
Saturday, October 25, 2014

GAZA PALESTINIANS KILL MORE THAN 30 EGYPTIAN SOLDIERS IN SINAI - They used terror tunnels - Egypt to set up a buffer zone with Gaza.

Egypt is preparing to set up a buffer zone of between 1.5 and 3 kilometers with the Gaza Strip, an Egyptian daily reported Saturday, following a deadly attack in Sinai on Friday that left over 30 Egyptian soldiers dead.
Egyptian Army personnel supervise the destruction of tunnels between Egypt and the Gaza Strip at the border, near the town of Rafah, northern Sinai, Egypt, September 2013. (photo credit: AP/AP Television)
Forces were expected to start clearing the zone of structures and vegetation in the coming days, Al-Youm al-Sabaa reported.
Army patrols were also set to be increased along the coast from El-Arish, in the northern Sinai peninsula, to the Egyptian border town of Rafah, in an effort to thwart the maritime smuggling of supplies to terrorists. 
Photo - File -Egyptian Army personnel supervise the destruction of tunnels between Egypt and the Gaza Strip  (photo credit: AP/AP Television)
Egypt’s President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi said Saturday that the deadly assault on an army checkpoint in the Sinai Peninsula was a “foreign-funded operation.”  (Iran?  Qatar? ISIS?)
Egypt declared a three-month state of emergency Friday in the north and center of the Sinai Peninsula after the attack, the presidency said.

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By the way, Egypt supports the creation of an independent Islamic Palestinian State, although it is well aware that it would fall under powerful Islamic influences such as Iran, Turkey and ISIS, for example, that would threaten Egyptian security.


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