
Monday, September 29, 2014

THE BIG EXTINCTION - HALF OF THE WORLD'S WILD ANIMALS HAVE DISAPPEARED IN THE LAST 40 YEARS due to human destruction of habitat, poaching, and other practices - Overpopulation has turned humans into a parasitic outbreak that is destroying life on Earth, say scientists

Endangered: There are only around 3,200 tigers left in the wild - the predators' numbers have declined by a huge 97 per cent in the last 100 years
Murdered to make medicine for the Chinese
Mankind's need for land and resources, combined with hunting and poaching, are causing our wild animals to die out 
  • Wildlife populations around the globe have declined by 52 per cent on average since 1970, a new report has found
  • The likes of forest elephants, African lions and tigers are under threat, as well as British harbour seals and birds
  • Lion numbers dropped 90 per cent in 40 years, tigers by 97 per cent in 100 years and elephants 60 per cent since 2002

  • The authors compiled data on 10,380 animal populations, including 3,038 different species, as an index to judge how global wildlife is faring as a whole.  It shows that British animals have not escaped the global decline. The audit, which is published every two years, found that 90 per cent of corn buntings, a bird once often seen perched on fences, have disappeared from our countryside.

    Worldwide problem: Fewer than 100,000 forest elephants now remain, as their numbers have dropped by 60 per cent in just 12 years
    Massacred to harvest their ivory for trinkets for the Asian market.
    Elephants will be extinct in the wild in one or two decades.
    Orphans are left traumatized after seeing their families murdered.

    Under the sea: The threat to our wildlife is not just limited to land animals - the short-nosed common dolphin is also dying out
    Short nose common dolphin dying out 
    Threatened: There are just 10,000 mating female leatherback turtles left because of commercial fishing nets
    Leatherback turtles dying out
    It makes no sense  for activists to agitate for pro-environmental policies when they remain peculiarly SILENT about our unsustainable growth in human population.  We can't continue to reproduce at this rate and still save the planet. 
    But how can we honestly address any of our environmental problems without even mentioning our reproductive rate, which has been out of control for a long time.   Science writer David Quammen on his book SPILLOVER presents the scientific facts demonstrating that the our out-of-control human population growth is clearly a species outbreak.  He quotes entomologist Alan A. Berryman, who defined an outbreak like this:

    "From an ecological point of view an outbreak can be defined as an explosive increase in the abundance of a particular species that occurs over a relative short time.  

    "From this perspective, the most serious outbreak on the planet earth is that of the species Homo sapiens."


    The numbers support his assertion. 

    • From our beginning as a species 200,000 years ago until 1804 the population rose to ONE billion. 
    • Between 1804 to 1927 it rose to TWO billion. 
    • By 1960 we were THREE billion. 
    • By 2011 we were SEVEN billions.
    • We are adding 70 million people every year.   

    Every new human will need food, water, housing, furniture, the farming of cattle and other animals for food, which in turn will have to be fed while they produce enormous amounts of waste.   We are simply exhausting the planet and its limited resources.   To the exploitation of the environment and out-of-control pollution, we need to include the creation of monster technologies, such as nuclear power, genetic engineering, overuse of antibiotics, and the many extreme sciences that have no respect for Earth's billions of years old web of life.

    Parasites often kill the host.  And that is exactly what humans are doing to planet Earth. 

    Humans are a plague, said Nature documentary presenter and writer David Attenborough.
    David Attemborough - PBS photo
    “We are a plague on the Earth. It’s coming home to roost over the next 50 years or so. It’s not just climate change; it’s sheer space, places to grow food for this enormous horde. Either we limit our population growth or the natural world will do it for us, and the natural world is doing it for us right now.” 
    Read more
    World Population Statistics

    The endangered dolphins -

    2012 - Baby leatherback turtles die in their thousands in Trinidad blunder
    Botched operation to move river mouth leaves thousands of eggs and young crushed or eaten by predators


    At least 100,000 elephants massacred in only three years

    Muslim terrorists poaching elephants to fund their activities


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