
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

ISRAELI AUTHORITIES APPEASE AND EMPOWER THE ARABS while they discriminate against Jews - Jews get arrested for praying at their most sacred site in jerusalem, Temple Mount, which the government handed over to the Jordanians - The ongoing Israeli trade with the enemy.

Hamas has sworn to destroy Israel and to slaughter Jews every chance they get. 
But the Israeli government treats Hamas leaders and their relatives with consideration. 
The Israeli government has also provided unlimited amounts of cement to Hamas over the years, knowing that it was being used to build terror tunnels.
The Palestinian Authority leaders are not any better - although they have cunningly deceived the West about their true nature.  They normally have two sets of scripts:  one racist and bellicose for the home audience, and a moderate one for the West.   

But the most obscene concession by Israeli authorities to the enemy is the acquiescence to partition the ancient land of Israel in order to create a Muslim terror state devoted to the destruction of Israel and the Jews.
Imagine what would the six million Jewish victims of Nazi genocide say at the fact that the German Nazis' closest collaborator - the Muslim Nazis -
would one day be rewarded with historically Jewish land
for the creation of a Nazi state of their own. 

Muslim close collaboration with the Nazis
and how the US and its allies have helped and used Muslim Nazis for their own purposes - including the destruction of Israel - as proven by historical documentation.
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And Israel - isolated and micromanaged by the State Department - engages in suicidal policies that empower the enemy and discriminate against Jews.

Hamas Leader Haniyeh's Daughter Treated in Israel hospital
Tel Aviv's Ichilov Hospital confirms the girl was treated and released a week ago.
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh
Ismail Haniyeh
Israel National News - The daughter of the leader of Gaza's Hamas terror militia, Ismail Haniyeh, received emergency medical treatment in an Israeli hospital in Tel Aviv earlier this month, according to Reuters news agency.
"Ismail Haniyeh's daughter was indeed hospitalized for medical treatment for several days at the hospital,” Ichilov Hospital said. “Over 1,000 patients from Gaza and the Palestinian Authority territories – both adults and children – are hospitalized for treatment at our hospital every year.”

The daughter is one of Haniyeh's 13 children. She reportedly received treatment for a week, after complications that occurred during a routine operation she underwent.

Several of Haniyeh's relatives have received medical treatment in Israel, including his mother in-law and granddaughter, despite the fact that he has pledged Israel's utter destruction. 
Hamas routinely and intentionally targets Israeli children with its bombs. One of the last victims of Hamas's rockets in the summer war with Israel was four-year-old Daniel Tragerman hy"d, of Nahal Oz.
They knew where mortars that killed Jewish child Daniel Tragerman were coming from, but refrained from destroying it acting out of fear of injuring Arabs - 
And how government sacrifices Israeli soldiers to spare Arab lives.
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July 2014 - Despite ongoing rocket fire, Israel transfers aid to Gaza
Israel allows hundreds of trucks of food and supplies into Gaza to avert humanitarian crisis, as Hamas uses human shields.
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Trading with the Enemy
Gaza has a population of close to two million, just minutes from Tel Aviv.  The blockade began after Hamas took over the territory in 2007,  But still, goods move across the border.  About 50% of imported goods come from Israel, and their value reaches in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Now that Egypt is not in good terms with Hamas and has closed a number of tunnels, Gaza is even more dependent on Israel for the importation of goods.  
Since 2010, Israel has allowed Gazans to use the port of Asdod, the Allenby Bridge into Jordan, and Ben-Gurion International Airport for their exports.
Israeli companies use middlemen to export to Gaza, so it's hard to get them to admit of trading with the enemy.  One company that makes no secret of its booming business with Gaza is a cement conglomerate, which has been selling cement to Gazans for many years.  Officially the cement is to build schools and homes.  But everyone knows that they use to build tunnels.
Israel provides Palestinians with water and electricity
which they don't bother to pay for
The Palestinian Authority currently owes the Israel Electric Company NIS 1.5 billion ($525 million) in unpaid bills for electricity. An examination of that debt by business daily Globes shows that the relative amount owed by Gaza was NIS 220 million ($62 million).
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Israeli intelligence warned years ago:  Cement to Gaza can be lethal. 
But business continued unhindered by any worries.
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While Israeli officials knew it was being used to build tunnels - How business influences policy.  The Israeli cement company that benefits from this export.
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The silence about anti-Jewish and pro-Arab bias among Leftist Jewish media, judiciary and government
This article contains many links to news stories of authorities' abuse, discrimination and unwarranted violence against Jews in Israel.  Including violent expulsion of Jews from their homes.
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The real Apartheid in Israel
Jews are banned from praying at Temple Mount, the most sacred site in Judaism
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Breaking News:
MIRACLES IN TIME OF WAROctober 22, 2014 -  Israeli PM reassured the king of  Jordan that he will not allow Jews to pray at Temple Mount in Jerusalem  - the most sacred site in the world for Jews. 
Those Jews who are seen even moving their lips at that site, will be arrested.
Israelis gave their lives to liberate Temple Mount from Muslim occupiers in 1967 - only to have the Israeli government at that time hand over control to the Jordanian government - as a gesture of appeasement to the defeated genocidal Arabs, and of profound betrayal to their own citizens.  To this day Temple Mount is a site of constant friction and violence as Arabs fight to prevent Jews from even setting foot there.
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'Moderate' Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas calls Jews visiting Temple Mount "HERD OF CATTLE".
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Israel National News news archive on Temple Mount
But Israeli authorities pretend not to hear,
 while they continue to empower the enemy.
Eight quotes by Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh.  Samples: 
(3) ” Palestine is from the sea to the river, from Rosh HaNikra to Rafah. The siege will not change our belief, wars don’t cause people give up resistance and resistance leaders. We will not recognize!  We will not recognize!  We will not recognize Israel!”
(6) “The gun is our only response to [the] Zionist regime. In time we have come to understand that we can obtain our goals only through fighting and armed resistance and no compromise should be made with the enemy.”
(8) “This is a generation which knows no fear. It is the generation of the missile, the tunnel and suicide operations.”
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Hamas to their kids:  Shoot all Jews
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The 'Moderate' Fatah-ruled Palestinian Authority is just as bad.
For the real "moderate Palestinian" agenda, visit Palestinian Media Watch. 
In their own words.


Moderate Palestinian Authority denies Israel's right to exist
News archive
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Palestinian violence against IDF soldiers near Ramallah. (Photo: Issam Rimawi/Flash90)'Moderate' Fatah gloats of having murdered 11,000 Israelis

Hamas leaders: 
We love death the way Israelis love life

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