
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

EARLY VOTING MYSTERY - VOTING MACHINES KEEP SWITCHING REPUBLICAN VOTES TO DEMOCRAT - To Wisconsin voters the president jokes "You can only vote once, this isn't Chicago".

There have been complaints in Maryland and Illinois - so far.
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJZ)—Early voting just started last week in Maryland, but there are already accusations that some voting machines are changing Republican votes to Democrat. Now Republicans are calling for an investigation by the State Board of Elections.
As Marylanders go to the polls, there are concerns that the vote you cast may not be for the candidate you want.
“We’ve heard from scores of citizens in our district and around the state who have had this problem where they hit one button to vote for one person, and when they go to the summary they see that the other person was checked,” said Del Nik Kipke, (R) Anne Arundel County.
Republicans say they’ve received several dozen reports of Republican votes being changed to Democrat.
Now GOP leaders are calling for an investigation.  But the State Board of Elections tells WJZ they received less than 20 reports of calibration issues with machines.  Twelve have been thoroughly tested– and the problem could not be replicated.   The others are out of service.
Democratic candidate Anthony Brown says he’s confident the board will address all issues.
“I think we should always be vigilant to make sure that voters can cast a ballot and that it’s accurately recorded,” said Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown, (D) Maryland.
In a statement to WJZ, board officials say “election officials receive similar reports in every election. Post-election analysis has shown that this is caused by voter error. Voters with large fingers or long nails or voters who hold the touchscreen with their palm resting on the screen seem to report this issue more frequently.”
The State Board of Election advises voters to find an election judge immediately if they have any problem with the machines.
Members of the state Republican Party are calling for the state Democratic Party to join them in calling for an investigation into the machines.



Two Illinois voters say their attempts to vote early for Republicans on an electronic voting machine were registered as votes for Democrats—and they say have the video evidence to prove it. 
The voters are 18- and 19-year-old Moline residents who asked to remain anonymous. They say they went to their polling station on Monday, October 28, at the Moline Public Library. Both say they were aware of recent news stories that other early voters in their area had experienced difficulties voting on electronic machines. The complaints have been widespread.
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The president jokes, You can only vote once, this isn't Chicago


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