror and insurgent groups, in a move one senator called "deeply alarming." The change, approved by Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and Secretary of State John Kerry, was announced Wednesday in the Federal Register.

It would allow some individuals who provided "limited material support" to terror groups to be considered for entry into the U.S.   Supporters of the change, including Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., argued that the current ban on anyone who has ever aided terrorists has unfairly blocked thousands of refugees. 

Read more -

And here -

To the State Department some American citizens are more equal than others
by David Rubin.
Two Americans, one a terrorist in Israel, the other a victim of Arab terror.  US Dept. demands investigation on the death of the terrorist, but not of the American Jewish baby victim of Arab terror.
Read more

Jerusalem under terror.  Count has gone from 200 to 5000 a month, says mayor.

Jews under siege in Jerusalem  -  How the US has instigated Arab violence.

US Consulate calls terror attack a "traffic accident"


Poster of terrorist and  Jewish baby via:

obama_abbasThese days the US pays the Palestinians who terrorize Jews 
White House gave $200 of US taxpayers money to every Gazan. 
Read more



Author Eric Lichtblau New York Times article about Nazi criminals protected by the US government
Read more

Expelled German Nazi criminals have been collecting US Social Security
Documents show US and allies using Muslim Nazis for the destruction of the State of Israel.
Read more, including references on the subject

America's Nazi Secret
Author and researcher John J. Loftus


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