
Monday, September 8, 2014

SATIRE - THERE IS NO MILITARY SOLUTION TO NAZI GERMANY - (This is what the Israeli left would say about the German Nazis. And in fact, this is exactly what they say now regarding Palestinian genocidal violence.)

Satire by PreOccupied Territory

Supposedly written by a member of Israel's ultra-left Meretz party, favored by academics living in their ivory tower.  Meretz supports not only the partition of Israel for the creation of another Arab terror state, but also the empowering of Arabs living in Israel to the detriment of the Jews. 
Their idealized world view is unencumbered by real life, real terror, and real hate on the part of the Arabs.  It's as if none of that existed. 
Let's imagine a Meretz Party member caught up in a time warp at the time of the Nazi party rule in Germany.  (Blogger)

So, this is what she would write:

I’m Telling You, There’s No Military Solution To Nazi Germany

Nazi flag
Flag displayed by Palestinians
You’re not going to hear this from your right-wing government, but as a member of the Opposition it’s my job to confront everyone with the unpleasant truth: despite the Allies’ superior military capacity, there is no military solution to the Nazi conquest of Europe.
I am aware of the outrage this assertion will generate, given what we know about Nazi ideology and practices. But we must be realistic: you can’t solve every problem by force.
Occupation is wrong 
Even if the Allies invade Europe and occupy territory, all that means is assuming responsibility for millions and millions of people who will then live under Allied occupation – and occupation, I need not tell you, is the root of all evil.
Even if the Nazis suffer an initial defeat on the battlefield, who is to say they will not remain underground, regroup, and fight a guerrilla war with the support of the local population?
Allied reprisals will turn the people against them, and the Allies will end up pouring more and more resources into suppressing the guerrillas, which will simply escalate the cycle of violence. Don’t we all want to avoid that?
Let's give Hitler some nice concessions.  They will moderate his attitude.
A better approach than the massive loss of life that an invasion would entail is offering Hitler some plum concessions. Give the Nazis something to lose and they’ll moderate their attitude. It’s really only because Germany has been oppressed for so long that they’re making trouble.
The militaristic narrative of our current government makes people deaf to the legitimate grievances that Germany has.
The Germans have some legitimate grievances
Has anyone seriously considered the merits of the Nazis’ arguments that they were stabbed in the back during the Great War? If you let go of your right-wing ideological blinders and take an objective, compassionate look, you’ll see that not a centimeter of German territory was taken during the war. Naturally, they feel they suffered penalties and humiliations out of proportion to the military defeat. Who wouldn’t?
Too bad they are taking out their frustrations on the Jews
And you and I might find Nazi antisemitism unpleasant, but they need someone to blame for their misfortunes – and we can’t have people believing their troubles are their own doing. That simply will not do.
Well, except for the Jews.  So a negotiated solution is the only solution. A final one.
Not so far fetched, actually.  Palestinians collaborated with Hitler during the Nazi years, and have continued to eulogize Hitler and to uphold Nazi genocidal ideology throughout the post-war decades.  Palestinian militia makes the Nazi salute, and they often display the Nazi flag.  To say nothing of their propaganda, that is so anti-Semitic, that it would make Goebbels blush.

See for yourself:  Palestinian Media Watch -


  • B - Timeline showing the connection between Arab nationalism and European fascism
  • C - Photos & Documents - Minutes of meeting of Palestinian leader with Hitler, and photos of Muslim Nazi troops with their Palestinian leader, the Mufti of Jerusalem

  • D - Research Study - The Nazis and the Palestinian Movement
  • E - Palestinian admiration for Hitler and Nazism - News Archive, Pal Media Watch
  • F - Palestinian official admits they supported Hitler during World War II
  • G - Arab Muslim NAZISM - Documentation and links

    The Mufti of Jerusalem in conference with Hitler planning the Final Solution
    Palestinian students Nazi salute at a rally at Al Quds university in Jerusalem. 
    Nazi flag
    So, as you see, the parallels between the German Nazis and the Palestinians have a strong base in history and in current Palestinian genocidal ideology and goals

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