
Saturday, October 25, 2014

CONCERNED ABOUT POSSIBLE BACKLASH CANADIAN MUSLIM GROUPS HONOR VICTIMS OF TERROR - The disturbing background of national Muslim group disavowing killings - Muslim ambiguity when denouncing killing of "innocent victims".

Main points
  • Canada suffered two separate terror attacks this week targeting soldiers and Parliament.   Two soldiers lost their lives.  The PM was only meters away from an armed terrorist.
  • The National Council of Canadian Muslims, or NCCM/CAIR-CAN laid a wreath at the War Memorial, the site of one of the terror attacks.
  • Canadian Muslim representatives, fearing backlash, were quick to disavow the killing of "innocent victims"
  • The words "innocent victims" is rather ambiguous, since Islam mandates the killing of those who dare to criticize and oppose Islam. 
  • Muslims everywhere, including "moderates," support and even call for the killing of innocent Jews and Israelis. 
  • Palestinian leaders fully endorsed the killing of a Jewish baby in Jerusalem this week.  Blamed it on the "occupation" and called the terrorist a "hero".
  • The pro-Palestinian US State Department reaction to the killing of an American baby in Jerusalem was rather dismissive, telling Israel to keep calm and avoid escalating the situation.
  • The NCCM - or CAIR-CAN, as it used to be called - has a disturbing background of  litigious activities against critics and even against the Prime Minister.
  • According to researchers, the NCCM or CAIR-CAN has always had clear links to Islamist groups.

While remaining silent at Islam's ongoing carnage all over the world, whenever Muslim violence touches countries such as Canada and the United States, Muslim organizations routinely make statements centered on their own victimhood, raising concern about possible backlash against resident Muslims.

And while they often fully endorse violence against Israelis as a means to an end - the dismantlement of Israel - and join the chorus of demonization of that country, they are extremely sensitive to perceived slights to Islam.     

Killed: Corporal Nathan Cirillo, 24, was shot dead by a gunman as he stood guard at the National War Memorial outside the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa on Wednesday morning. He leaves behind a young son
Victim Cpl Nathan Cirillo
Muslims killing Canadians in their own country
That has been the case with the latest cases of Muslim terror in Canada.  During the past week TWO Canadian soldiers were murdered by Muslims. 

One was deliberately ran over by a car, the other one was shot.

This in the context of many ongoing police investigations of Canadian radical Muslims. 
The latest terror attack in Canada
Michael Zehaf Bibeau
The terrorist - Michael Zehaf Bibeau - after shooting Cpl Cirillo, went deep inside Parliament with the intention to kill some more - maybe even the Prime Minister himself. 

A one point he was only meters away from where the PM was meeting with other parliamentarians.   A shootout with security ensued and Zehaf Bibeau was gunned down.
His father, Bulgasem Zehaf,  was an active jihadist who left Canada to return to his native Libya to fight with the Libyan Islamic 'resistance'. 
On the day of Cpl Cirillo's murder, Zehaf junior had been denied a passport to travel to Syria, due to his extensive criminal record and fundamentalist Islamic views.  As a reaction, Michael Zehaf decided to kill some Canadians instead. 
Muslim reaction to terror in Canada
During media interviews, Muslim representatives expressed the usual platitudes of regret about the murders, but most of their concern was focused on how Muslims would be perceived by the general population, and their fears of a possible backlash.  By backlash they don't necessarily mean violence, but an increase in wariness of Islam among Canadians - otherwise known as "Islamophobia" - fear of Islam.

Notice the wording of many of their statements, and how they condemn the slaying of "innocent" victims.  The word "innocent" is key, because it implies that non-innocent victims are fair game - non-innocent in the eye of Islam, such as Jews everywhere, and anyone who opposes the views of Muhammad.
The National Council of Canadian Muslims
A national association known as National Council of Canadian Muslims, NCCM, made a show of laying a wreath at the site of the murder of Cpl Nathan Cirillo, shot by a Muslim on October 22 while standing guard at the National War Memorial in Ottawa. 

NCCM Executive Director Ihsaan Gardee said on their organization's website: 

While details about today’s attacks are still unfolding, we must reiterate that nothing can justify such atrocious actions and our message to anyone who espouses, endorses, or in any way supports ideologies of violence is that your actions are based on gross perversions of the Islamic faith"  READ STATEMENT

The NCCM background

Researchers have uncovered strong links between NCCM/CAIR CA and Islamic groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood.

Contrary to the current US administration efforts to whitewash the Muslim Brotherhood, this organization holds extreme Islamist views and has been engaged in jihadist activities since its inception. 

Do not underestimate the power of NCCM in Canada -

The police Islamic handbook

Gatestone Institute:  U.S., Canada's RCMP Team Up with Islamists:  A handbook entitled United Against Terrorism, supposedly aimed at preventing youth radicalization, was endorsed last week by the U.S. Department of State.

The handbook, however, released at a mosque in Winnipeg (Manitoba), Canada, is an alarming joint venture between the Royal Canadian Mounted Police [RCMP] and the National Council of Canadian Muslims [NCCM], formerly CAIR-CAN -- now conveniently renamed -- which has connections to terrorism

CAIR-CAN is the Canadian branch of CAIR [Council on American–Islamic Relations], which was designated an "unindicted co-conspirator" in the largest terrorist financing trial in U.S. history -- the Holy Land Foundation trial.

The handbook has already caused dissension among the RCMP, which now is backing away from it, due to its "adversarial tone" -- and also possibly the embarrassing fallout.

There is still, however, the outstanding question of why Canada's RCMP would ever even have considered partnering with an organization shown to have highly questionable roots.


The litigious background of NCCM

The Ottawa Citizen: 
NCCM.CAIR-CAN indulging in "lawfare jihad"?

The Ottawa Citizen reported back in May 18, 2014 that the National Council of Canadian Muslims – formerly known as CAIR-CAN, or Council on American Islamic Relations (Canada), was threatening to sue Prime Minister Stephen Harper for taking pro-Israel rabbi Daniel Korobkin along on his trip to Israel. 

NCCM had previously filed a lawsuit against journalist Ezra Levant and the human rights complaint against  Mark Steyn by Muslims upset with them for expressing their view.

Now, the National Council of Canadian Muslims – formerly known as CAIR-CAN, or Council on American Islamic Relations (Canada) – threatens to sue Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s spokesman, Jason MacDonald, for daring to suggest that the organization has links to the terrorist group Hamas.

Earlier, before the lawsuit threat, the organization previously known as CAIR-CAN had demanded the prime minister’s office forbid well-known Rabbi Daniel Korobkin, whom some regard as hostile to Muslims, from joining Harper’s trip last week to the Israel, the West Bank and Jordan.
(The NCCM is upset with Korobkin because he introduced Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, two well-known opponents of Islamism, at a public meeting in Toronto last September.)
The Prime Minister's spokesman Jason MacDonald dismissed the demand, saying “We will not take seriously criticism from an organization with documented ties to a terrorist organization such as Hamas.”
The leaders of the organization previously known as CAIR-CAN were so outraged by MacDonald’s dismissal of their objections that they filed a notice of libel in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, accusing MacDonald of acting maliciously when he made the comment.
What terrorist experts have to say about NCCM or CAIR-CAN.
David Harris, a highly regarded counter-terrorism expert and the director of the International and Terrorist Intelligence Program at INSIGNIS Strategic Research, testified in 2011 before the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, pointing out that CAIR-CAN, as the NCCM was then known, was the Canadian wing of the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations.

CAIR, he noted, has been funded by Saudi Arabian sources and has been named by the U.S. Justice Department as an unindicted co-conspirator connected to the “largest terror-funding trial in U.S. history, the Holy Land Foundation criminal prosecution.” He noted that the prosecution “achieved numerous convictions.”
Moreover, while CAIR-CAN associates assert their organization’s independence from the American group, with its own board of directors and Canadian incorporation, that claim was undercut by a former CAIR-CAN leader, Sheema Khan, Harris noted.
In 2003, Khan swore an affidavit for the Ontario Supreme Court in connection with a trademark dispute. In the affidavit Khan, Harris testified, Khan “states categorically that CAIR-CAN is under the direction and control of the American CAIR organization.” Moreover, Khan, while a senior official of CAIR-CAN, also served on the board of CAIR.
In this regard, considering this once close relationship between the Canadian and the American groups, it is surely worth noting that CAIR has often espoused radical views and publicly endorsed Islamic terrorist groups, including Hamas.
Point de Bascule, a Quebec-based Islamist watch group that does meticulous research, has demonstrated a “operating relationship” between the Hamas-front group, Islamic Association of Palestine, CAIR and CAIR-CAN (now conveniently renamed NCCM). Indeed, Point de Bascule says NCCM leaders “completely falsified history” when, in dropping the CAIR-CAN title, they claimed  “There was never any operating or funding relationship between CAIR.CAN and CAIR.”
The Quebec organization offers a detailed chronology of the operating relationship between a Hamas front group called Islamic Association of Palestine, CAIR and CAIR-CAN.

Read further details on the OTTAWA CITIZEN news report.


Muslims killing soldiers in Canada - Latest terror attack

Ottawa Citizen reports on NCCM threat of lawsuit against Canada PM - Jihad lawfare

More on NCCM lawsuit against PM Harper 
And on Canada's aid to the Palestinians.
PM Harper pledged $66 million for Palestinian Authority humanitarian activities, and an additional $250 million for Syrian refugees - many of the Palestinian - suffering from violence in the Syrian conflict.

The ideology behind NCCM
February 2014 - Current NCCM / CAIR-CAN Director Khadija Haffajee was on the Editorial advisory board of a magazine hailing the Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna as “a True Guide” - Read the shocking Al Banna's Manifesto.

Extensive references and news archive on NCCM/CAIR-CAN

Does NCCM have ties to Hamas (which is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood)?

US and Canada police team up with Islamists to produce a handbook

Grotesque -  National Post headline: It's been a tough week for Canadian Muslims

Islam in Canada - articles

Money Jihad - Canada

Creeping Sharia - Canada

2013 Survey shows Muslim population is fastest growing religion in Canada

The Muslim Brotherhood

Muslim Brotherhood Fact Sheet - In their own words

Muslim Brotherhood ties with the German Nazi regime and with US and British intelligence agencies.

Muslim brotherhood members and ousted Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi supporters protest in July 2013 in Cairo, Egypt. The Broherhood is facing a crackdown in Egypt following Hersi ouster by the military.Muslim Brotherhood has a significant presence in Canada
says study group, urging probe into the group.  Last month, British Prime Minister David Cameron ordered an investigation into the Brotherhood’s activities in the U.K. and alleged links to violence and extremism. In Canada, the government has not taken action directly against the Brotherhood.
Read more -

Terror in Jerusalem

Chaya Zisel Baron
The Muslim-friendly US administration dismisses the murder of a baby girl in Israel

The US State Department micromanages Israel pressuring against proper police action against ongoing Arab terror

Palestinian leaders eulogize terrorist who killed baby
Those endorsing the killing include "moderate" leaders, the partners for peace, who called the killer.a "hero".


The Religion of Peace

Islam commands the killing of those who oppose Islam

The greatest genocide ever has been perpetrated in the name of Islam
250 million non-Muslim murdered, and counting.


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