
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

ISRAELI POLITICIANS LISTENING TO A DIFFERENT DRUMMER - THE GAZA WAR CEASEFIRE - Disastrous policies and decisions and a puzzling mindset - September 3, 2014

This blog is starting a new series which will feature news from Israel, with particular focus on policies and decisions made by people in power that have detrimental impact on the country, and that cannot be explained by logic.  All we can say is that they demonstrate a serious flaw in the most basic sense of survival and often in a sense of self-respect as well.

The past 50 years or so have shocked Israelis by the utter lack of wisdom of political decisions.  They are not just ordinary political blunders.  They have profoundly and irreparably eroded Israel's sovereignty, security, and even the country's viability. 

Today's outline:
The dreadful economic cost and consequences for Israel of Gaza military blunders and ceasefire
The recent war in Gaza resulted in complete disaster for Israel.  More than 70 soldiers and civilians lost their lives - all for nothing.  No, let me rephrase that.  All for the empowerment of Palestinians. 
Mr Netanyahu produced a legal opinion which stated that a vote on the Gaza ceasefire was not necessary
PM Netanyahu
If we turn our eyes away for a moment from the mesmerizing view of rubble on Gaza streets and human shield casualties, what we have is much more empowered Palestinian movement, with money and goodwill pouring over Gaza, while Israel having to cope with a war cost of $2.5 BILLION dollars and Jewish refugees from the Gaza Belt.
It gets worse.  Although the IDF claims to have destroyed all the terror tunnels, it has downsized its presence along the border with Gaza, to the point where indignant Israelis residents of that area are reluctant to return to their homes.  Hamas is still in power.  Still armed.  And making demands like a victor.

In short:  Israel lost more than 70 lives, spent at least $2.5 billion dollars, and faces the relocation of a significant number of Israelis to safer zones, because the government will not protect them.


The war cost $2.5 billion, says Minister Yaalon.

Defense ministry demands $20 billion for additional costs

Sharp budget cuts to pay for war costs

The Economist:  Israeli economic star begins to wane - Cause: the Gaza incursion


Gaza Belt - Soldiers left without notice

NO LESSONS LEARNED - Let's do more withdrawals

Prime Minister talks of reopening "peace" (partition) talks
If abandoning Gaza brought terror, surrendering Judea and Samaria will bring peace - or so he appears to think.

Iran arming West Bank - Let's give the Palestinians a state


PM Netanyahu's precipitous drop in popularity - from 82% to 38% between the start of the war and the ceasefire.

Cabinet in revolt over Israeli ceasefire that accomplishes nothing


Support for Hamas in Gaza skyrockets

If an election were held today, Palestinians would strongly vote for Hamas in Gaza, and by a smaller percentage in the Palestinian Authority in Judea and Samaria (West Bank)

A multi-billion dollar media blitz of demonization of Israel
 that cost the Palestinians nothing.

FORMER AP CORRESPONDENT IN ISRAEL DENOUNCES THE MEDIA for deliberately hiding facts and turning coverage into a weapon against Israel


Martin Sherman's analysis of the War on Gaza

Incredible -

Unfit to govern? -


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