
Sunday, October 19, 2014

HARD-WORKING CHIPMUNKS GETTING READY FOR WINTER - A little overambitious, perhaps, but so cute

They look so cute you'll want to hibernate with them! Chipmunks become internet hit as hidden camera shows them stocking up for winter by stuffing their mouths with more nuts than they can handle.Oh nuts! Furry little creatures have become the stars of their own reality TV show thanks to Squirrel Cam

It's literally nuts how much these creatures can manage to stuff inside their cheeks.
And once you check out Squirrel Cam, you'll never view them as just rats with bushy tails ever again.
Two years ago, nature photographer Pandiaundre Q Dax became fixated on the greedy little things as they interacted with their natural habitat and prepared for the winter months.

The Illinois resident decided to get a closer look and began to video squirrels, chipmunks and birds, scurrying about and foraging for seeds, almonds and peanuts.  The Squirrel Cam Facebook page was born as a result; it now has over 14,000 likes and fans from all over the globe.  
Trick or treat! Sly squirrels will often pretend to bury food to deceive onlookers before hiding their real stash elsewhere 
That's hardly surprising considering it caters to animal lovers with a fantastic selection of pics, drawings, videos and memes for them to feast their eyes upon.
As the vital period of winter dormancy crawls nearer, we are sure this footage will make you wish you could join these hungry squirrels in a long state of slumber...dreaming of nuts. 

See more pictures

Yummy! The Facebook page allows animal lovers to get up close and personal with the animals as they store food and prepare to hibernate 

Squirreling away
the facts!

Hibernation helps certain animals save energy and survive winter without much food.
They prepare by eating extra food and storing it as body fat to keep them warm while sleeping.
Tree squirrels DON'T hibernate but keep all activities to a minimum during the winter to conserve energy.
However, several species of ground squirrels DO hibernate for several months in burrows.
Squirrels are very clever and are known to put on elaborate bogus food burying displays to deceive onlookers and protect their 'real' stash.
They're trusting and are of the few wild animal species which will eat out of a person’s hand.
Cutie pie! Look how sweet this little munchkin is as it stuffs a peanut into its gob 
Halloween: October is the prime time for these fuzzy creatures to stock up before the weather takes a turn for the worst 
Munching: This cutie is about to go diving in a big bowl of peanuts
Cheeky things! The Facebook page is dedicated to adorable images of squirrels, chipmunks and birds stocking up on food in time for the cruel winter months 
Don't leave us! Sadly you won't see them as often in the winter because they're snuggled up in their dens to conserve body heat and energy
See video


October 19, 2014 - Prince Charles declared war on the grey squirrel population yesterday, calling for them to be exterminated.   He said it was crucial to 'eliminate' the alien greys if Britain's native red squirrels were to have a chance of survival.   There are said to be three million greys in the country and only 120,000 to 160,000 reds, mainly in Scotland.
Read more

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