
Friday, September 26, 2014

PHOTOS OF MYSTERIOUS LAVA CAVES UNDER WASHINGTON STATE - Hundreds of feet underground and stretching for more than two miles

WHAT LIES BENEATH - Stretching for more than two miles and hundreds of feet underground, these are the stunning networks of caves buried under Washington, US.   The spectacular tubes display a kaleidoscope of colours - formed more than 8,000 years ago by lava flows stacking on top of each other inside a deep canyon. 
Going underground: Josh Hydeman captured this incredible photo of a network of caves tunnelling beneath Washington
Photographer Josh Hydeman, 33, explored the breathtaking formation, which is 325ft below the ground, with fellow adventurers Eric Guth, Garry Petrie and Jason George.

What lies beneath: The colourful network of caves stretch for more than two miles under Washington state
 The colourful network of caves stretch for more than two miles under Washington state
Josh, from Portland, Oregon, said: 'The cave was first mapped in 1993 - we found out about it through a grotto which is the name of a caving club.  On the west coast all cave locations are kept secret so access is gained by word of mouth.  For this cave you can actually drive almost to the very entrance - plenty of other caves require long hikes but not this one.
'It's a very unique lava cave as most are one level or one tube but this is five.  And it's colourful with bright enough lights. At points in the cave there are water drips, season streams, seasonal waterfalls and things like that.
The temperature is in the 50s(f).  The cave has its dangers. There are places you need to climb on rock which is unstable and there are many pits you need to navigate using technical rope work where an inexperienced explorer could most certainly kill themselves.'
Incredible images: The towering structures are buried deep underground and formed thousands of years ago. Right, Eric Guth exploring the caves
Incredible images: The towering structures are buried deep underground and formed thousands of years ago
Beautiful formations: The rocks - explored by Eric Guth - formed hundreds of feet underground after lava layers built in a deep canyon
Beautiful formations: The rocks - explored by Eric Guth - formed hundreds of feet underground after lava layers built in a deep canyon
It is believed the cave system under Washington was first explored by children after loggers discovered it
It is believed the cave system under Washington was first explored by children after loggers discovered it
See more pictures

More on amazing caves on this blog
Also in Washington State - Seattle underground city


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