
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL CALLS EMERGENCY MEETING - OMG! Jews are building homes in their capital Jerusalem

No, this is not a joke.  I repeat:  this is not a joke.
In a world that maims, kills and destroys - Israel is condemned for building homes
UNSC to hold 'emergency meeting' in response to Jordanian request after Israel announces new Jewish homes in Jerusalem.
With all the major crises going on in the world right this minute, the United Nations finds time and resources to discuss Jews building homes in their own capital, Jerusalem. 
Furthermore, much of the oppression, violation of human rights,  mayhem and carnage occurring in the world today is being caused by the religion of peace - Islam.  But the UN does not have time to deal with that. 
And we should also mention the ongoing violent persecution of Christians and other minorities in Muslim-dominated areas.  The UN does not have time to deal with that either.  
News report:  The UN Security Council will hold an "emergency meeting" on Wednesday to discuss Israeli plans to build more Jewish homes in Jerusalem, diplomats said.  The "urgent" talks were requested by Jordan following a letter from Palestinian Authority envoy Riyad Mansour who called on the 15-member council to "address this crisis situation in occupied east Jerusalem."
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Not a word form the UN about the 2500 housing units FOR ARABS that the government will also build in Jerusalem.
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Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu's reaction

Benjamin Netanyahu in Ashdod on October 28, 2014. (Photo credit: Kobi Gideon/GPO)
Netanyahu said the international community remains quiet when Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas “incites to the murder of Jews in Jerusalem,” but strongly condemns Israel when it builds in Jerusalem.

I don't accept that double standard. We built in Jerusalem, we build in Jerusalem, and we will continue to build in Jerusalem.”

"The French build in Paris, the English build in London - that's the same as Israel building in Jerusalem. We will continue to build in Jerusalem."

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Photo - Kobi Gideon, GPO


Video - Jerusalem Jews and Muslims
Palestinians have repeatedly requested to have this video removed from YouTube.
   What the Arabs don't want you to know

Jerusalem Jews and Muslims

Time to refresh our memories regarding the discriminatory and often violent treatment Jordan has inflicted on Palestinians.
Jordan turns away Palestinians fleeing violence in Syria
August 7, 2014 news report by  Human Rights Watch: 
(Amman) – Jordan refuses entry to or forcibly deports Palestinian refugees escaping Syria, in clear breach of its international obligations, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Jordan has officially banned entry to Palestinians from Syria since January 2013 and has forcibly deported over 100 who managed to enter the country since mid-2012, including women and children.
Read more:

A brief outline of Jordanian discrimination
 against Palestinians:

1967: Jordan refused to allow Gazans who came after the Six Day War to become Jordanian citizens.
Today some 165,000 Palestinians in Jordan cannot become citizens and get no government services.
3500-5000 Palestinians killed and 20,000 Palestinians expelled, their camps demolished, in the Black September events.

revoked citizenship for millions of West Bank Palestinians as they declared "independence." As usual, this move was justified as being for their own good.

continued to revoke citizenship for thousands more Palestinians

2012: Jordan
passed an electoral law that effectively limits the number of Palestinian members of Parliament to less than 10%
2013: Jordan places Palestinian refugees from Syria in
special camps that they cannot leave, separate from other refugees, and turns hundreds or thousands back to a dangerous future in Syria.

 2014: Palestinians who are citizens are
still denied equal rights in the military, and on getting college scholarships and being admitted to some public universities, among other areas.

Read more about official government discrimination against Palestinians in Arab countries.

Jordanian government massacre of thousands
 of Palestinians during the Black September operation

Estimates of Palestinian dead goes from 3000 to 5000.

This did not happen out of the blue.  Palestinians had been trying to topple the king and take over the country. 

Wherever Palestinians live, they engage in violence.  Arab governments deal with them in a much more drastic manner than Israel ever would.

As a matter of fact, after the liberation of Judea and Samaria (West Bank) Jordan dissociated itself from the area, not wanting it as part of Jordan anymore (particularly all the Palestinians living there), but as a separate country.  Jordan even went as far as revoking Jordanian citizenship for Arabs living in the Palestinian Authority.   Jordan is very clear:  it does not want anything to do with them, except as tools for the destruction of Israel.

Read about Black September:

2013 Amnesty International Human Rights Report
Summary:  The security forces used excessive force and arrested hundreds of peaceful and other demonstrators calling for reform. They maintained tight restrictions on freedoms of expression, association and assembly, and imposed new restrictions on electronic media.
There were reports of torture and other ill-treatment of detainees. Unfair trials continued before the State Security Court (SSC). Hundreds, possibly thousands, of criminal suspects were detained indefinitely without charge or trial.
Women faced discrimination and violence; at least ten were reported to be victims of “honour” killings. Migrant domestic workers were exploited and abused. There were reports that some refugees were forcibly returned to Syria. At least 16 people were sentenced to death; there were no executions.
Read full report

Human Rights Watch file on JORDAN

Torture and Impunity in Jordan’s Prisons

Deflecting Attention from Jordan’s Repressive Laws 


Jordan violated all kinds of international agreements and standards when it desecrated every holy Jewish site in Jerusalem during their occupation of the city, which ended with Jerusalem's liberation in 1967.

Jordan destroyed synagogues, and used Mount of Olives cemetery tombstones as latrines and for road construction.

 Jordan's desecration of Jewish sacred sites in Jerusalem during their occupation before 1967

Before the United Nations voted in favor of the Patition Plan on November 29, 1947, the Arab Legion of Jordan (created by the British) attacked Jerusalem. Their forces blocked Jerusalem's roads and cut off the city's access to water.
After bitter fighting, the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem's Old City fell to the vastly superior arms and numbers of the Arab Legion. The surviving Jewish inhabitants fled to the "New City," the four-fifths of the capital that Israel successfully held.
  • The Old City, including the Jewish Quarter, officially fell to Jordan on May 27, 1948.
  •  Nearly twenty years later, during the 1967 Six-Day War, Israel's army liberated Jerusalem's Old City, finding the area completely neglected and virtually destroyed.
  • All but one of the thirty five synagogues within the Old City were destroyed.
  • Those note completely devastated had been used as hen houses and stables filled with dung-heaps, garbage and carcasses.
  •  The revered Jewish graveyard on the Mount of Olives was in complete disarray with tens of thousands of tombstones broken into pieces to be used as building materials.
  • Large areas of the cemetery were leveled to provide a short-cut to a new hotel.
  • Hundreds of Torah scrolls and thousands of holy books had been plundered and burned to ashes.
Jerusalem Synagogue destroyed by Jordan
Mount of Olives Jewish cemetery gravestones used by Jordan as building material
See more images on photo gallery
Jordan occupation of Jerusalem
Jews were expelled.  Tombstones were used as latrines
Jordan expels Jews from Jerusalem - 1948
Read more about the Jordanian occupation of Jerusalem
Backgrounder - History of Jerusalem

Father Gabriel Nadaf at the UN
"ISRAEL IS THE ONLY SAFE PLACE FOR CHRISTIANS IN THE MIDDLE EAST" says Father Gabriel Nadaf, leader of Christian Aramaeans in Israel, who recently rejected their "ARAB" designation, in favor of ARAMAEAN.

Father Nadaf gave speech at the United Nations UNHCR headquarters, defending Israel and calling for an end to the witch hunt against Israel.

Read more


Christian Israeli Arabs demonstrate: 
Israel is our safe haven.

Israel is the only safe place for Christians in the Middle East

Read more
Scholar and human rights advocate Anne Bayefsky
 speaks at the United Nations
She accuses the United Nations of being the leading purveyor of anti-Semitism in the world, by inciting hatred against Jews and conducting an unremitting campaign against Israel.
Read also the time when one of the UN translators inadvertently spoke on an open mike calling into question the UN obsessive bullying of Israel
For the record, this is what is making headlines today (not that it will be noticed by the United Nations.

Egypt militarises public property
Saudi to Receive 500 Lashes for Organizing Concert...

2014.10.27 (Kunduz, Afghanistan) - A suicide bomber and three Taliban gunmen storm a courthouse and murder ten others.
2014.10.27 (Jurf al-Sakhar, Iraq) - A Sunni suicide bomber targets a crowd of Shiites and snuffs out over two dozen lives.
2014.10.26 (al-Manassah, Yemen) - Twenty are left dead after an al-Qaeda suicide car bomber plows into a group of Shia.
2014.10.26 (Raqqa, Syria) - Three men are beheaded for 'cursing Allah'.
2014.10.25 (Anbar, Iraq) - Three children at a playground are pulled into pieces by an Islamic State mortar round.
2014.10.24 (al-Ameriya, Iraq) - A dozen people lose their lives to various injuries suffered during an ISIS mortar attack.

More headlines at The Religion of Peace

Jihad Watch - Persecution of Christians - Today's headlines:

Islam: Victors vanquishing victims

Nigeria: Muslims storm two churches, murder 31 Christians as they worshiped

Islamic Republic of Iran sentences church leaders to long prison terms

Egypt: Police assault Christians who were defending a girl who was sexually harassed by a Muslim man

Egypt: Another Coptic Christian female is kidnapped, Muslim police ignore, complain about how “millions of Muslims are dying in Palestine and Syria”

“A crime against peaceful coexistence”: Muslims burn Coptic church in Germany

Nigeria: Boko Haram jihadists torch 185 churches

See more -

Backgrounder - History of Jerusalem
Read more and see additional links to articles and videos about Jerusalem
Ras Al Amoud
When Muslims pray they face Mecca and turn their backsides to Temple Mount

Persecution of Christians -

Muslim persecution of Christians - News archive

9 out of 10 worst persecution of Christians takes place in Muslim societies
The other one to make the top ten is North Korea

Jihad Watch persecution of Christians news archive


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