
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

THE WEST'S FAKE WAR ON ISIS - KERRY SAYS CITY OF KOBANI NOT A US STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE, while Kurdish families wait to be massacred - The hidden usefulness of ISIS (it kills Kurds who want independence, and may help topple White House's arch-enemy Assad).

  • US Secretary of State Kerry:  Kobani not strategically important.
  • Kobani Kurds fight against ISIS, but may be ultimately massacred.
  • While the West does nothing.
  • White House denies weapons to Kurds.
  • White House sells $11 billion worth of weapons to Qatar, which finances terrorists
  • The fake US-UK war against ISIS.
  • Symbolic US bombings on ISIS trucks and empty buildings.
  • ISIS serves to ethnic cleanse the Kurds, who want independence
  • ISIS serves to weaken Syria's Assad. His departure would clear the way for Islamic rule.
  • Turkey, ISIS' hidden ally?
We grew up reading about the horrors of the Holocaust.  How was it allowed to happen, we asked?  It took years for the Nazis to murder 6 million Jews.  It was not a secret.  And yet, nothing was done. 
And even as the Allies bombed German cities and other targets, they deliberately ignored pleas to bomb the death camps infrastructure and railroad system leading to them, leaving them intact until the end. 
Historians have quoted Allied leaders admitting that they did not want too many Jews to survive because they would become a burden in the aftermath of the conflict.  

In the years following the Second World War we have witnessed several instances of genocide - and have done nothing. 

Young people watching the news today are witnesses to another genocide, the one perpetrated by the Muslim group ISIS.   Yazidis, Christians and Kurds have already been massacred, with many women being raped and enslaved.

   If your teenager asks you why America, with the most powerful military in the world, is practicing "symbolic bombing" - hitting ISIS empty buildings and the occasional truck - while allowing ISIS to continue to advance with its genocidal campaign, how will you answer him? 

United against ISIS: Several images emerged today showing young and old in Kobani fighting ISIS
Kurds bravely defending their city against a genocidal horde


   The White House refuses to provide weapons to besieged Kurds. 

But the US government already sold $11 BILLION worth of weapons to Qatar, a country that routinely supports and finances jihadi terror.
So, what's behind the White House previous "oversight" regarding ISIS, and current tepid response against it?
What's behind Turkey - a member of NATO - allowing international jihadis to enter from Turkey into Syria to join ISIS and other anti-Assad fighters?

ISIS has been effective at capturing territory.  It may help topple Assad.

The White House has been very supportive of regime change in the Middle East, particularly during the so-called Arab Spring.  But the regime change the White House has favored so far is the one that puts the Muslim Brotherhood or similar Islamic groups in charge.

So the US main unstated goal in giving ISIS free rein so far may be the hope that ISIS can help topple Syrian president Assad, a ruthless tyrant, but a secular one.  

And then there is the issue of 30 million Kurds wanting their own state.
The West, Turkey, and the Arabs share one common goal:  to prevent the Kurds from obtaining an independent Kurdistan.  Kurds now live as repressed minorities in Iraq, Syria, Iran and Turkey. 

Kurds, who are not Arabs, are a distinct ethnic group with their own language and culture. 

If Palestinians - who have no language, race, religion or culture distinct from that of their other Arab brothers -  are considered by the West to be worthy of a country of their own, why not the much more deserving Kurds? 
Because of Arab and Turkish opposition.   

The West has been very mindful of Arab and Turkish demands.   That's one of the reasons why the White House is also so very adamant in pressuring Israel to partition its land for the creation of a Palestinian terror state.

Opposition to a Kurdish state, along with advocacy for a Palestinian state, is all politics.  Notions of legality, high principles, and fairness are simply put aside.

All for one: The snaps were posted on Twitter and captioned ‘Kurdish family vs Isis terorist (sic) in Kobane. Kurds in Kobane need help!’

Kurdish defenders continue to plead the West for weapons - to no avail.

Tears: A young child holds a water bottle during a break in their long journey to escape ISIS 

Many Kurdish families have chosen to flee, into Turkey, in spite of that government's outright hostility to Kurds.

KERRY:  Kobani not strategically important. 
World leaders continue to chat over what to do.
Turkey makes demands in exchange for saving Kobani.

WASHINGTON, Oct 8 (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry suggested on Wednesday that preventing the fall of the Syrian town of Kobani to Islamic State fighters was not a strategic U.S. objective and said the idea of a buffer zone should be thoroughly studied.
"As horrific as it is to watch in real time what is happening in Kobani ... you have to step back and understand the strategic objective," Kerry told reporters at a news conference with British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond.
"Notwithstanding the crisis in Kobani, the original targets of our efforts have been the command and control centers, the infrastructure," he said. "We are trying to deprive the (Islamic State) of the overall ability to wage this, not just in Kobani but throughout Syria and into Iraq."
Kerry also said that he expected Turkey, which has demanded a no-fly zone, a buffer zone in Syria and greater effort against the forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, to decide "over the next hours, days" what role it may play against the Islamic State group, which the U.S. government refers to as ISIL.
France said on Wednesday it supported the idea of setting up a buffer zone between Turkey and Syria to create a safe haven for displaced people, President Francois Hollande's office said after he spoke to his Turkish counterpart.
Britain's Hammond reacted cautiously to the idea, as did Kerry, noting that it has been proposed for some time and saying it deserved close study.
"The idea of a buffer zone is one that has been floated. We have to explore with our other allies and partners what is meant by a buffer zone and how such a concept would work, but I certainly wouldn't want to rule it out at this stage," Hammond told reporters.
"The buffer zone is an idea that has been out there. It is worth examining, it's worth looking at very, very closely," Kerry said, largely echoing the unenthusiastic stance that the United States has taken toward the proposal. (Reporting by Arshad Mohammed and Lesley Wroughton; Editing by Mohammad Zargham and Susan Heavey)


Kobani - Anger grows as Turkey stops Kurds from aiding militias in Syria.
Kurdish insurrection gathers steam against Ankara’s ‘inaction to protect Turkey’ as well as against Islamic State incursion

Kurdistan Tribune

Richard Engel, NBC correspondent, from the field

Follow news from Kurds fighting ISIS on Reuters


Interesting exchange between a Kurdish reporter and the White House spokesperson
QUESTION: My question is about the advance of ISIS towards Kobani. My – this question might be more for your colleagues at the Pentagon, but it’s related to the broader Obama strategy.
MS. PSAKI: Mm-hmm.
QUESTION: Over the past 24 hours, we’ve seen only one strike, according to the Central Command, around Kobani. I don’t really understand why there hasn’t been more attacks while large numbers of ISIS fighters are closing in on Kobani. And according to CNN and some other American media reports, they have raised the American flag – the – sorry, Islamic flag over some buildings inside Kobani. Why hasn’t been there more strikes?
MS. PSAKI: Well, I know we have this exchange kind of every single day, which is absolutely fine, but you’re talking about one strike in the last 24 hours. That was the update, you’re right, that came from CENTCOM. There were – that strike destroyed two ISIL fighting positions south of Kobani. Other recent strikes have hit two modular oil refineries, an ISIL training camp, an ISIL-occupied building. So this is an ongoing effort.
QUESTION: They’re not around Kobani, those refineries.
MS. PSAKI: It’s an ongoing effort around – in the same part of the country. I would refer you to DOD for more about their military strategy, but obviously this is something where we’ve long said from the beginning that this would take some time. We’re working closely to do everything we can to help push back ISIL in this part of the country, but again, I don’t have any other military updates from here.
Read more -

September 29 -  Americans drop bombs on empty buildings, except when they hit a grain silo full of civilians - British planes don't drop any bombs at all, just fly over

Experts see Turkey using ISIS as a tool for re-establishing the Ottoman caliphate

Kurdish women take up arms to save Kobani, while White House does nothing

White House sells $11 billion worth of weapons to Qatar, a country that sponsors terror

White House cozy with Qatar, a country with atrocious record of human rights violations.

The usual in Saudi Arabia - Beheadings of eight Bangladeshi workers at Justice Square

Genocides in the 20th Century -

The biggest genocide in history:  the one perpetrated by Islam


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