
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

US TO SEND TROOPS TO AFRICA TO HELP WITH EBOLA OUTBREAK - WHILE US BORDERS REMAIN UNGUARDED - Filmmaker crosses border with fake ebola and ricin as evidence. James O'Keefe previously crossed border undisturbed disguised as Osama Bin Laden.

O'Keefe last made headlines by donning an Osama bin Laden Halloween mask and army fatigues to show how easy it would be for a terrorist to sneak into Texas by wading across the Rio Grande from Mexico

LA Times - United States and Britain are sending troops and equipment to West Africa to help curb the spread of Ebola.
World Health Organization warns that the outbreak is outstripping the capacity to respond in one of the worst-hit countries.

Photo:  Filmmaker James O'Keefe crossed the US border twice, undisturbed, first disguised as an Osama Bin Laden lookalike crossing from Mexico, and then as an ISIS operative in black uniform carrying ricin and ebola germs from the Canadian border.

The military forces will build treatment facilities in Liberia and Sierra Leone to help care for victims of the virus, which has killed more than 2,000 people since it was detected in March.

President Obama said that the U.S. military will help set up isolation units and equipment for the public health workers arriving in West Africa from around the world, before it can turn into a serious danger to the US. 
The military does not plan to have a permanent presence at the facility, which will be turned over to the Liberian government once it has been set up, the Pentagon said in a statement. But it will ensure that supplies are maintained at the hospital and will provide the periodic support needed to keep it functioning for up to 180 days.

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US borders poorly guarded - anything and anybody can sneak into the United States:  terrorists and WMDs

Filmmaker shows 'Ebola-infected ISIS terrorist' sneaking across Lake Erie from Canada to Cleveland – and into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame – without being challenged once.
  • Conservative filmmaker's latest provocation shows lax security on America's northern border
  • James O'Keefe filmed a play-acting black-clad jihadi with a British accent carrying fake ricin and pretend Ebola across Lake Erie and into Cleveland
  • He managed to disembark, walk to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame carrying a duffel bag, and enter the building without anyone challenging him
  • UK citizens can enter Canada without a visa; James Foley's executioner was believed to be a Brit
  • 'The only coast guard vessels we saw were tied up at their docks,' O'Keefe told MailOnline; one boat captain said he has never seen Border Patrol on the waters
  • The right-wing documentarian's latest work follows an August video that showed 'Osama bin Laden' sneaking into Texas from Mexico 

  • In the film, a dressed-up Islamist militant character points to the freshwater supply intake that he plans to use as a ricin delivery vehicle
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    Photos - Project Veritas, Daily Mail

    Photo (right):  James O'Keefe on the US border with Canada disguised as ISIS terrorist carrying infectious WMDs

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