
Monday, September 8, 2014

MORE INCIDENTS OF BLACK-ON-WHITE VIOLENCE IN AMERICA - The deliberate media and government coverup of an endemic problem

Black Gang Beats White Couple in Missouri After Sexually Harassing Woman
Police in Springfield, Missouri released shocking surveillance footage of a gang of six black males viciously attacking a man and his girlfriend in a driveway near a downtown nightclub.
The woman, Meredith Cole, told police she was sexually harassed outside the club by several of the black males on August 22. She quickly went inside to retrieve her boyfriend, Alex Vassey, a DJ at the Outland Ballroom. The pair then went outside to see if they could identify any of the harassers.
Once out on the street, a gang of six black youths snuck up behind them and started attacking the couple, beating them in their faces and kicking Vassey after he was knocked to the ground. The video clearly shows Vassey being viciously assaulted, as well as showing the young woman being punched in the face and knocked to the ground twice.

Read more about these incidents, and about the Knockout Game where whites are hit at random for the fun of it.  Additional links to articles on this problem.
The victims were both sent to the hospital and treated for multiple contusions, bruises, and cuts. Cole also suffered a fractured ankle.

Watch video -

Gang of Black Teens Beats White Memphis Grocery Store Employee into Unconsciousness
Late on Saturday night, a mob of black teens swarmed a Kroger grocery store in Memphis, Tennessee and proceeded to beat two store employees and one customer to the ground.
Police reported they had received a September 6 surveillance video showing the swarm of black teens pushing, punching and kicking the young store employees at the entrance to the store.
According to Memphis police, the group emerged from a restaurant in the same strip mall and immediately attacked a 25-year-old man as he left his car in the parking lot and headed for the grocery store.
Two grocery store employees ran to the man's aide, and the black mob attacked them as well, brutally beating all three victims into unconsciousness.   Police report that the crowd of up to 20 teens were laughing and yelling "fan mob." 
All three victims were treated on the scene and refused transportation to the hospital.
Video taken by customers on the scene attest to the viciousness of the attack. It shows screaming, joking, laughing black members of the mob attacking and kicking a white Kroger employee lying immobile on the ground.


The near lynching of white driver Steve Utash by black mob

The black-American betrayal of Jews who worked hard for black civil rights, and even gave their lives for the cause. 
The name of Jewish founder of NAACP has been erased for being Jewish. 
Black pogroms against Jews in America.

The Knockout Game of random black on white violence

Black mobs routinely terrorize cities across the United States, but the media and government are silent.

Expert:  Unable to ignore it any longer, [the media] play it down – especially the racial aspects of it, because that may put our black president, his black attorney general and all those black and liberal white lawyers in Holder’s civil rights division in a bad light because they aren’t investigating what appears to be serial hate crime.

As WND reported, Holder’s DOJ actually has acted upon the Knockout Game, bringing up hate-crime charges in only one case: that of Conrad Alvin Barrett of Katy, Texas, a white man who targeted a black victim in December.
Read more

Media silent over black-on-white violence in the United States

Blacks beating up Jews - Brooklyn councilwoman blames Jews
Brooklyn Councilwoman Laurie Cumbo blamed the recent ‘knockout game’ attacks in her district on the growth and succsess of the Jewish Community. In a Facebook post she says, “Many of her black constituents told her they feel threatened by the growth of the neighborhood’s Jewish community.”
Read more -

(Editor’s note: Colin Flaherty has done more reporting than any other journalist on what appears to be a nationwide trend of skyrocketing black-on-white crime, violence and abuse. WND features these reports to counterbalance the virtual blackout by the rest of the media due to their concerns that reporting such incidents would be inflammatory or even racist. WND considers it racist not to report racial abuse solely because of the skin color of the perpetrators or victims. Videos linked or embedded may contain foul language and violence.)
World Net Daily writer Colin Flaherty's archive to March 2014 on Black on White violence in the United States and the Knockout Game

Forbidden topic
This blog's archive on black and Muslim racism against whites and Jews


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