
Saturday, October 18, 2014

ISIS JIHADIS TERRIFIED OF KURDISH WOMEN WARRIORS - Muslims don't go to heaven if killed by a woman

Iraqi soldiers run, Americans drop a few bombs, Turks watch, but the Kurds - including girls and women - continue to fight.
Daily Mail exclusive: women warriors terrifying the jihadis who believe if they're killed by a female they won't go to heaven. 

  • Army of women in desperate battle to defend Kobane from Islamic State
  • Nesrin Abdi carries rifle in case she is captured and needs to shoot herself
  • The medical student is a part of an all female wing of the Kurdish army
  • Says ISIS militants are terrified of being killed by a woman and fear they won't go to heaven
  • Dispatch from Turkey/Syria border by Daily Mail's Sam Greenhill with photographs by Jamie Wiseman

  • You wouldn’t know it from her sweet smile, but the reason why Nesrin Abdi carries a rifle is in case she needs to shoot herself dead.
    This, she explained matter-of-factly, would be preferable to being captured by the monsters of Islamic State.
    Courage: Fighter Nesrin Abdi pictured with her comrades on the battlefield in Kobane
    Fighter Nesrin Abdi in Kobane
    Nesrin, a 20-year-old medical student, is by all accounts a happy, well-educated, middle-class young woman with an infectious joy for life.
    In her home town of Kobane on the Syria-Turkey border, moments of joy are rare, but a photograph captures the triumphant moment three days ago when she was among Kurdish fighters who recaptured a strategic hill from the Islamic State invaders.
    The jihadis’ sinister black flag was torn down and replaced with a fluttering Kurdish red-and-yellow banner, marking what may well prove a symbolic turning point in the life-and-death struggle for the besieged town.
    But Nesrin, a doctor’s daughter who has joined an army of women battling to defend Kobane, is aware that every day could be her last.
    She told me: ‘Everyone knows what happens if IS catches you. For a woman it is rape, followed by beheading. We have all seen the videos of the American and British hostages beheaded in the desert. They will treat us the same.'

    Nesrin Abdi in better times
    ‘I carry a Kalashnikov and if I am cornered face-to-face with an IS fighter, I don’t know exactly what I will do. Maybe I will kill him or maybe I will kill myself.’
    The battle for Kobane has raged for a month and the stakes could hardly be higher. On Nato’s doorstep, it has become a litmus test of the resolve of America and its allies to crush the growing menace of Islamic State.
    The bloodthirsty fanatics are pouring in reinforcements and have the town in a deadly stranglehold, with up to 13,000 civilians trapped inside, including the elderly and babies hungry for milk. The United Nations has warned of ‘another Srebenica’ — like the massacre in Bosnia in 1995 — unless the world acts.
    Photographer Jamie Wiseman and I have been witnessing the struggle unfold from a Turkish hilltop overlooking the town. In the past four days, cheered by Kurds on the hilltop, the U.S. has stepped up the coalition bombing campaign of IS targets, claiming its warplanes have blown up 600 jihadis along with American tanks and artillery that they pilfered from the Iraqi army.
    The U.S. blitz is welcome — one Kurdish couple have named their newborn son Obama in gratitude — but the battle cannot be won by air power alone.
    On the ground, resistance troops have taken advantage of the air raids to mount an unlikely comeback and retake some parts of the town. They are commanded by a woman, and dozens of female fighters swell their ranks.
    Miss Abdi, far left, pictured with her school friends before the war. She says Kurdish women have been fighting alongside the men since the 1930s 
    According to tradition, Kurdish girls become warriors if necessary
    When I spoke to Nesrin Abdi yesterday, she explained why the all-female wing of the Kurdish force defending Kobane — the YPJ — is striking fear into the hearts of the jihadi men.
    ‘For Daesh [an Arabic term for IS], to be killed by a woman means he will not go to Heaven. When we fight them, we are fierce and we let them know they are being killed by women,’ she said. 
    In the heat of battle, the female Kurdish fighters issue a chilling war cry — a shrill warble — to announce their presence to their black-clad foes.
    ‘It is so, so important that it is women fighting IS,’ said Nesrin. ‘In their culture, women are slaves. They treat them as objects whose lives are worth nothing.’
    Nesrin, circled, pictured at a ceremony in July when she joined the YPJ fighters to defend her hometown of Kobane from ISIS militants 
    Nasrin (circled) and comrades
    In the warped world of the Islamic caliphate, which has stunned the world with its sweeping victories across Syria and Iraq, girls and women lose all rights and forgo their education. Some are even sold into slavery.
    Nesrin’s mother (her father died when she was young) has fled to Turkey but is also full of pride, though she is gripped with terror at what might become of her.
    ‘Of course she worries all the time,’ said Nesrin, who also has an elder sister. ‘But what can I do? I cannot make her feel relaxed. I always tell her this is my duty. I am a girl from this town and I need to defend it. My father and mother were born here, our ancestors are buried here — these things make me strong.
    ‘It would be better to die for freedom here than to live anywhere else.’
    Nonetheless, it is a wretched existence. The exhausted, battle-weary fighters snatch sleep when they can, often for no more than an hour at a time.
    Clutching their rifles and hand grenades, they drift off knowing that a mortar bomb landing nearby might mean they never wake.
    The nights are particularly cruel because then there is no hiding from the jihadis, who gleefully brag on social media that they can see in the dark with their looted American night-vision goggles.
    The street fighting rages around the clock. Propaganda videos released by the Kurds show women and men fighting alongside each other against the jihadis, blasting away with their battered Kalashnikov rifles through slots in walls.
    Nesrin feels afraid every night, but says she is ‘getting used’ to the bone-shaking booms of the shelling and airstrikes.
    Speaking to me from across the border on her mobile phone, with the help of a Kurdish translator, she described how the fighters keep their spirits up.
    ‘We listen to songs and we sing songs. In spite of the death around us there is also love of life, and love of free lives,’ she said. ‘This gives us moral support. To be defending your home town is life itself.’
    I asked if she dreams of the future to keep her spirits strong, and she said: ‘I will go back to my university to become a doctor. I was only in the second year.'
    She also wants to document the battle unfolding around her so the world can see what is happening.
    What about a husband and children? She laughs. ‘In this situation, I don’t know. I cannot think about these things at the moment. I think I am too young.’ In Kobane, those old enough to carry a gun — and even some who are not — are armed.
    ‘Everybody is fighting. There are women my age who have been given hand grenades to throw,’ says a 63-year-old woman called Alife Ali at a hospital in Suruc, just across the border in Turkey. ‘We will fight to the last person.’
    Behind the front line, mothers whose sons and daughters are fighting organise meals for everyone, using tinned food topped up with stocks of tomatoes and cucumbers. In the stricken town money is no longer worth anything, so the dwindling supplies of food can be obtained for free.
    But medication is in short supply and doctors warn that after this weekend they will be out of antibiotics, bandages and anaesthetic. Powdered baby milk has run out.
    Some joke optimistically that ‘when the war is won by women’ they will make men do the washing-up for evermore.
    Local politician Imad Shahin, from the Kurdish PYD party, said: ‘Islamic State are trying to commit genocide against us.
    ‘We are being attacked by these monsters because we have equality between men and women. In a Muslim society some think it is shameful for a girl to fight, but our fighters have broken all the rules to show the world that our women are free.
    ‘The bravery of the women makes the men fight harder because they don’t want to be outdone by a woman.’
    Indeed, a woman is leading the battle to save Kobane. With the nom de guerre Narin Afrin, and described as ‘beautiful, innocent and strong’, she is general commander of the troops defending the town.
    She has been lionised on social media. Maajid Nawaz, of the counter-extremist Quilliam Foundation think-tank in London, wrote on Twitter: ‘Hero. Remember her name.’
    Earlier this week Narin Afrin appealed for heavy weapons, saying in a statement posted online: ‘IS are using tanks. Unfortunately we don’t have anti-tank weapons.’
    After a month of horror, the desperation on both sides is mounting. Gains made by the Kurds this week, with the help of American airstrikes, have given them hope of being able to sweep the jihadis out of town. But for how long?
    We can only wonder what will happen to Nesrin and the women fighting at her side when IS — which still commands all the Syrian territory around Kobane — gathers its strength and launches another murderous assault.
    Woman fighter leads battle against Islamic State in besieged Syrian border town of Kobane
  • Narin Afrin is the commander of the Peshmerga troops defending the besieged Syrian town
  • Afrin has begged the world to 'send us humanitarian aid and weapons now'
  • IS gunmen view women as little more than slaves so being killed by one will be doubly shameful 
  • Kobane fighters are being out-gunned by Islamic State’s American tanks – looted from the Iraqi army
  • The United Nations has warned of ‘another Srebenica massacre’ if Kobane falls 
  • Dispatch from Turkey/Syria border by Daily Mail's SAM GREENHILL with photographs by JAMIE WISEMAN
    Clutching a battered Kalashnikov and with her hair drawn back in a tight headscarf, this is the woman fighter leading the battle against Islamic State in Kobane.
    The commander of the Peshmerga forces, dubbed the Peshmerga Princess, defending the besieged Syrian town of Kobane against IS advances is 40-year-old Mayssa Abdo, who uses the nom de guerre Narin Afrin. She has revealed: 'Thousands of civilians are still inside the town. They can’t go anywhere – all around us is blocked'
    Commander Mayssa Abdo  - AKA Narin Afrin
    Narin Afrin is commander of the Peshmerga troops defending the besieged Syrian town.
    The battle-hardened Peshmerga have proved the jihadis’ most fearsome opponents, and have doggedly refused to give in to the fanatics’ assault.
    The so-called holy warriors of IS – also known as Isis – will be humiliated by the fact that a woman is leading the stubborn fight against them, say their opponents.
    IS gunmen view women as little more than slaves so being killed by one will be doubly shameful.
    Yesterday on social media she was being lionised by supporters.
    Maajid Nawaz, the chairman of the counter-extremist Quilliam Foundation in London, wrote on Twitter: ‘Hero. Remember her name: Nalin Afrin. General commander of Kurdish forces defending city of Kobane against Isis scourge’.
    The United Nations has warned of ‘another Srebenica massacre’ if Kobane falls.
    Yesterday the 40-year-old Peshmerga commander issued a desperate plea to the world to arm her volunteer army.
    Afrin – described as ‘beautiful, innocent and strong’ – wrote: ‘We will fight until the last bullet to save the civilians. It is a fight for all of us, a fight for freedom.
    ‘If you don’t help us, they will come for you one day.’
    She begged the world to send anti-tank weapons, saying her fighters were being out-gunned by Islamic State’s American tanks – looted from the Iraqi army.
    ‘IS are using heavy weapons, especially tanks. Unfortunately we don’t have anti-tank weapons.
    ‘We are still defending the town, but our weapons are only very light and we have limited bullets,’ she said
    ‘Please send us humanitarian aid and weapons now. Thousands of civilians are still inside the town.
    ‘They can’t go anywhere – all around us is blocked.’
    She accused Nato member Turkey – which has stood idly by while an atrocity unfolds on its doorstep – of ‘just sitting and watching and waiting to see all the civilians beheaded’.
    Her Peshmerga Kurds have been locked in a life-and-death battle for Kobane that has lasted a month.
    Her opposite number in command of the jihadi forces attacking the town is said to be Abu Khatab al Kurdi.
    Twitters users have been comparing the two commanders, with one saying the straggly-bearded fanatic was ‘ugly and wild’ while ‘the other is beautiful, innocent and strong’.
    The Peshmerga have many women fighters, including teenage girls, along with boys, men and even old people, all desperately trying to stop the town falling into IS hands.
    And some of the US-led air strikes in Syria and Iraq have been conducted by women.
    Major Mariam Al Mansouri, 35, the United Arab Emirates’s first woman fighter pilot, has taken part in attacks on IS targets, prompting delight on social media with one commentator writing: ‘Hey Isis you were bombed by a woman, have a nice day.’
    Yesterday the battle raged for Kobane with neither side seeming to make much headway.
    An Islamic State suicide bomber detonated a truck laden with explosives near the Turkish border crossing.
    Idris Nassan, a Kurdish official in Kobane, said two Kurdish fighters had been wounded during the attack.
    Read more about Kurds on this blog
    From the news: 
    Read more
    KURDS' desperate fight while the world barely notices
    Perhaps because they can't blame Israel.
    The valiant Kurds are - for some unaccountable reason - not being supplied by the Obama administration with 21st century weapons to defend themselves against the well-armed ISIS terrorists who possess highly sophisticated armaments, including tanks, they looted from overrun U.S. supplied Iraqi army bases.
    Turkish forces have prevented Turkish and Syrian Kurds from joining the fight primarily because they - like the Syrians, Iraqis and Iranians - have always denied the Kurdish people a sovereign, independent state of their own in the Kurdish ancestral lands; ancient territories that happen to straddle modern and artificially created Arab, Turkish and Iranian territories..
    The current poisonous phenomenon of what is called ‘political correctness’ now negates historical correctness. As a result, and because of an irrational reluctance to name the Islamo-Nazis as the enemy of civilization, the result is an abject failure to destroy this latest manifestation of Islamic supremacy; namely IS, the so-called Islamic State.
    The same paralysis afflicts western powers, allowing the Islamic Republic of Iran and its venomous proxies, Hamas and Hezbollah, to grow ever stronger and usher in new horrors that may well be the final death knell of freedom throughout the globe.
    Notice how the mainstream media, consistent with its immoral and perverse treatment of Israel’s struggle against the same evil - Hamas - is strangely quiet about the fight for survival of the brave Kurdish resistance. Here we see that other and shameful handmaiden of political correctness: Moral equivalency.
    Read more
    Who truly deserves a state?  The Kurds or the Palestinians?


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