
Wednesday, September 10, 2014


By Aaron Klein
Precision weapon deployed with devastating effect before cease-fire. 
imageAugust 29, 2014 - In the week leading up to Tuesday’s cease-fire announcement, Hamas deployed an alarming new weapon: Russian-manufactured mortars with accurate GPS capabilities.
Senior Egyptian security officials say Hamas purchased the precision mortars from rebels who looted Muammar Gadhafi’s reserves after the Libyan strongman was toppled by a U.S.-NATO campaign in 2011.
The rebels also reportedly acquired thousands of shoulder-launched surface-to-air missiles, or MANPADS, said to be capable of downing passenger jets.
The security officials said the mortars, believed to number in the hundreds, were smuggled into Gaza during the administration of Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood leader who served as Egyptian president until being deposed in July 2013.
The GPS-driven mortars defy Israel’s Iron Dome and proved to be devastating in the last week, said the officials. On Tuesday alone, 12 mortars were fired at the Eshkol region outside of Gaza, scoring direct hits and killing one civilian while injuring seven, two of whom were critically wounded. Two days earlier, mortars scores direct hits at the Erez Crossing area, injuring four civilians.
Tuesday, Israel and the Palestinians agreed to a broad longer-term cease-fire. The truce calls for an end to Hamas attacks and Israel Defense Force strikes and the opening of Israel’s border with Gaza to more humanitarian goods.
The Gaza-Egypt border is to be gradually reopened under the supervision of the Palestinian Authority, which will take responsibility for ensuring against weapons smuggling. Also, Israel agreed to extend a so-called fishing zone off Gaza’s coast to six miles from three miles.
The truce calls for the discussion of broader issues in the near future, including the release in Israel of hundreds of Hamas prisoners and Hamas requests for an airport and seaport. Israel is demanding the demilitarization of the Gaza Strip, possibly under an international mechanism. 
Although the above mentioned Russian missiles were acquired by Hamas from other Arab groups, relations between Russia and Israel have been affected by Russia's long-time support for Arab terrorists, including Palestinians.  This went on during the Soviet years, and after the breakup of the Soviet empire as well.
Israel and Russia have been at war in the past. Russian forces were prepared to attack Israel during the 1967 war, when Arab countries almost destroyed Israel.   During the Yom Kippur war of 1973, Israel captured Russian pilots.
The Russians Were Coming:
The Soviet Military Threat to Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War
Editor’s Summary: New evidence reveals that during the 1967 Six-Day War the Soviet Union set in motion military operations to assist Egypt and especially Syria, first in seeking to overcome Israel and then in response to Israel's pre-emptive attack.
These potential steps included a naval landing, airborne reinforcement and air support for ground operations. Action was aborted at the last minute due, among other factors, to a firm US response and dissension among Soviet leaders in Moscow.
The Soviets nurtured and armed Muslim terrorists
April 2014 - Putin defies Obama in Syria as Russian arms flow lifts Assad

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