
Monday, September 8, 2014


If you are puzzled as to why US government policy is often so erratic and acts contrary to American interests, you may want to focus on foreign donations to politicians (Muslim countries are the ones with deep pockets now), and powerful and well-funded US organizations, such as Muslim CAIR, influencing government policy. 
However, now you will have an additional about the health of American democracy:  foreign countries financing prestigious research institutions that are source of information and advice for the American government. 
By Daniel Greenfield

President+Obama+Delivers+Speech+Economy+Brookings+RGl0frzvk3nlThe government Internal Revenue Service (IRS) went after the Tea Party while foreign governments were buying liberal think tanks close to the administration and turning them into unregistered foreign agents lobbying for their agenda.
Qatar, the small but wealthy Middle East nation, agreed last year to make a $14.8 million, four-year donation to Brookings, which has helped fund a Brookings affiliate in Qatar and a project on United States relations with the Islamic world.
“If a member of Congress is using the Brookings reports, they should be aware — they are not getting the full story,” said Saleem Ali, who served as a visiting fellow at the Brookings Doha Center in Qatar, and who said he had been told during his job interview that he could not take positions critical of the Qatari government in papers.

But in 2012, when a revised agreement was signed between Brookings and the Qatari government, the Qatar Ministry of Foreign Affairs itself praised the agreement on its website, announcing that “the center will assume its role in reflecting the bright image of Qatar in the international media, especially the American ones.”
Brookings officials also acknowledged that they have regular meetings with Qatari government officials about the center’s activities and budget, and that the former Qatar prime minister sits on the center’s advisory board.
In their contracts and internal documents, however, foreign governments are often explicit about what they expect from the research groups they finance.
“We have to respect their academic and intellectual independence,” Mr. Otaka, the Japanese Embassy spokesman, said in a separate interview. But one Japanese diplomat, who asked not to be named as he was not authorized to discuss the matter, said the country expected favorable treatment in return for donations to think tanks.
“If we put actual money in, we want to have a good result for that money — as it is an investment,” he said.
And American policy is the actual commodity being sold.
Author Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam. He is completing a book on the international challenges America faces in the 21st century.
The compromised US mediator in the Israeli-Arab conflict
US Middle East envoy Martin Indyk is employed by the Brookings Institution - funded by Qatar -  thus destroying any credibility his participation may have had in the past.  As a matter of fact, he was found to be heavily biased towards the Muslims in the Jewish-Arab conflict.
Indyk, who served as US negotiator in the failed peace talks, has had his impartiality put into question before due to his position on the executive board of the radical-left New Israel Fund, which funds numerous anti-Israel NGOs. In May, Indyk was accused of engaging in a "nasty" anti-Israel tirade at a bar following an address to the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
Qatar has not only funded Hamas, but according to reports pushed the group to reject a ceasefire in the recent Operation Protective Edge and return to its terror war on Israeli citizens, threatening to expel Hamas politburo chief Khaled Mashaal if it didn't do so.
(The question remains, why would the Obama administration send someone with such biased background as Indyk to fairly mediate between Israel and the Arabs.)

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Qatar's influence
More on the disturbing influence of Qatar on the White House, American media, and as financer of terror groups, including ISIS. - News archive on this blog

On CAIR - another source of foreign influence on America
FBI found evidence of its links with terror but chose not to act under government orders.
The Justice Department has enough incriminating evidence to file terrorism charges against the Council on American-Islamic Relations and its founders but has chosen not to indict the Washington-based group and its leaders at this time, a veteran FBI agent reveals in a shocking new book.  “There is enough evidence to indict CAIR, but the government chose not to do so at this time,” said former FBI official John Guandolo, author of “Raising a Jihadi Generation: Understanding the Muslim Brotherhood Movement in America.”
Read more -


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