
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

HILARIOUS PICTURES OF PETS TERRIFIED OF GOING TO THE VET - Maybe they know better. Documentary shows how vets charge for unnecessary procedures

A vet appointment strikes terror into the bravest pets' hearts.  So pity these misty-eyed dogs and cats, who raised a smile with their attempts to hide or guilt-trip their way out of that dreaded trip.

See more images of traumatized pets and LINK to documentary about Vets overcharging 

On the operating table: One dog gives a pleading look at the camera in this photo, one of dozens shared by owners on the internet

Part of the furniture: This cat attempted to squeeze between a tap, a jar of cotton balls and surgical alcohol... and nearly got away with it
Anything but that! These images sparked hilarity online after pet owners snapped their terrified animals preparing for visits to the vet
Perfect hiding place: 'No one will find me here, it's too dark', this dog must have thought with glee. How very wrong he was
Not standing tall: One pet tries to blend in under the orange colours of a fluffy giraffe
Tight squeeze: One pet saves face inside an item of furniture. Were they all scared of the vet, or thinking of another unknown menace?
A dog's life: Some were in full-on hugs with their owners by the reception desk, but their puppy eyes wouldn't get them out of trouble
Get miaow-t! This cat just couldn't face another minute (or might have just been looking for a bit of food under the shelf) 
 A dog's life: Some were in full-on hugs with their owners by the reception desk, but their puppy eyes wouldn't get them out of trouble
Why are you doing this to me? That self-pitying look is almost enough to make you never want to take your pets to the vet again
Marketplace investigation: Veterinarians
Hidden camera shows how pet owners may be paying hundreds of dollars for questionable treatments and procedures at the vet. The Marketplace team goes undercover with our four-legged sleuth, Marshall, a healthy bulldog, taking him to ten veterinary clinics.
We put the vets to the test on what they’ll recommend for routine pet care needs. Some vets we visit prescribe vaccines our undercover dog doesn't need, testing that's unnecessary, expensive medications and pet food, as well as differing diagnoses for a common condition.
And we reveal five ways that your vet bill may be inflated and how to keep your pet healthy and your vet costs down.
Watch video here


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