
Friday, October 31, 2014

MYSTERIOUS ANCIENT STONE CIRCLES IN THE MIDDLE EAST - Arabs will probably blame them on a Zionist conspiracy

Mystery of Middle East's Big Circles: Ancient stone rings in the desert have left archaeologists baffled. 

Eight big circles have been recorded in west central Jordan, between Wadi el-Hasa and the edge of Shara escarpment
  • There is a second group, made of four Big Circles just north of Azraq Oasis in the Middle Eastern country
  • In addition, a more recent Big Circle was spotted on satellite imagery in 2002 near Homs in Syria
  • The first group of circles were first spotted from the air in the 1920s, and more recent surveys have revealed more details about their size, shape and locations
  • They range from between 720ft and 1,490ft (220 metres to 455 metres) in diameter and are made of stones or boulders
  • Some are crude circles, but others were intended to geometrically precise, said researcher Professor David Kennedy
  • Their purpose is not known and archaeologists will need to excavate the sites to accurately date them
  • However, materials suggest they range from the Early Bronze Age to the Roman period, up to the 7th century

  • A "Big Circle" dubed J2, with a diameter of 390 meters (1,280 feet), seen from the air in Jordan.

    This image is a close-up photograph of the stones used to build circle J2. Professor Kennedy said that the circles would have originally contained no openings or kinks, but a number now have routes passing through them, or contain ‘service gates.’ Archaeologists will need to excavate the sites to learn more about their construction and purpose

    This map plots the location of the 12 Big Circles in Jordan, and the single circle discovered in 2002 near Homs in Syria
    This map plots the location of the 12 Big Circles in Jordan, and the single circle discovered in 2002 near Homs in Syria

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    More Middle East Archaeology
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    Photo: Petra, Jordan


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    Photo of the Palmyra ruins with the Qala'at ibn Maan castle in the background in September 2013.
     Ruins of Palmyra, Syria
    More Archaeological Sources
    Near East and Middle East Archaeology on Discovery Magazine

    Biblical Archaeology - Israel

    Archaeological finds in Israel since 2004

    Israel archaeological treasures



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