
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

WESTERN HYPOCRITICAL OUTRAGE OVER ISIS BRUTALITY - SAUDI ARABIA has beheaded at least 19 people in the month of August 2014 alone - And the White House sells $11 billion worth of weapons to Qatar, which sponsors terror

Why the outrage over ISIS beheadings, but none over other Muslim countries' routine practice of beheading?
The only difference between The Islamic State (ISIS) and other Muslim governments in the Middle East is that ISIS is on a conquering phase, while other governments are already established.  Those with stable tyrannies have already conditioned the population to accept the reality of Sharia Law, which includes stoning, beheadings, and cutting off limbs as punishments for violations of the law.  

If the population is subdued, those punishments are implemented only as needed. 
If there is an uprising, tyrants exercise all their power to quell the rebellion, with no consideration to international human rights standards, since they are never bound to them.   
Rebels in Syria have also perpetrated beheadings, and even cannibalism.  And yet, the West has sided with these characters just because they are challenging Assad.

Who can ever forget President Bush holding hands with the Saudi Arabia ruler, and President Obama bowing to him.

The White House recently concluded the sale of $11 billion worth of weapons to Qatar - a country practicing slavery and heavily involved in the financing of terror.
Saudi Arabia, long considered an ally of the United States, is - like all Muslim states - an apartheid country, with strict implementation of Sharia Law, and where women are treated worse than cattle.  

Photo by michelealfieri / 123RF
Saudi Arabia - Surge in executions
Human Rights Watch -  Saudi Arabia (a close ally of the West) has executed at least 19 people since August 4, 2014. Local news reports indicate that eight of those executed were convicted of nonviolent offenses, seven for drug smuggling and one for sorcery.
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White House sells $11 billion worth of weapons to Qatar, a country that sponsors terror
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White House cozy with Qatar, a country with atrocious record of human rights violations.

The usual in Saudi Arabia - Beheadings of eight Bangladeshi workers at Justice Square

More on Sharia Law
The traditional punishment for Islamic apostasy--leaving Islam for another religion or otherwise abandoning the Islamic faith--is death.
Because these offenses are mentioned in the Quran, committing them is considered an affront to God. They are:
Wine-drinking and, by extension, alcohol-drinking, punishable by flogging
Unlawful sexual intercourse, punishable by flogging for unmarried offenders and stoning to death for adulterers
False accusation of unlawful sexual intercourse, punishable by flogging
Theft, punishable by the amputation of a hand
Highway robbery, punishable by amputation, or execution if the crime results in a homicide.

Read more -

Islam and human rights

The myths of Islam


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