
Thursday, October 16, 2014

SAUDI ARABIA TO CRUCIFY DISSENTER SHIA CLERIC - Saudi Arabia also beheads and mutilate many people as part of Sharia Law punishment system.

Could it be that the Saudis misunderstand Islam?   
Could it be that they are not true Muslims? 
Or more likely, that they know the Koran very well, and as good Muslims they follow it as it states:

“Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment”
(Qur’an 5:33) 

Execution by beheading Saudi Arabia.jpg

Image on the right  - A public Saudi beheading at Justice Square
Source - 
(CAUTION - This site has even more disturbing images of Muslim punishments.)

The Star:
Raising fears of renewed sectarian tensions in the region, Saudi Arabia’s top court has sentenced a charismatic opposition leader to death for speaking out against the kingdom’s ruling family.
Nimr Baqer al-Nimr, a reformist cleric, has repeatedly called for an end to corruption and discrimination against minorities. He has a wide following, particularly among young people in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province, home to most of the country’s minority Shiites, who are considered heretics by the Sunni-ruled government. 
After being imprisoned for nearly two years, al-Nimr appeared in Riyadh’s Specialized Criminal Court Wednesday with his lawyer and two brothers. Charged with terrorism offences and “breaking allegiance to the king,” the judge upheld the country’s harshest sentence — “crucifixion” — where the decapitated body is publicly displayed. His brothers were reportedly detained after the sentencing. 
Al-Nimr’s family urged Saudi authorities to reconsider the sentence, given the cleric’s teachings to never use force against the government. “They use violent bullets, we will use the roar of the word,” al-Nimr said in a sermon in 2011. 
In another sermon that year, al-Nimr stated: “It is not permitted to use weapons and spread corruption in society.” 
Al-Nimr was arrested in July 2012 following a gun battle in which he was shot in the leg four times for allegedly resisting arrest. His relatives deny police claims of rioting, saying the protests were peaceful and that al-Nimr never resisted arrest or owned a gun. 
The confrontation took place after a fiery speech al-Nimr delivered earlier that month following Arab Spring-inspired protests across the region. “What gives the House of Saud the power to inherit the throne?” he said. “The House of Saud and Khalifa (in Bahrain) are mere collaborators with and pawns of the British and their cohorts. It is our right, and the right of the Bahraini people, and all people everywhere, to choose our leaders and demand that rule by succession be done away with as it contradicts our religion.”… 
Sources:  “Saudi Arabia sentences reformist Shiite cleric to ‘crucifixion,’” by Shenaz Kermalli, The Star, October 15, 2014 (thanks to The Religion of Peace): 

This entire article appeared at


Western leaders assure us that ISIS is not Islam
But prophet Muhammad had hundreds of Jews beheaded in one single day. And Saudi Arabia routinely beheads lawbreakers at a public square.  Saudi Arabia beheaded 22 people in August 2014 alone.  They follow the real Islam.
Read more -

Amnesty International on Saudi Arabia beheadings

The history of bloody conquest by Islam.  They acquired large swaths of land in Asia, Africa and Europe - by means of the sword. 
Their conquests include today's Israel.  The Muslims are the real occupiers. 
See chronology of Muslim conquests, with map.

More on The Religion of Peace


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