
Thursday, October 23, 2014

ANIMALS SMILING - Just looking at these pictures will brighten your day

This cheerful little doggie pauses outdoors to show off his smiley face, complete with his tongue out on show 


This dog can't help his happy expression, complete with tongue hanging out, as his owner holds him in the air during play time 
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This furry koala is beams widely while hanging onto a branch with a half-chewed eucalyptus leaf still visible on his tongue

This scaly orange lizard knows exactly how to pose as his picture is taken and his large head only  makes his smile appear even bigger

There's no denying this kitten is content as it snuggles into a blanket with her eyes closed and a cute expression

Hilarious: This happy dog is captured on camera while he is literally rolling on the floor laughing 

This smug-looking cat poses cheekily with her tray of sushi in the style of popular social media food posts 

And this dog left his friends behind to come over and pose for a cheeky pic with his tongue on show

Who says animals can't smile? This pair of chuckling parrots are definitely sharing a joke as they both smile for the camera

This kitty appears to be taking a 'selfie' as she lays back on a pillow with a satisfied smile on her face

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Photos - Pulptastic-London Media -  via Daily Mail



Spitting image: Camels have a reputation for being grumpy, but this one took delight in smiling for a selfie

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